Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Have you heard of Judgepedia? Think Wikipedia, but with information about judges from around the country. There's a page for the Eighth Judicial District Court. There are a lot of empty pages, so if you have the scoop, contribute!

My personal favorite is for former judge Elizabeth Halverson. It's very thorough. There's even a You Tube video.


  1. Elizabeth Halverson - the personification of the Eight Judicial District Court of Nevada. Bloated, inefficient, incompetent, arbitrary, decaying, in need of repair.

  2. I think I just threw up in my mouth.

  3. ,,,and with the South Entrance closed!

  4. VOTE for Pedro, I mean Troy Fox!


    Although some look like a re-election advertisement for some of the members of the bench with a clear need for some more objective contributions.

  6. Many Eighth District judges could have listings on as well.

  7. "There will be no bargain, young Jedi. I shall enjoy watching you die."

    ~Elizabeth Halverson (translated from Huttese)

  8. @ 10:48 That is hilarious.

  9. I was not an attorney when Halverson was elected nor did I ever appear before her (I was admitted in '08). I have only read about her craziness and falling asleep on the bench. Based on what I read, it seems as though this trainwreck could have been easily foreseen.

    Will someone please explain how someone with almost no experience as a lawyer was elected to be a district court judge? Seriously, I'd like for someone who was around to witness the process to explain this.

    For that matter, how did Judge Miley ever get elected?

  10. @3:37 - voters don't care and they think, oh, I will pick this lady.

  11. @ 3:37


    (apparently, Dark Magic).

  12. Who did Halverson run against?

  13. @4:20 Didn't you ready the FUC&ING PAGE???????????????

  14. @5:14,

    It wasn't included in the judgepedia site, numbnuts. But in case 4:20 still wants to know, she defeated Bill Henderson in 2006 by 2000 votes. In 2008, she ran against Stephany Miley and came in 3rd in the primary.

  15. To her credit, she busted her tail on the campaign circuit. I'd bet she put a thousand miles on that trusty rascal gladhanding her way through every VFW, Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, Moose, Elk, Daughters of the Confederacy, Knights of Columbus, Nambla, and Italian-American social club meeting from here to Boulder City.

  16. And somehow Halverson got the RJ endorsement which made the difference...

  17. @6:57 PM

    twasa joke, d-bag. You must be an older person so I'll take it easy on you.

  18. Halverson got elected for two very simple (yet stupid) reasons. She is a woman and she was 1st on the ballot. Our wonderful Clark County votes.

    Hard worker or not, she was terrible in interviews and at campaign events. She was vain and vulgar. She got what she deserved and the Family Court bench is lucky to have Bill Henderson.

  19. I just realized you must have read the entire posting. loser. Either that or you're a liar. You pick.

  20. @8:34,

    Or I know how to search pages quickly. Ctrl-F. Google with a site: query. Take your pick.

    Damn, you're dumb. Shouldn't you be studying to fail the bar again?

  21. @ 7:33

    NAMBLA! Loved how you snuck that in there (and no one noticed). But seriously, that lady was everywhere. I remember seeing her at the After the Bar Social sitting on a sofa like Jaba the Hut. Prior to that point, I had no idea she could walk.

  22. How did Miley get elected? She didn't run against anyone worthy. Blonde bimbo.... She looked better than the other guy. Good reason huh? Thx voters.

  23. That's ok Mileys days are numbered. She wouldn't be voted in again with all the crap that has gone on this past year. I heard she got pregnant as an excuse for when she doesn't run again or the judical board gets wind of all her crap. her and her husband are such losers.

  24. @7:03,

    She ran against Halverson and a crooked ex-gambler who declared BK to avoid paying back $2 mill. Las Vegans will forgive their candidates for all sorts of things, but welching on your gambling debts ain't one of 'em. It was pretty much Miley by default.

  25. Drunk, fat and stupid is no way to go through life.


    Dean Wormer.
