Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thurs Roundup

The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District is suing the non-profit Friends of Southern Nevada Libraries over the revenue from the sale of unwanted library books. (Review-Journal)

The Ninth Circuit upheld U.S. District Judge James Mahan's decision to declare a mistrial and dismiss an indictment against three men involved in a multimillion-dollar securities fraud case after federal prosecutors failed to turn over more than 650 pages of discoverable information. (Review-Journal)

The Nevada Supreme Court has agreed to hear Judge Halverson's constitutional challenge to term limits (Review-Journal) [which is very important because she should be constitutionally able to be suspended from sitting as a judge for a full 6 yrs]

A Las Vegas motivational speaker has been charged with 2 counts of sexual assault in Toronto ( [the article declines to mention whether the sexual assault was part of his motivational, self-empowerment program]

The man who pled guilty to swindling hundreds with a fake pro bowl ticket package was sentenced to 20 yrs in prison (Review-Journal)

Nevada's champion in the fight against Yucca has passed away. The Review-Journal has a nice profile of Joe Egan's legal career after the attorney died on Wed. morning (Review-Journal)

Fernley residents filed another lawsuit in federal court in Reno, asking for an injunction to halt plans to resume normal flows into a century-old irrigation canal, claiming use of the canal would potentially produce another canal breach. (Review-Journal)

A Nevada inmate condemned to death has joined the ACLU lawsuit challenging the death penalty procedures in Nevada (Review-Journal)

The brothel owner convicted in Wyoming of possessing child porn may have his brothel license pulled next week (Nevada Appeal)

An editorial decries a Nevada court's decision to allow Gov. Gibbons' divorce records to be sealed (Nevada Appeal)

A profile of Raven Navajo the Vegas transgender killer who put a cocktail waitress' body in a dumpster after bringing her home from the bar (Las Vegas Sun)

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