The Special Prosecutor for the Nevada Judicial Discipliany Commission argued for the case against Judge del Vecchio to go forward (Review-Journal)
Story about the courtroom sparring-style of Texas attorney, and Sheldon Adelson counsel, Rusty Hardin in the Sands corp case (Las Vegas Sun)
Police are tracking the activities of the alleged pornographic burglar, who would break into apartments, take property and leave behind pornography (Review-Journal)
The River Palms Resort & Casino settled the age discrimination lawsuit it was involved in (Las Vegas Now)
A former UNR professor is suing the university, alleging he was fired in retaliation for reporting animal abuse at the campus research farms (Review-Journal)
Advocates of repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" held a conference in Las Vegas calling for the repeal of the law (Las Vegas Now)
And in Reno, the National Counsel of Juvenile and Family Court Judges settled the lawsuit against it by the Justice Dept. allegingt that the non-profit judicial training center fraudulently obtained grants (Review-Journal)
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