According to the tips, ATMS put on quite the whiteboard presentation for incoming associates to justify their comparatively low "salaries" (read: hourly pay). Previously, ATMS has justified their $78,000 base by including raises, 401K matching and insurance coverage into the calculation, and telling associates that when all this is taken into consideration, ATMS is on par with other (higher paying) firms in the valley.
Well, that has changed now, and some ATMS associates are feeling a bit betrayed. Here's how the cuts went down, according to one source:
When they announced the pay freeze a couple months ago, all of the groups (partners) met with their associates and support staff and explained why the freeze was being instituted. In my group and many of the other groups, the question was asked whether any other cuts would be happening, and the answer was NO. Re-read the email from Bruce's secretary....it says that "many other options were considered, but this was the one chosen [pay freezes]..."
Two days later, we got an email saying that our 401k match was suspended. Some of us again asked if this was the last cut, and again were told that yes, this is the only thing and that our insurance was not going to be changed. Two months later, we get another email informing us that we no longer have insurance. If you're going to do it, have the balls to tell people to their face when they ask you a yes or no question. Don't look them in the eye and tell them that no more changes are coming, then send an f-ing email two days later.
It's chicken shit at best.
Things have apparently gotten so bad that a group of associates has set up an anonymous email account for employers who may have openings for ATMS refugees. Any employers interested in hiring ATMS associates are asked to send an email to: lookingforgreenergrass@gmail.com.
We're certainly not an employment service, but this got us thinking. There are open positions out there somewhere, and with the recent carnage in the legal market we think it may be good to do a little "who's hiring" roll call. So, does anyone know of any open positions out there? Let us know in the comments. We're sure that any former ATMS, KKBRF, Jones Vargas, Ballard Spahr, Santoro Driggs, or Brownstein Hyatt associates would appreciate it (not to mention victims of smaller firm "cutbacks" and recent Boyd School of Law grads without jobs).
Let's see what our collective WWL hive-mind can come up with for these unfortunate souls.
(Thanks tipsters!)
Virtually every high end commercial firm is either openly laying off associates and staff, cutting salaries/benefits, or "stealthily" laying off under the guise of performance reviews.
ReplyDeleteI suggest the disaffected ATMS'rs suck it up until the market picks up and push for as much responsibility as possible in the interim so they can bolster their resumes. Beyond that, if they are willing to relocate, consider taking the CA bar in two months. The market sucks there too, but there are 7-8X as many job openings statewide as there are in NV.
I hear Wilson Elser is looking to hire!
ReplyDeleteBased on a response to a previous posting about the new up and coming law office, Half Price Lawyers appears to be hiring.
ReplyDeleteI would look to PI or Bankruptcy firms in this market. I'm sure that DeLuca and Goldberg both have more business than they can handle right now. Best of luck!
ReplyDeleteThe Alverson Taylor "mole" uses words such as "chicken shit" and lack of "balls", yet continues to collect a paycheck and hide behind a nameless blog. I am sure the ATMS partners would be devastated if the "mole" and the "mole's" co-conspirators, if any, would find another job. Maybe it is not a good job market for hypocrites right now.
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how much entitlement young associate attorneys feel nowadays. It's certainly wrong of ATMT to cut all these perks and not be forthcoming about it, but would the associates rather layoffs like most of the other larger LV firms are doing right now?
ReplyDeleteAnyone who takes a job with a large firm has a tradeoff to consider. In exchange for a pretty high pay for someone with no experience who doesn't make any rain, the attorney needs to know that there will be higher billable hour requirements and a higher chance of being laid off or fired because there's alot less bonding with the boss than what goes on at a small or medium firm.
@ 2:01 p.m.
ReplyDeleteIf you really think there is just one or two "mole(s)" giving information, you really are not in touch at all with the people you work with.
See the original post again:
"We have received numerous tips stating that morale is at an all-time low, and at least 8 associates are actively looking to jump ship, some with many years invested with the firm"
Numerous and 8 are words that stick out to me.
And if you're willing to sit behind a nameless blog ET, so am I.
@ 2:01
ReplyDeleteMaybe there is anogther option to quiting. The "mole" has expressed opinions on law firm management, allocation of legal resourses, and employnment issues. Obviously the "mole" is very experienced in law office management, particularly for a first or second year associate. I think the "mole" should go directly to Bruce and express his/her opinions and offer advice as how to run a law office. I am sure the "mole" will receive the appropriate response. You owe it to the other 8 or more "moles" you claim are in the office
I guess nobody's hiring.
ReplyDeleteLewis Brisbois will probably be looking to replenish their ranks.
ReplyDeleteIf ATMS has a partner (assuming the person adamantly defending ATMS is a partner) who has time to post on the WWL comment boards, you know they must be running out of work. Maybe posting supportive comments is considered a soft billable.
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing is, there are probably 110 students at Boyd that would jump all over the chance to work at ATMS in this bad economy.
