Friday, May 16, 2008

Juror dismissed because Rusty Hardin is [allegedly] an asshole

The Review-Journal reports:
A juror in the month-long civil trial against the world's 12th richest man was dismissed late Thursday after calling an attorney in the case an "asshole." . . .

The juror that was dismissed apparently blurted out the word while Sands attorney Rusty Hardin was questioning a witness, forcing Clark County District Judge Michelle Leavitt to stop the trial to determine what happened and who overheard the juror's remark.
Like everyone in the courtroom didn't already know Hardin was an [alleged] asshole. He sure seemed like an asshole when he represented Roger Clemens testifying before Congress.

I think the court acted too quickly. I mean . . . at least the juror was awake and paying attention.


  1. I find your use of brackets distracting.

  2. agreed on this post. I went a little bracket-heavy. I'll knock it off.

  3. "Rusty Hardin" is an unfortunate name to have if you are going to be an asshole. I bet he cried a lot in high school.
