Friday, May 29, 2009

Dating Files: Lawyers really know how to treat a lady

As a woman, dating lawyers has its ups and downs. You might catch a hot Plaintiff's attorney rolling in cash who takes you out to Tao for dinner before going to Pure or the Bank and paying for bottle service. Or, you might catch a new associate so bogged down in student debt that he can only afford to treat at In N' Out.

Even better, you might end up with this attorney, who was discussed on a craigslist personal ad [post has now been flagged and removed]:

He was a lawyer that I met through Craigslist. I went to his place and we watched some Aqua Team Hunger Force DVDs, then had some frozen pizza for dinner before hooking up.
If anyone can identify the Don Juan whose moves are discussed above, please let us know. There are many women in this town dying to be treated to an amazing night of cartoons and frozen pizza.

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