Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

Let's see if we can get through just one of these without a single mention of T.F. or BK Hottie ... think we can do it?


  1. Troy Fox did the BK Hottie?

  2. A buddy of mine works at Marquis Aurbach. He told me that they just handed everybody in the firm a check and said have a good weekend. no explanation or announcement, just a check. He wouldn't tell me how much so I don't think it was huge money, but hey, its all good

  3. Has anyone found out what happened at ME (formerly MEC?) Or do we care?

  4. My firm does that every friday.

  5. In all of these articles I cannot believe that no one has mentioned Marina Kolias! She is probably the worst lawyer in town! I cannot believe she has not been disbarred! If you use her, do NOT believe a word she says. If you are waiting for a settlement check, don't hold your breath!! Horrible woman......

  6. Ahh, a pissed off ex-client. It's been a while since we saw one of them on WWL. So, let me guess. Marina wouldn't answer your phone calls, took days to return messages, and your settlement check took over a week? Horrible. She should be disbarred.

  7. Wow, WWL is starting to go mainsteam enough to attract non-legal readers. Way to go WWL!

  8. My firm is so great that they deposit a check electronically for me every other Friday. I don't even have to go to the bank! Suck on that MA employees.

  9. You all work on Fridays? My money gets deposited and I don't even have to be there.

    Sent from my Crackberry. I can't live without WWL Friday Open Thread.

  10. 8:51 is a filthy savage. I wouldn't return your calls either.

  11. @ 8:56. Obviously you are an attorney making that assumption because only ex clients would complain about their lawyer, correct? Not an ex client. Just know her personally.

  12. What century are you all in?? Doesn't everyone get, as it is called, DIRECT DEPOSIT??

  13. @ 8:51 = BOTTOM FEEDER

  14. 10:14 - I can't say if everyone has direct deposit, but clearly not everyone has a sense of humor.

  15. Has ATMS started paying its associates yet?

    One day guys, one day you too will get a check.

  16. @8:51 I used her, and I believed everything she told me...It was awesome!!!

    Oh, were you talking about for legal services? I didn't use her for those.

    (access word: panti) doubly awesome

  17. Lady Lawyers with outstanding shoes - 60% off sale at Manolo. Contact Phillip Pincock at the store in the Wynn for more info (he can email you the list of the shoes).

  18. This kind of got lost in last week's open thread, but have you seen Dayvid Figler's wiki page?

  19. @12:01 I don't get it. Who cares about that guy? Or, are you him and want to promote your self? What gives?

  20. You are so right. Never heard of the guy but checked it out. That is THE most boring Wiki Page/person's life I have ever seen!!!! YAWN!!!!

  21. I have to second the proposition that Marina Kolias is a horrible attorney. I've seen her berate prosecutors, asking them if they know who she is, then they go to trial, and Marina's client invariably goes to jail. Easily one of the most incompetent attorneys in town. And that's including Tony Liker and Muriel Gund.

  22. The BK hottie and Troy Fox are expecting.

  23. @10:14 - More importantly, not everyone has a GOOD sense of humor. That was weak.

  24. I think Marina is very nice. I have never seen her litigate, but if you think she stinks who do you think is good? Please indicate a solo practitioner too as handling the legal and business side of law is a pain in the ass.

  25. I've been opposing counsel to Marina Kolias on a couple of cases. She is a strong advocate for her clients and highly professional. I'm betting that 8:51 was probably in a tiny fender bender then wanted to be paid for his 7 visits a week to a chiropractor for 24 months.

  26. @9:07

    Lots of us aren't lawyers. Be warned we're watching you smucks and we may just be the person doing your taxes (or helping you cheat them as the case may be).

  27. 4:52 - we are SCHMUCKS, not "smucks"

  28. Little Jewish history lesson Schmucks: schmuck is the foreskin that is removed from a male Jewish child during his bris and thrown away (because it is useless).

    Just so next time you call someone a 'schmuck' - you know EXACTLY what you are saying.

  29. @3:04,

    Thanks for the history lesson, ya putz.

  30. Hey Those on the "Other Side",

    Looking for any last minute advice/words of encouragement for the upcoming bar exam. One moment I feel confident and the next moment I feel like I'm going to fail.

