Tuesday, July 20, 2010

RJC Snitches Get Stitches

Apparently, the higher-ups didn't appreciate the RJ's recent article concerning flaws with the RJC security camera system. So, what's a whistleblower to do when the passive-aggressive emails start flying? Send the emails to the RJ, of course.

It all started when Chief District Judge T. Arthur Ritchie Jr. "chastised" Judge Susan Johnson - who chairs the courthouse security committee - for talking to the RJ about the camera issue:
"I assume you meant well, but you were specifically told that you were not authorized to address this issue for the court," Ritchie wrote. "I am disappointed that you would take it upon yourself to address this issue in this way. ... We will see whether your approach makes this better or worse for the court."
Uh oh. Chief Ritchie is "disappointed," but SJ wasn't about to take Ritchie's little lecture lying down:
Johnson responded that, "You never informed me I was not authorized to address this issue for the court. Your response was ... that you would 'handle this,' which you did not do. Further, while I respect your role as chief judge, you have no authority to instruct me or any district judge that he or she cannot speak to the media without your consent."
Snap! Beautiful and feisty - how bout them apples, Chief?

Next, Chief Justice of the Peace Ann Zimmerman jumped into the "Reply All" pool to defend her fellow Chief:
"I believe that your interview further compromised security at the RJC by exposing potential weaknesses to those who may wish to do harm to our judges and/or the public at the RJC," Zimmerman wrote [to Johnson]. "I believe you had good intentions, but the outcome is otherwise."
"[T]he outcome is otherwise?" That can't be right, can it?

Judge Doug Smith then decided to go ALL CAPS on everyone's ass:
"In the future, please do not disclose our safety to the newspapers. I don't feel comfortable with that disclosure."

When one judge [taking bets on who] responded with a simple "?", Smith wrote back in capital letters: "THIS IS IN REGARDS TO THE NEWSPAPER PERSON ALLOWED INTO OUR BACK OFFICES AND THE BAD PRESS WE RECEIVED. WHO APPROVED THE RELEASE(?)"

Judge Cadish also had some thoughts:
"I too was extremely disturbed to read in the paper about exactly what cameras around the courthouse don't have the view they should have because they're blocked by trees or otherwise out of position. I do think it can easily put us at risk."
By "us," Cadish of course meant all the employees and visitors in the RJC, right? She wasn't just talking about the robed ones who already have private security guards ... right?

SJ defended herself by noting that by speaking to the RJ she "in fact, made the story less negative than it would have been."

We look forward to the next email thread from the judges explaining how organizing a witch hunt instead of just fixing the security problem made the story more positive.

(LVRJ; Thanks Tipsters!)


  1. Judge Johnson. Doable?

  2. My guess is that the "?" must have come from Judge Walsh.

  3. This is a classic example of what whistle-blower protection statutes are for. In a public sector environment, with a captive clientele and without the pressure of a competitive market, the natural inclination of public sector management is to deny a problem exists and to interpret any notice of a problem as an attack. If the management of public buildings were contracted out to multiple for profit operators with the understanding that they are all subject to having their contracts shifted to each other when one outperforms another, instead of running around like a 1950's Information Commissar saying there is nothing wrong and shooting those who point out otherwise, they'd hack the damn tree down and move a few cameras. When I worked in the hotel industry, we had a name for managers who functioned like the RJC does - unemployed.

  4. This is the classic example of Another judge who is screaming for attention. The posting is absolutely correct. The general public could care less about the RJC and the Judiciary.

    That's why we're always getting such shitty judges. No one takes the time to look into who they're voting for. News flash Judge: Contacting the RJ does not really make you important or relevant.

  5. All I care about is that BK hottie is safe and unmolested by terrorism or any other untoward behavior.

  6. I think its ridiculous we have 43 district court judges (25 downtown and 18 at family court, with more on the way) and no one in charge of them.

    What's the point of having a "chief judge" if they are all going to go running around acting independently, squawking about how none of the other judges have any authority over them.

    Serious case of robe-itis over there.

  7. You will respect my authori-tay!

  8. A nice reminder that our judiciary is a joke. Petty, small-minded tyrants in robes. Truly disappointing. I need to figure a way to keep my butt in Fed court all the time. I can't even stomach going to RJC any longer. Oh, and nice touch that our email happy judges can't find the resources to re-open the south entrance. Assholes.

  9. 8:17

    About 10-15 years ago, Susan Holland-Johnson (as she was then known) was doable. Now? Not so much.

    Miley is still doable.

  10. @11:15,

    EDCR 1.30 FAIL.