Anybody? Anybody hiring? Hello?
ReplyDeleteMaybe "Mole at ATMS" will strike out on his own, hire his disgruntled buddies and show us all how to REALLY run a succesful firm? I'm still looking after graduating so he can hire me for a pitance (assuming he pays for all my insurance and gives me guaranteed raises, no matter what the economic climate of course).
ReplyDeleteOnce again, you're missing the point. Health care and guaranteed raises were basically consideration for the right to treat the employees like shit.
ReplyDeleteoh yes, we remember from your 5-20-09 blog @6:19 why you think ATMS is a "shitty place to work"
ReplyDelete1. It takes longer to get copies from the copy room than you would like. The nerve of them
2 Preparing medical chronologies , and learning the medicine of the case, is below your qualifications, pride, dignity, etc. How degrading and humiliating.
3. The compensation system sucks. It has been in effect for nearly one and one half years. Either you started with them within that time period and knew what the policy was before you started to collect a pay check, or if you were hired before then, you accepted it rather than find a new job. The nerve of them to make you work under a system that you agreed to, or accepted for 1 1/2 years.
Yes, I can see why you think ATMS is a "shitty place" to work.
Maybe you should do the right thing and quit.
You could always just buy a law firm: http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/lgl/1190175806.html
ReplyDeleteIt is crazy how much attention a ATMS gets on this board.
ReplyDeleteFirst, nobody should feel sorry for the associates at ATMS. They have jobs and knew or should have known what they were getting into when they accepted their offers. Nobody is being forced to work at ATMS.
Second, ATMS will do what it has to do to survive in this bad economy. ATMS is not the only firm that is making cuts to survive in this economy, just the most evil (apparently).
Third, if I am a new associate at ATMS, I would gladly give up some benefits if it meant that I wasn't going to get laid off. I would not want to be looking for a job in this economy. Any estimates on how many Boyd graduates have jobs?
Fourth, pretty much every associate at every firm gets shit on in some way or another. No associate get the raise or bonus they think they deserve.
Does anyone really chose ATMS over any other respectable big firm in Vegas?
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely not.
ReplyDelete@ Anon 5:13- Fuck No!
ReplyDeleteATMS is where you work til you find another job. They know it, and their employees know it. It's their entire business model! I have numerous friends who have worked or currently work at ATMS and none of them work there a second longer than they have to.
@ Obvious ATMS shill. Why the need to defend your firm? Your firm is what it is. Why not accept it and embrace it. Why do you take the "shitty place to work" references so personally? So what if it is? Anyone who cares about it will find a different job. Who cares if you cut benefits? Anyone who cares or is talented enough to command benefits will leave and work somewhere else. Sure, all your long term employees will be apathetic or incompetent who only put up with you because they can't get a decent job or don't care enough to try, but your brand of law doesn't really need dynamic, quality attorneys. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being genuine. Why apologize or deny what you are, when it works well enough that you can go home every night and sleep on a huge pile of money?
It sounds like fun working as a lawyer at a big firm. (sarcasm)
ReplyDelete@ 11:20 pm
ReplyDeleteRe "fuck no"
For a "mole", this is really a quite eloquent beginning. Kind of sets the standard for the rest of your comments.
For what it is worth, I worked at ATMNS for over 2 years. I learned alot by working there, I had a great mentor and I met some wonderful people I still keep in touch with. I eventually left because I needed a more flexible schedule than they were able/willing to offer. The people that have chosen to stay are not stupid or desperate by any means. Maybe they feel a sense of loyalty or simply like their job!
ReplyDeleteHey, I am an employee at a large firm who takes every opportunity to publicly mock my employer and accuse them of everything short of Crimes Against Humanity and have shown no ability to use proper discretion when it comes to discussing internal affairs. I've done most of this behind a cloak of Anonymity because, obviously, I know my employer would disapprove. Some of my comments probably hurt my employer's ability to attract workers and possible to attract clients, but I hope to be able to shame them into complying with my wishes. This is my basic negotiation strategy, apparently. Also, I'll step on the toes of anyone who has any seniority with my employer and question their competence and intelligence. Finally, I like to complain about the type of work my employer gives me. It is beneath me to bill my time and make money doing due diligence. Publicly, I display my professionalism by name-calling and profanity.
ReplyDeleteSo, pretty much, I am a model employee. Who would like to hire me? (crickets chirping).
I've learned a bit about ATMS, but probably more about Mr. Mole.
I don't think ATMS has any problems attracting new recruits. Just look at all the '06, '07 and '08 grads on their web site's associate list from all over the country. There are a whole slew of new associates every year. ATMS' national recruiting system is probably the best in Vegas.
ReplyDeleteIts sad that ATMS Shill has to constantly monitor this web site to find out how the associates truly feel about the firm.
