Thursday, May 29, 2008

Halverson gets 67 days to prepare a Harvard Law Review-level defense

A panel of the Nevada Judicial Discipline Commission gave Judge Halverson 67 days to prepare her defense--that's just over two months for her to continue to be tons of embarrassing fun.

The Review-Journal reports:

The Nevada Judicial Discipline Commission today agreed to give embattled Clark
County District Judge Elizabeth Halverson just over 60 days to prepare for an upcoming hearing where she could be removed from the bench.

The panel also allowed the three attorneys who had been representing her to withdraw from her case.

Halverson, who said she could not pay the legal bills, will now represent herself in the hearing originally scheduled for June 9. Because her attorneys were allowed to withdraw, the commission gave Halverson 67 days to prepare. The new hearing date is Aug. 4.

Better bring your A game Judge Halverson or in two months this state could finally be free of the massive embarrassment of leaving you on the bench.


  1. "massive embarrassment"

    I get jokes.

    This is awesome! The only thing better than watching this hearing, is watching this hearing with Halverson proceeding pro se. Let's see her Harvard-level skills.

  2. Does anyone know if this circus will be open to the TV media?

    God, what a show!
