Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hale Lane/Holland Hart Firm Merger--another Giant in our Midst

Update: Numbers of attorneys at 3 largest firms have been updated.

Holland & Hart LLP and Hale Lane Peek Dennison and Howard announced today that the firms are merging.

The new Nevada mega firm will retain the name Holland & Hart and will now have 63 attorneys in the state. At 63 attorneys, H&H leapfrogs Kummer Kaempfer Bonner Renshaw & Ferrario and becomes the firm with the third largest number of attorneys in the state (according to Martindale numbers). Who's #1 and #2? That would be Lewis & Roca as the runner up, clocking in at 75 attorneys in Nevada. And first prize still goes to and Lionel Sawyer, holding steady at 77 attorneys. [Better watch your backs 1 & 2, in merger world you can get leapfrogged pretty easily].

The Press Release, which is frightfully boring is available here, but being very mature I prefer to imagine the merger as similar to the formation of Voltron: individual warriors coming together to form one behemoth to crush the competition.


  1. Fine that we have bigger regional firms in town.

    But what this market has really been missing are the services that are routinely outsourced to L.A. and NYC like big time M&A. Without that we are just shifting existing business from local firms to regional ones and what does that do besides push rates up?

    Greenberg is the closest thing to that but we haven't heard much from them since they've come to town.

  2. Who cares as long as the national firms raise the salaries for attorneys? The Vegas market's been lingering on small town pay for too long considering how fast the town is growing and increase in cost of living.

  3. LSC has 77 attorneys, so they are still the largest.