ReplyDelete@ 1:42
ReplyDeleteMr. Mole, give it up. You are making an ass of yourself
@ 1:12
ReplyDeleteI find it hilarious that you assume all of these comments are coming from a single "Mole" (and sexist that you assume it is a "Mr. Mole"). ATMS's reputation is well known in the community, and many (not all) who have left the firm did so because they had a bad experience at the firm, not because they were "moving on."
I also find it amusing that you haven't denied any of the accusations, just berated people for airing your firm's dirty laundry and being "unprofessional."
Don't worry, these comments will not affect your firms ability to recruit future associates, there will alway be 3Ls and out-of-staters who didn't get other offers for you to prey on.
-Not an ATMS associate
Ms. Mole, give it up.
ReplyDeleteLEGAL EAGLE -- Please Help.
ReplyDeleteHere is a recount of what has gone on so far:
Shill: The mole sucks and should quit.
The Mole or Moles: ATMS sucks and should implode.
Being somewhat bored with the current dialogue, I ask the following questions:
FIRST -- Can you please get with Don King and arrange a cage match between the Shill and the Mole or Moles.
It could be a no holds barred [proper??] match where tag-teaming is allowed. Weapons also. [Especially folding chairs].
SECOND -- I'm tired of the suspense regarding whether one, two or ten "moles" and "shills" are involved.
Can you please give us some insight as to how many "informants," "tipsters," "moles," or whatever have given you information; AND, whether any ATMS partners or long-timers have emailed you regarding the posts?
Please enlighten us.....
In summary, I want an objective opinion as to whether the shill correct and if there truly is just one detractor that needs to quit, OR, if the mole or moles is/are correct, and there really a mass conspiracy at ATMS???
Sorry for the grammatical error, should have read, "whether the shill IS correct . . ."
ReplyDeleteMay 28 - 1:12pm here.
ReplyDeleteNot that anyone should believe me, but I am responsible for only that post (and this one) and am not an ATMS employee, nor have I ever been. I just find it hilarious that someone thought THIS was a way to find a job offer. Ha! I'll resign from posting so the real "shills" and "moles" can be uncovered.
I have no interest in being part of a cage match, but might be persuaded to be a spectator.
ReplyDeleteYou're right that I don't deny any of the accusations. For all I know they are true. That doesn't make me any more inclined to hire the person(s) who decided to come and discuss those things here in the manner that he/she/they have.
Your also absolutely right that "[my] firm" will not be affected by these comments. It would be truly bizarre if it was.
Who is assuming much, eh?
1:12pm (really, the last time. We both have better ways to spend our time.)
wait for it......
ReplyDeletewait for it.............
[Legal Eagle's response]
We were going to send Mole and anti-Mole to their corners and tell them to come out fighting at the bell with one post each, but the argument appears to have died down.
ReplyDeleteWWL will reveal that we are not getting our ATMS tips or comments from one person. We have received emails from senior associates at ATMS who enjoy the firm's culture and have no intention of leaving anytime soon. We have also received numerous emails from former and current employees suggesting the firm is worse than most in its treatment of new associates. If it was from one disgruntled employee, WWL might shrug it off, but ATMS seems to have a reputation in southern Nevada for squeezing the life out of its 1st and 2nd year associates at a faster rate than other firms for lower pay than other regional or statewide firms [hence it's "sweatshop" reputation].
As for the number of "moles," WWL will not reveal how many current ATMS employees emailed us regarding this post. As discussed here, 1 or more of them are looking to jump ship and WWL will not "out" them out of concern for any ATMS retribution that might come in response.
Legal Eagle is right. I heard ATMS referred to as a "sweatshop" before I even knew what the term meant in the legal industry. I heard about ATMS while in law school but still had no idea how ATMS might be different from other firms. I heard stories directly from people who worked there.
ReplyDeleteI think it takes a lot for any associate to come forward about their firms. Most associates at any mid size to large firm have standard gripes (billables, monster partners, pay and bonuses, prestige) but I think it takes a lot for an associate come forward and post about it on a blog because other associates would probably just shrug and say "grow up, we all experience that." Legal Eagle is right, I don't think that things like hourly pay, no 401k, no medical insurance are industry-standard at any Vegas firm with more than 2 practitioners. That's why I think ATMS makes news. They seem to be an innovator when it comes to these type of employee policies.
Not a mole/Not a shill
Thanks @ 7:33 a.m. I do like being told I'm right.
ReplyDeleteThat said, let's all leave ATMS and its associates to their own misery at this point. This post was asking about job opportunities and we kind of got off topic.
Later today, we'll put a post up from a brief interview with Boyd School of Law's Director of Career Services about the state of the economy.
@Legal Eagle
ReplyDeleteThis rate of postings on this blog has really taken off the last few weeks. Thanks!
Are you trying to supplement an shrinking income or something?
Just here to serve the public interest [in an ebb and flow fashion]
ReplyDeleteI hope Mr B.A enjoys his new boat! Its funny that B.A can have a fantastic new boat, never knew he was a salior. Maybe that's the 401K cash right there....
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.............
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