Thursday, May 22, 2008

Adam Kutner: Biggest Douchebag - Smallest Penis in Vegas?

Move over 4 ft 10" Heavy Hitter. According to an article in this week's Las Vegas City Life, Adam Kutner (penis pic here) may just win the worst attorney of the year award.

The Las Vegas City Life article notes a litany of [alleged] d-bag behavior. Here are a few examples of his [allegedly] winning personality:

  • Menacing secretaries with a golf club;
  • throwing cell phones at his assistants;
  • calling support staff "Fat bitches," "Fucking dumb-asses," "Cunts," and "Morons";
  • telling individual staff they are "fucking stupid," a "fucking useless moron," a "fucking stupid idiot";
  • saying Hispanics were lazy and stupid to his mostly Hispanic staff;
  • making his secretary watch him groom himself;
  • bragging about his sexual conquests to support staff;
  • getting in screaming fits when he doesn't get the right type of water on his desk (Fiji);
  • having employees occasionally shave his neck;
  • talking about women's breasts to the secretaries (Kutner [allegedly] stated that he likes "girls with little boobs that fit in his hand");
  • walking through the secretarial pool while swinging a golf club and asking who wants to get fired;
  • screaming at a secretary for going to lunch with staff--then when she said it was her birthday, he crumpled a $100 bill and threw it at her;
  • punching a hole in the drywall with a door knob in a fit of anger.
Honestly, this list isn't doing the story justice. You have to read the whole Las Vegas City Life piece because it's the outlandishness of Vegas law at its best.

For his part, Kutner has sued many of the women alleging the behavior listed above for libel (although the article notes that former staff not involved in the lawsuit confirm at least some of the d-bag behavior). He alleges that all of the former secretaries are lying as part of a conspiracy against his firm by personal injury competitor Habbas, Bognar & Associates.

Personally, I can't decide which story will be more fun to follow: Kutner as the uber-douchebag attorney of Vegas or a conspiracy to bring down Kutner by a rival personal injury firm. Either way, this will be fun to watch.


  1. I once heard a funny story, about two or three years ago. Adam supposedly took this girl home to his house. Apparently she took her contacts out and placed them in a glass of water. When Adam woke up in the middle of the night, he slammed the glass of water and the contacts.

  2. Kutner shouldn't be condemned for this behavior...he should be made a district court judge.

  3. man, he is all class!

  4. I wonder what his stance is on little man-boobs that could fit in his hands?

  5. OMG! Ri-diculous!!! Is he disbarred yet???

  6. What an idiot!! No Class !

  7. Can you get disbarred in Nevada when you're a "successful" Plaintiff's attorney? I thought that meant you had a free pass for life.

  8. Feel free to throw $100 bills at me.

  9. I worked in the same building as him a long time ago. He is absolutely the biggest douchebag in Vegas, and that is saying A LOT. Luckily, I didn't work for him, and although he still tried to be a jackass to me, I was in a position to tell him to shove it, and did, routinely.

  10. Im so happy that someone with this background is taking part in a suit against me and my former boss for a car accident saying the others involved "sustained great pain of body and mind and mental stress and anxiety" when the truth is that after the accident both "plaintiffs" refused medical attention and said that they were "Fine and felt good..." Now to me this is the type of person who is ruining the court system and is a huge part of why it is a F-ing JOKE... Just look at his website, Any serious lawyer doesnt have a whole section of his web page devoted to dog bites. Someone who is "Fine and feels Good" and who refuses medical attn. doesn't deserve any compensation... definately not 20,000, wait make that 40,000 for the both of them, who just happened to find this idiot together... I have no problem paying someone who is seriously injured, and needs it, not people who celebrate getting in car accidents, and a year later decide they're injured.

  11. I think all this would go away if he wore dress shirts that fit. The neck are WAY to big. Hmmmmm, maybe he bought them second hand from Glen Lerner.

  12. A former employee who works for our firm now says he doesn't go to court. He passes all his cases to a litigation firm near his office. And whenever he's busy, he tells his receptionists that he's in court. What a faker.

  13. I've worked with a girl who worked for Kutner as a paralegal/claims assistant for 3 years. She had stories for days. One story was that he would make her babysit his stripper girlfriend's child at the office all day. The screaming and yelling fits were also talked about.

  14. Don't go to this guy. He is a fake and just a con! He will NEVER meet with his clients, passes all of his work to unqualified secretaries who will handle your case from start to finish. No matter what you will say, he will NEVER meet with you because you are just another idiot who will sign (without looking) the retainer that will make him money. He never goes to court, stay all day in his office checking how much money he made off of clients who don't know how much they are getting screwed over for!!! Ask to meet with him, if you don't and get pawned off to another person, then you know its all true.

  15. Check out the May 6, 2010 post.

    This is a true statement. That is the exact same thing that happened to me.