    A Chief judge shovels shit from one department to another, and supervises administrative personnel. He can give the other judges assignments, or delegate his duties to them, but he does not have the authority to prevent other judges from speaking with the media. (Although he can designate a judge to be a media liason.)

    Don't like it? Take it up with the NV constitution. Judges are liable to voters and their professional obligations. Anyone else can suck it.

  11. Thanks SJ at 2:21

  12. How about the chief judge "assign" Johnson to shut her mouth.

  13. @1:01P

    ref Miley as "doable"

    Miley is preggers. VERY preggers as in about 5 months.

    Guess the reconciliation was hot, hot, HOT.

  14. So who is this BK girl? At least a hint or two?

  15. 3:26 PM - I just pitched a tent! Who do I bill for the project time involved in gearing up my imagination for the Miley reconciliation night of animal love?

    Oh, baby, slap me! Hard. Harder. Beat me like a dog.

  16. Ugh, it's new law clerk season at the RJC. I fucking hate that. Nothing but grief for a month while the newbies work the sticks out of their asses.

  17. @6:13,

    Why would there be new law clerks kicking around the RJC? What psycho judge starts their clerk before the Bar? (Whether the clerk is a recent grad or not, my understanding was the start dates were always in August.)

  18. @7:40, please move back to NY or CA or whatever "hiring cycle" state you're from.

  19. I think most of the clerks have not started yet and I would agree that most new clerks would start after the bar. This is the current clerks' coast month before the harsh reality of practice, or unemployment as the case may be, sets in.

  20. i'm sort of digging the colombian BK hottie lately

  21. Wow Jordan. Good stuff. Some free market principles at work. I love it.

    I wonder if Miley got choked like a puppy. Just a little fetishism got out of control, mebbe?

    I will let you know about the BK Hottie tomorrow. She's blonde and definitely NOT columbian. Is there yet another Latina BK Hottie??

  22. @8:00,

    I'm a native. Nearly everyone who went to law school with me who clerked in Nevada had a start date in August or, less commonly, September. It was the same whether you were talking about federal or state clerkships. The rare exceptions were those "temporary" clerkships that opened mid-term because something happened to the existing clerk. Even those clerkships went until the following July/August.

    If you're talking about career clerks, I see no reason why July would see any more new clerks than any other month. If you're talking about summer interns, then just suck it up, deal with it, and don't hate on the puppies.

  23. susan holland johnson wants you to suck her dick. Good boy

  24. I think BK hottie is a hooker who got lost looking for Bucky Buchanan. Someone needs to tell her he's dead and she can go back to work now.

  25. SJ is doable! Good God! The woman is an attractive 50. Leave her alone. SJ attempted to head off a potentially nasty article. I consider it unethical of the RJ to print specific threat information on a place that they depend on for information. I doubt SJ or anyone else will speak to hem again. Sadly, the RJC Administration/The Powers That Be would prefer to ignore problems rather than deal with them. They have long been advised of dangerous conditions within and around the RJC but have elected not to do anything about it. It really comes down to money. Admin will continue with their head in the sand mentality until there are dead bodies in the Canyon. Then, they will feign shock and grief, wondering aloud how that could have happened. The price paid will be much higher then as opposed to dealing with the issues now.

  26. Those dead bodies in the canyon were people waiting for the elevator.

  27. I think the Chief was out of line, issuing edicts about who can talk to who. It irks me that good judges become chiefs over there and then turn into tyrants. The last I looked, they all had to be elected by the people (all fourteen who actually voted). I hope the next chief has some actual administration talents and not just an ego in need of a boost.

  28. 10:34 AM - Don't hold your breath.

  29. Firm and dripping at the thought of preggo Miley.

  30. dont we have cameras on our cell phones now?? Its time to snap a picture of the BK hottie!!

  31. Screw the BK hottie...I saw a Latina hottie at RJC today!

  32. As the official BK maker geek. There are now 2 BK hotties. Both blonde, both sportin micro skirts. Ya'll need to see it to believe it.

  33. 6:47...are you sure the BK hotties aren't hookers? sounds like it to me.....micro skirts in court?

  34. 6:47 PM - I saw! I believe!!

  35. 1:50 PM - My poor wife is saddle sore thanks to that skirt.

  36. While these judges are bickering over who is in charge, the marshals at the front gate can't even get the county to put in a basic lexan shield to protect them from the initial shots of an active shooter. The Lt. and his clowns went to the photo-op with Harry Reid where promises were made to get the marshals the added security that they needed and six months later..... nothing.

    Another day at the RJC - it's like Reno 911 indoors.
