Thursday, May 1, 2008

Endoscopy News

Dr. "Needles" Desai and fellow Endoscopy physician Dr. Eladio Carrera have both been temporarily prevented from practicing medicine in Nevada under a District Court order.

The Review-Journal reports:

The order by District Judge James Bixler prevents Dr. Eladio Carrera, a part-owner of the now-closed Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada, from practicing pending disciplinary proceedings by the state medical board.

The board lodged formal malpractice complaints Friday against Carrera, 54, and Dr. Dipak ["Needles"] Desai, 59, saying each doctor performed procedures on three patients who contracted hepatitis C because of unsafe injection practices.

A different judge on Tuesday issued a temporary restraining order banning Desai from practicing medicine. Desai had previously agreed to stop practicing pending the board's investigation, but it was unclear whether either doctor had been practicing before the judges' orders.
In other Dr. Needles news, apparently Dr. Desai attempted to ship his vehicles to Dubai and the Las Vegas Sun ponders whether he would have followed had he been successful. (Las Vegas Sun) If you're wondering what stopped him, it wasn't his conscience, but a Las Vegas Mercedes-Benz dealer that refused to sign off on the arrangement. (Las Vegas Sun)

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