Mainor Eglet Cottle filed a lawsuit on behalf of a Vegas homeowner who refinanced with an adjustable-rate mortgage in 2005 and can no longer afford his monthly housing payment.
The lawsuit accuses eight mortgage brokers of fraud, negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, negligent misrepresentation, intentional misrepresentation, and breach of covenant good faith and fair dealing. (Review-Journal)
The two (maybe gang member) teenagers who [allegedly] shot a high school freshman pled not guilty (Review-Journal)
The Ninth Circuit affirmed the Judge Roger Hunt's decision that Clark Co. school dress codes do not violate students' right to free speech after considering a case involving a junior suspended for wearing T-shirts expressing her religious faith.(Review-Journal)
Clark Co. Registrar of Voters, Larry Lomax filed an Answer to Judge Halverson's attempt to avoid running for re-election Monday, saying the embattled judge waited too long to claim her two-year term is unconstitutional and that Halverson knew about the term length when she campaigned in 2006 but didn't raise the issue then. (Review-Journal) [tip o' the hat to Harmful Error for posting the Answer]
Teenage teenagers, eh? Okey dokey.