    Any advice that is helpful and positive is greatly appreciated.


  31. 4:37 PM - Practice every day. I did at least two essay and a full multi-state per day. The test is not that hard, but it is graded on a curve, so don't be the schmuck who skips issue spotting or elements of this or that.

    Make plans for after the test. My smarter friends planned trips.

  32. Bar exams are graded at least three times before graders are even on the same page as to what they are looking for in the answer.

  33. 8:01 - Thank you for the spelling lesson. I'll be expecting your bill shortly.

    For those of us who are not lawyers, but frequently require their services we have a rule (at least amongst us finance types). You can't say 'lawyer' with out saying 'fucking' first. For example:

    "I get back to you on that, I have to talk to the fucking lawyer first."


    "We'll have to reschedule so the fucking lawyer can be there."

    etc. . .

  34. Everyone hates lawyers until they need one, then they call constantly acting like little babies. Us lawyers have a saying too. "The practice of law would be great, but for the clients."

  35. @9:31,

    See, us lawyers are in a quandary about you finance types.

    If we ask us idiotic questions, we have to bill you for it, and you bitch.

    If you avoid asking us questions, even idiotic you-are-a-fucking-finance-guy-why-the-fuck-don't-you-already-know-that questions, you are guaranteed to fuck it up. Every time. Especially, it seems, when it comes to questions that we have previously answered, and you have forgotten. We will then be required to fix your fuck-up, and that will require many, many additional hours of our time. Which we will then bill you for, and about which you will bitch and complain.

  36. 9:31

    It sounds like your are jealous that us lawyers are always required. Don't feel bad I hate fucking lawyers too.

  37. 10:34 AM - Attorneys are cool. Attorneys help defend citizens against the tyranny of government, sloppy business deals and advance clients' interests in the courts.

    Sure, there are attorneys are the dark side, such as AG's, Insurance Defense Attorneys, and anyone who represents a bank, but the fact that these scumbags exists only validates what I am saying. Governments, Banks and Insurance Companies have to hire attorneys to rape and pillage the public precisely because of those white-winged attorney who stand in their way. Not too many attorneys in Stalin and Mao's days.

    I am humbled and happy to have that little esg. after my name.

  38. Fuck you finance nerd! I hate CFAs! I WILL BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN!!!!!

  39. Why is there a finance person on this blog?

    Isn't there a Wild Wild Finance blog somewhere so they don't have to go schlumming around this blog, bottom feeding?


  40. 9:51 - law without clients is why people become professors.

  41. @3:12 -- Apparently you don't pay attention. I said that I was NOT a client of Kolias. I want to hire you as my lawyer. NOT!!!!

  42. @7:18,

    Borat called. He wants his Not joke back.

  43. Oh you guys are going to have to get used to sharing. Lots of people LOVE this blog. Slumming on legal gossip is our nectar and honey.

  44. @ 1:12

    If eavesdropping on paralegal/lawyer gossip is your nectar and honey, you need to get a life.

    You are probably the type of person that also drives around with a police scanner in your vehicle.


  45. can anyone speak to their firm's policy on maternity leave. I am assuming its quite varied between local firms and those with corporate offices, but I'm still curious. (This is not BK Hottie, nor am I pregnant with Troy Fox's child).

  46. There's free candy in the vanJuly 26, 2010 at 2:20 PM


    Wassamatta with driving with a police scanner?

  47. What about us county employees who work at the RJC. I work there and read this blog sometimes. You guys are just like a bunch of kids who won't let the fat kid in there club house. Mean.

  48. 1:40

    It's not eaves dropping. It's an open forum. Make people register like the cops do for their forum.

    Otherwise, suffer the trolls!

  49. @ 3:37,

    Absolutely! And then maybe when you've gotten people to register, maybe WWL can open up a message board instead of commenting on blog postings.

    Oh, wait.

    You're new here, aren't you?

  50. 3:34 PM - I don't think that's fair. Everyone has a fun time on this blog, even if the comments sometimes lean towards the obnoxious.

    Anyway, so tell me, 3:34 PM, are you hot? Are you a non-attorney para-professional who dreams of bedding a brilliant attorney? Good news, I can make your dreams come true. Call me.
