Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Vannah: "has five or six judges that will do anything" he wants

The hero of Plaintiff's attorneys across the Vegas Valley, Robert Vannah, was taped explaining that his firm uses judicial campaign donations to further their cases.

Las Vegas Now reports:

"Most of those guys go out there -- a good night on the campaign trail is $5,000. $35,000 for, obviously they just drool," he said. . .

". . . There's five or six judges that will do anything I want. They don't do it for Howard [Awand], so it's for me. I mean, we've got some great friends over there."

But, like any good attorney, Vannah is able to find the gray between contribution and bribe, suggesting:

"Obviously, you understand. I mean, if you control whether they get re-elected or not, when it comes time. I never talked to them and say, 'Hey listen, I want to meet you in the backroom and this is the deal.' That doesn't happen. We go to court. We go there honestly. We're there, but they know who we are and when it comes down to it, I just say to the judge, ‘This is a big deal to me. This is not ticky tacky. This is a big motion and this is really important.' There's a couple of different ways, but by and large, that's the message," he said.
Well how about that. He doesn't bribe the judge. He just "honestly" lets the judge know that his/her biggest contributor wants to win the motion being argued in front of the judge.

Not convinced it's not a corrupt practice? Well, let Mr. Vannah further persuade:
We're not corrupt. We're not corrupt. I mean, we are not corrupt. That's just
not happening . . .
The last quote comes from Vannah's condemnation of how Howard Awand was shooting his mouth off about having judges that will do anything he wants. Um . . . yes, that's the same [allegedly] corrupt to the core Howard Awand who was [allegedly] cheating legal clients out of money with Noel Gage [and um . . . yes, he's complaining that Awand is using the words that he uses above about having judges in their pocket for "important" motions].

Vannah has been long rumored to be on the corruption chopping block if the U.S. Attorneys obtain a conviction against Noel Gage. If the Gage trial tanks I wonder if this town will ever clear up the [alleged] practices of the Plaintiff's Bar.


  1. There are a lot of attorneys in town that refer their PI trial work to Vannah. I cannot confirm this of course, but I've heard stories of some of the more 'famous' PI attorneys (at least as far as TV commercials with catchy tunes, who run settlement mills) referring whatever they are unable to settle up to Vannah & Vannah to take to trial. Who are these famous PI attorneys going to refer their cases to if Vannah & Vannah go by the wayside? Come on people, take pity on the poor PI attorneys!

    Remember, you might laugh at lawyer jokes, but when you're in a wreck and you need your check......

  2. Hey, I take them to court. I can find the courthouse, and I do drop off the client. I'm not afraid of the ocurthouse. Wait, there's a metal thing in there I needs walk into. why? what point is for? I early so I can find the ocurtroom. Okay, that a bathroom so I am close
