The results show ratings based on the judges' understanding of the law, application of the law, clarity of explanation, professional conduct, bias and courtesy. In addition, the survey culminates with a rating of what percent of attorneys would want the Justice/Judge retained. A Review-Journal article suggests low scores tend to determine whether the judge's seat is being seriously challenged. (Review-Journal)
Here are the retention results:
Mark Gibbons 86%
A. William Maupin 84%
Ron D. Parraguirre 80%
Michael A. Cherry 78%
Michael Douglas 77%
James W. Hardesty 71%
Nancy Saitta 45%
[ouch--see Review-Journal article discussing why Justice Saitta's rankings are so far below her peers]
8th District (Crim/Civil)
David Barker 92%
Stewart L. Bell 91%
Allan R. Earl 90%
Mark R. Denton 88%
Douglas W. Herndon 88%
David Wall 88%
Jennifer M. Togliatti 85%
Timothy Williams 83%
Elissa Cadish 82%
Elizabeth Gonzalez 82%
James Bixler 81%
Michel Villani 81%
Valerie Adair 80%
Susan Johnson 80%
Kenneth C. Corey 74%
Valerie J. Vega 70%
Sally L. Loehrer 69%
Jackie Glass 62%
Donald M. Mosley 56%
Michelle Leavitt 56%
Kathy Hardcastle 54%
Lee A. Gates 43%
Jessie Walsh 41%
Elizabeth Halverson 8%
[uh . . . yikes Judge Halverson, but not really unexpected when you're a national embarassment]
Gloria S. Sanchez 97%
T. Arthur Ritchie 88%
William O. Voy 88%
William S. Potter 80%
Jennifer Elliot 73%
Steven E. Jones 72%
Sandra M. Pomrenze 62%
Cynthia Dianne Steel 60%
Stefany Miley 55%
Gerald W. Hardcastle 54%
Cheryl B. Moss 52%
N. Anthony Del Vecchio 41%
Lisa Kent 36%
Holy crap, Judge Sanchez--97%. How beloved are you?
C'mon Judge Kent! 5 percentage points behind [alleged] child molestor Judge Del Vecchio. You can do better than that.
The Review-Journal also has rankings for Justice Court Judges and Municipal Court Judges.
The Victims of Jennifer Elliot wrote on June 19, 2008 05:06 PM:
ReplyDeleteVote NO 4 Judge Elliot. It sounds to me like this divorced parent just got lucky. She let this one go. When it comes to Elliot there have been few good experiences. The bad out weighs the good. I'm sure serial killer Ted Bundy let a few people slip by also. To vote for Jennifer Elliot would be a huge mistake. This judge is burned out and has done horrible things to parents and children. Giving custody to abusers knowing that the other parent will never give up increasing revenue for the court system, attorneys, therapists and CPS. You have a right to vote for who ever you choose. We can only inform families of the horror we have all endured because of this judge. Educate yourself and see the facts before you make a big mistake. This is just like a Warning Label on the back of Poison. This Judge is Toxic to Families in Clark County. For more information on the corruption in the courts go to www.angelfury.org
Vote No 4 Elliott wrote on May 17, 2008 07:33 AM:
This year as you think about voting for the people entrusted with upholding our laws and deciding the fate of our nations' children, think about this, Judge Elliot has given the power back to abusers. As our victims of domestic violence try to rise above the fears instilled in them by their abusers and rid themselves and their children of these power hungry abusers, Judge Elliot has allowed them to use their made up accusations of Parental Alienation to give them back all of the power they need to control their victims again. These victims live in fear with their abusers for years, tortured by the idea of losing everything the abuser says they will take from them if they try to leave and then when they do leave, Judge Elliot does not try to empower the victims to rise above it and start a new life for themslves and their children, NO, she gives the abusers with their criminal records full custody of the children she has ripped out of the arms of their loving, caring, devoted parent ( with no criminal record) and leaves the victim
once again as a victim. DO NOT allow this Judge to ignore the law, to refuse to uphold it and to victimize the victims and make innocent children suffer any longer, we have a voice, and together we can stop people like her from ignoring all of the facts and making sole judgements based on a made up syndrome that just gives more power to power hungry abusers. SAY NO TO RE-ELECTNG JUDGE ELLIOT ! Our children are depending on you.V Anyone with siblings... wrote on May 18, 2008 07:43 AM:
Please vote NO for Judge Elliott in this years election. She thinks it is in a childs best interest to seperate siblings from each other with zero contact for more than six months. Siblings that grew up together doing everything possible with each other. Somehow, she feels it is in the best interest. This is child abuse. Emotional Abuse is child abuse. She can rip children away from their siblings with only a few hours notice only for them to spend many months not even being allowed phone contact. These are not abusive siblings. They are all loving, caring, members of society. She has no factual reasons to make these opinion based decisions. She just reacts without thinking. I think she may just be worn out in her career and should think about the possibility of a new one. These children will be adults someday and I pray there will be a way for them to sue her and punish her for the unnecessary pain she has caused so many Nevada children!
Please step down.
ReplyDeleteGo into real estate law.Anything else,but Family Law!
Protecting innocent children from abusers.You get an F-.
How can yu sleep at night.Knowing a mother asked for your help.Protection.Then you sent a innocent child back into a abusers arms.Do you really think a mom.Would waste her time.We want good fathers not abusers.If a stranger abused a child.he get pleanty of time and he wouldn't ever have access to the child again.Yet,you send them right back to an abuser.How Elliot how can you do that.Your so oiut of touch.Out of life.Your not safe in the court room.Please leave.For our childrens sake!PAS has been de-bunked.Get with the program!