Friday, May 9, 2008

Ugh . . . Judge Halverson a National Story (again)

CNN is apparently having a slow news day or they are just really really late in discovering the joke that is Judge Halverson. Halverson's attorney, John Arrascada of Arrascada & Arrascada, did his best tap dancing routine for the media, actually claiming the only reason people are trying to take down Judge Halverson is that she's a whale.

CNN reports:

"We believe the Judicial Discipline Commission has overreached," said her attorney, John Arrascada. "It's apparent that some people believe her physical appearance somehow makes her unable to perform her duties as a judge." He added, "Last time I checked, being a judge doesn't require a beauty contest."
CNN even got UNLV law professor Jeffrey Stempel to hand out a quote in defense of Halverson. Stempel said he is troubled by what appears to be an attempt to "micromanage" a judge and that judicial removal should generally be reserved for corruption, "complete incompetence or inability to do the job."

Personally, I find Judge Halverson's appearance to be ridiculous and an embarrassment to the legal profession [and therefore comedy gold]. But I'm just a superficial blog writer.

Luckily the Nevada Judicial Disciplinary Commission requires a little more substance to recommend suspension. The Complaint they filed against Halverson details fourteen (14) counts of egregious, incompetent and offensive behavior, including:
C'mon, Arrascada! I know you have a job to do, but saying Judge Halverson was removed for not being pretty is like saying Judge Del Vecchio is in trouble for dating a woman.


  1. That is one big ass rose on her shirt. Why won't she just go away?

  2. Big ass rose for a big ass babe! Big is BEAUTIFUL.

    -Chubby Chaser

  3. She needs to get her big cow ass out of that scooter. Maybe if she walked around she would lose some weight. I agree, she is an embarrassment. She's so fat that if you shot her, Crisco would come out!

  4. she is enormous i dont know how her being a judge helps anybody... a person of that size should not have a job that involves sitting around all day or in command of any sort.. she should be made to do active work and be spit on constantly shes the ugliest fattest son of a bitch ive seen..shoot her up

  5. After channel surfing yesterday I stopped at this woman's trial on Court TV (now TruTV). I'll admit that after watching her antics for about a nanosecond, I became transfixed...much like a deer in headlights. This woman, I think, actually believes that she is above the law. The contempt she shows in answering simple yes or no questions is palpable. There is one thing that could be scarier than this...the voters go to the polls today (8-12-08) in Las Vegas and the possibility exists that she could be re-elected! If this wasn't so truly scary it would be funny.