    They don't care about you as a client.

  16. HaHA!!.. Gotta Love it.. ADAM KUTNER IS THE MAN!

  17. This whole law firm is three simple words, Liars, Cheats, and Thieves.

  18. Why would you send me a Christmas card, when you know I can not stand you. DUMB ASS, save the Christmas card expenses and give to your clients, instead of cheating them out of their money.

  19. I had the most worst experience with Mr kutner and his staff not only were they unprofessional but slow as hell it took me almost four years to get any money let alone my medical bills still aren't completely paid off its been almost eight yrs ago? 33% for his services so not worth it. I was very displeased and unhappy with that overall experience! Now I'm wondering if I can Sue for pain and suffering for bad/ misrepresentation also bad buisness. Shame shame if I knew then what I do now I'd rather suffer than have gone with Mr kutner!

  20. Wow, I was actually going to use his services for a ticket I got but after hearing these stories I think I will find someone else. Thanks!

  21. Watch out Legal Eagle - Adam Kutner is gunning for you because of this posting and similar like it against him. Eight Judicial District Court case A-13-688898-C filed 9/19/13.

  22. Today was my last day working for this firm, and he is the biggest douche bag ever! I worked directly with him and lasted only 3 months. He cant help himself to his fiji water fuckin 2 feet away from him, he yells "Help" for every little thing and makes us run into his office full on sprinting status to shred a post it note that he might have only scribbled on. He will never meet with a client, he only cares about you signing the retainer so he can get his money. His firm is a joke and I recommend you go anywhere else but there!! He has some pill popping psycho running that place who cant even spell or probably doesnt even have her H.S diploma!! Oh and he hates fat chicks.... -better off without you Mr.kutner

  23. I think he has to much makeup on for his commercials. Lol what a loser...

  24. Adam ..Jesus loves you ..

  25. I am a current client of Mr Kutner and his office is full of liers and cheats and the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing and your right he never meets with clients I have demanded to see him and have been told that he is either busy or out of the office.

    I wish i had never gone to him and the funny think about one of his comments is that three quarters of the clients I see in his office are hispanic.

  26. Anonymous

    Yep this blog totally sums that shitty place up - I can't even believe he has not been disbarred- I feel sorry for the good people that get suckered into working for the f*1237ing witch that runs his office - the mexican pill popping drug addict with no education who thinks she has a clue. Oh yay- I am so down with Adam- Jesus loves you - it would all be better if you would just admit you need jesus-

  27. I worked for Mr. Hunter for about a month. He is the most self absorbed attorney I have ever met. When I started working there, I was trained by someone who made it explcitely clear that they do not care about their clients. They never return phone calls. And if they do return a call, the file is usually not available, so they just bullet their way through the phone call. I spent more time looking for files than I did anything else. They are very unorganized. And his assistants Lilia and Carol were constantly screaming and yelling and other employees.. I was put in the position to deal with angry clients while in training. Not one client that I met with was happy about the services they were receiving.

  28. To the idiot above that has the nerve to post 'anonymous' above but then name people who work here and work their butts off.... you are obviously one of the people who was fired for a reason. I still work here, which is why I am posting anonymously, but I can state for the record that I work with Carol and Lilia every day and they have never yelled at me and I like it here. As for finding files, since Carol got here she has changed this place like crazy and you were clearly not a part of the solution like the current staff is. My management team is awesome and they get in the trenches with me and work to resolve problems for our clients on a daily basis. I am one of the people who sees clients on a daily basis and I clearly care and treat every client with respect!

    1. Where is Carol now bitch??? Lol...

  29. I currently work for Adam Kutner and I can personally vouche that Adam is the BIGGEST MOST EXTREME D-BAG I HAVE EVER HAVE ENCOUNTER! He yells ALL THE TIME as well as his crazy, maniac he calls an assistant, Lilia. There is NEVER a day that there is quiet in that office! She is extremely rude to ALL her employees. Treats them like slaves instead of staff. Adam is always yelling and cussing at everyone and he has since I began working for him yelled at his staff and call them "fucking idiots" and "morons". That place needs someone to truly go investigate and needs the BBB called on them. It is the WORST office to be at or take your bussines to. The legal assistants could never be found or return phone calls. They are careless and that office is nothing but bitterness and anger. BEWARE!

  30. wow there is some rage for this place lol!

  31. Anonymous said,
    I was a former client. Yes you will never see Adam. If your case is worthy enough to go to trial they will send you to his associates next door. They handle all his litigations. He was much more nicer, and was much more personable. It took 2 years for my case to settle. I was pleased with the way the case was "handled," but of course you always wonder if you could have gotten more with someone else. I will be permanently injured from my accident, and the money is almost gone. Even though my lawyer received his percentage I remember seeing that he had to pay Kutner a portion as well & I did not agree with that at all. Other than pass the buck, he didn't do **it!!!

