Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ah, summertime and summer associate gossip

Congratulations to all you law students who just finished another year and are headed off to summer positions with firms in Vegas. In this economy, holding onto a paying summer position is a huge accomplishment.

But don't forget about us while you're busy clerking, interning, or spending your time as a summer associate. Send along any good tips, gossip or stories you hear about to
We want to hear whether the firms are still spoiling you summer associates with nice lunches/dinners, casino spa days or drunken nights out. And we definitely want to hear about any hair-pulling or drunken come ons at the golf outing with senior partners.


  1. If you're an SA and you think it's OK to mess around this summer in this economy you're an idiot.

  2. There are actually SAs this summer? Amazing. Have fun stabbing each other in the back over those non-existent offers.

  3. Neither of the girls in the photo went to my law school. That's for sure.
