Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thurs Afternoon Roundup

[Welcome to the new layout]
Remember when Governor Gibbons said the Endoscopy mess was really just a result of the media? Well, the media has done it again--gone and found out that 77 cases of Hep-C came from Dr. "Needles" clinic. (Review-Journal) Meanwhile, Judge Earl has limited Dr. "Needles" ability to spend more than $50,000 of his money since all those plaintiffs will soon be rolling in it. (lvcourtsblog)

After 27 years on death row, convicted murder Robert Ybarra has decided he's retarded (Ely Times)

Judge Papez wants court documents better protected (Ely Times)

And the Nevada Supremes handed down their sexiest decision (at least in name): Las Vegas Fetish and Fantasy v. Ahern Rental (Harmful Error)

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