  32. To the person who posted saying that place has good management. please get the hell out of here with all those lies. I worked for that place for 3 months and trust and belive its has been the worst job ive had. All Adam does is sit in his chair and Nevers sees his clients never!! Lilia is the worst assistant ever!!! I don't ever recommend anyone to go there you are way better off somewhere else like glens commercial says "don't hire a clown"

  33. I was employed by Mr. Kutner for three months. By far, thee worst place I have ever worked at. His assistant, Lilia is addicted to pills and treats everyone like dirt. She yells, curses and takes smoke breaks every ten minutes. This place is filthy, unprofessional, and unorganized. Files are everywhere, client calls are not returned and employees quit almost on a daily basis. Adam throws things, curses, and only cares about cheating clients out of their money. By far, thee worst, most vial entity in this firm is his assistant "Lilia," she is SATAN!!! Do not work there or give them your business!

  34. Next to Lilia "satan" is Uber bitch spawn of satan jennifer in that place

  35. I worked for Kutner for a month and a half. This excuse of of a man sits in his chair and yells and curses all day long. He employs two Cuban thugs who sit around outside his door "protecting him". Why? Because Kutner is a real prick, God knows there are people out there who would live to kick his ass!!! The sad thing is that Kutner is not the REAL problem, the real problem is the queen CUNT- LILIA. This so called excuse of a human being is a hood
    rat who pops loritabs all day long and treats others without respect. This bitch is by far the countiest skank I have ever met. As someone mentioned, another skank who works there, jennifer, jennifer will "honey" you and "sweetie" you all day long and then stab you in the back. I feel sorry for all who work in that pigpen they call an office. What a disgusting organization, I hope people realize not to take their business to such a shit hole.

  36. I use to work in this office two years ago, sadly all negatives comments are true. Very unhealthy place to work.

  37. OMG to all the poor people suckered to work here- it's ok, you got out- Go on to bigger and better things and know that this was not the place for you! Or maybe anyone- wow!

  38. I currently have my case being handled by the litigation attorney next door.its been 2 yrs since my accident and its not even close to being settled. The truth is they don't do shit for you at kutners and NEVER return your phone calls but the biggest scam is if you want a loan against your settlement and go to oasis or anyone and they're interest fees are like 1-2%, Kutner wont sign off on it and says because he is looking out for you. WHAT FUCKIN DOG SHIT LYING ASS BITCH THAT FUCK TARD IS!! he will only sign off on "in house" loans which charge 10% A MONTH!!! I checked and lawyers by law are not allowed to run loan co. Because of conflict of interest. This fuck is getting around it some how maybe its in his brothers name or whatever. I borrowed $1000 tword my settlement 14 months ago, I will have to give the 1000 I borrowed and as of now pay $1400 in INTEREST!!! This is more than the mafia shylocks charge! You can bet one one thing in going to report this shit to the proper authorities. I fucked up by retaining this joke of a law firm and will lose alot of money becuz of they're incompetence and rip off the client behavior. If you are thinking about retaining this firm, turn the fuck around and run like fuckin hell!!!

  39. Okay for those who work there were there any good moments there. Was considering a job there but these post have me at put this job on the blacklist. Please help me out.

    1. No, No good moments came from working at that place. It was ALL Bad. I literally have Hate for Kutner and his crew, not only because of how I was treated as an employee, but also for the clients he clearly bullshitted. I met with one client one time who was severely injured at a gym. I thought I was doing him a favor by listening to him and his needs, but No One at the office took this guys case seriously. The office only cares about car accidents because those cases require much less work and are easier to settle. I felt absolutely terrible for this guy who was injured, but No One at this office cared. And he may to this day, still have no idea that his file was Always thrown on the back burner.

  40. Adam also likes his women or girls on the young side. If anyone has the chance. Ask him what happened to him in Canada....see how he reacts to that question. He's a f*cking prick. 9.9 out of 10 people who have had the displeasure of dealing with this d-bag are absolutely right about what a prick he is. Not only is he a nasty prick.. He is a downright lowsy attorney.

  41. Definitivamente recomiendo a abogado Adam Kutner

  42. Haha why don't you tell everyone here about Canada if you know so much lol


  44. Pillpopper, huh? I always thought that Lilia skank was a crack/methhead, the way she runs around the office like a chicken with its head cut off. But I only made it there 10 days before he canned because he called on his shitty cell phone and I couldn't hear him very well, and had the audacity of asking him to please repeat what he said.

  45. Literally, Kutner, Lilia, Carolyn are TERRIBLE people.. I worked there for a month or 2. There were files Everywhere! Clients would come in and we were required to see these clients whether we knew what was going on with the case or Not. So basically, Cinnamon would just bullshit she these clients as if everything was moving along nicely when she actually had no idea! No complaints about Cinnamon though. She was a nice girl just trying her best to do an Impossible job.. Lilia on the other hand walked around screaming and yelling at Everyone! When I left, she had some crazy patch on her eye like she was severely injured. Within the first couple of weeks or so of working there, a group of us girls were marched into his office while we stood single single file in front of him and his pathetic chaotic office while he berated us, and threatened to fire us.. As if I had done something wrong? I had no idea. I was brand new! Not to mention, the way he walks into the office every morning with his Mexican "bodyguards" who carry sidearms and speak very little English.. What is that about?? He must have pissed off one too many people! Kutner absolutely needs to be put out of business. What a terrible person and business man!

  46. I got offered an interview for this law firm? Is it really worth it?

  47. Absolutely NOT. You will be gone in No Time! BUT it might be fun just to go in and get the job, just to see for yourself... ;p

  48. I got offered an interview for this law firm? Is it really worth it?

  49. TRUTH is ALWAYS the Best Defense

  50. I work for this ass in 05. He's degrading & yes all that was said by the journalist is ALL TRUE! I personally had to take his stripper “girlfriends” to go shopping on him on his damn american express. He's an idiot. He had a desk full of facial creams & wrinkle repair crap, he was so vain! Being one of his Hispanic legal assistants, I endured a lot of racial slurs and toon a lot of be from him. Most of the female staff were single moms, so we all tried to take it as much as we could because he paid VERY well. I'm glad he was sued! What a disgrace of an attorney!

  51. I can tell you why Kutner behaves the way he does.
    He's not very well endowed, aka SPS (Small Penis Syndrome.
    Men who have tiny penises normally over compensate by attempting to behave like a major douche-bag.


    This is what Kutner's penis looks like - it's no wonder he's such a douche bag.

  53. Well,I just got a job there...I start this Monday.
    Low key I'm a f****** douchebag too..
    I'm kinda excited to work here,I had him laughing while he interviewed me (5hours long)
    I also fit the tiny tit profile.

    I would love to get $100.00 thrown at me honestly, and fuck yeah! I'll go shopping with your girl.
    I'll keep in touch.
    Everyone seemed loved me(, Kutner, Lilia, Carolyn) aside from the Mexican gang mad dogging me.

    Lol,he asked what my weakness is i said "i laugh about everything, I'm to bubbly" lol he thought it was funny.

    We will see! I'm a prick myself,maybe we can all hold hands and sing kumbaya!

  54. How fucking amusing...and PATHETIC!!!

  55. Sin City really is weird!

    Why would you try to influence the public about Kutner's dick size?

    I suppose he could change some of his alleged douche-bag ways but he can't enlarge the size of his dick...just say'n!

  56. Nicole Maria Stevenson & Amelia Dickinson Gutkoska have been f*cking married men ages 30s 40s and 50s in the Washington DC area since January 2014 for their junior and senior years at University of Maryland College Park

    They graduated from Patterson Mill Jr-Sr High School in Bel Air, MD in 2011; they graduate from University of Maryland College Park English dept in 2015 and 2016

    They have been getting money gifts clothing tuition etc from these men in exchange for sex on Sugar Daddy-Sugar Baby site and are prostitutes

    These are one of every changing profiles on

    Nicole Stevenson
    "Nicole" / "Lydia"
    121 Laurel Valley Ct
    (410) 515-7922
    Abingdon, MD 21009
    22, College Park, MD / Washington, DC
    "Looking for a Generous Daddy"
    I'm a cute girl looking to have lots of fun. Currently a student looking to go to law school. I love going into the city and trying new restarants and seeing performances. I love dancing, theater, and singing too.
    Looking for a generous sugar daddy who will take this little girl out and spoil her with money and gifts. We can have a lot of fun together:) Show me the money and I'll show you the sugar. I'm worth it - you won't be disappointed. No wannabees or cheapskates!! I expect a significant financial arrangement.

    Amelia Gutkoska
    217 Thomas St, Bel Air, MD 21014
    (410) 803-1471
    22, College Park, MD
    "Young lady looking for a little adventure"
    I'm a junior in college who has grown a little tired of the immaturity of college suitors. I'm very fond of reading and writing. I love dancing and trying new restaurants.
    Someone interested in good company and going out without serious commitment. Let's just have fun!

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  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  62. Someone should file an ethics complaint instead of writing a blog.
    I think the vast majority of Las Vegas Attorneys are self serving douche bags.
    It must be the air in that town. All attorneys that advertise on TV seem to have a problem. I could write a huge list

  63. If everyone filed with the state bar of nevada he'd b screwed I am not getting screwed over I did my homework nice try tho u think u got me keep thinking that

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