Friday, May 29, 2009

The Enforcer goes easy on retiree [and does not hand out condoms]

Certain Judges have temperaments/personalities that make them stand out from the rest of their fellow judiciary members. Take Judge Bruce Markell for example.

The legend of Judge Markell's intimidating style has only grown since he was appointed to the bench in 2004. Among members of the Bankruptcy bar, Judge Markel is known for his sharp questions and his tendency to cut off counsel if he doesn't like the direction oral argument is headed. He is also considered to be a fierce enforcer of procedural rules and is even rumored to have once sanctioned an attorney to take a bankruptcy class at Boyd School of Law.

Given Judge Markell's enforcer reputation, WWL was eagerly anticipating the judge's hearing this morning in the USA Capital bankruptcy case. A Boulder City retiree appeared at a hearing this morning to answer for why he referred in pleadings to the Bankruptcy Court as a "brothel," called Bankruptcy Judge Linda Riegle a "madam" and said the judge "pays the working girls and provides the condoms." (RJ)

Turns out, Judge Markell can be a big softy. We here at WWL were expecting the judge to jail the retiree, order a public flogging or order the man to write an apology letter to every member of the bankruptcy bar. Nope. Judge Markell didn't even refer the man for criminal contempt of court. (RJ) Not sure what's got the judge in such a forgiving mood today, but we want our enforcer back.


  1. You guys should tell the truth about Markell. OH, forget, Rapoport & him lift each other higher, standing on each other's corruption. The truth is Markell is wasting taxpayer $, ensuring bankruptcy insiders get paid, lets emotion determine law, thinks he is the smartest man he knows, and the list can go on. Any real reporting on him would reveal a web of connection, backroom deals, impropriety, unfairness, preference to insiders, mistake after mistake on the bench with cover ups galore, and who knows, maybe some of those liberal double payments to trustees and counsel (when trustee attorney and trustee are the same person) end up in his pocket. HE was made for Vegas. SO, he will continue on, nothing will change, those that benefit from him will protect him and on and on and on...worst of all, the media will never investigate him out of fear or favor, does it really matter which? If this gets posted, which I doubt, I'll start posting more, I'll let more info out as I continue to get it, with an identity. We'll see. Rapoport will probably stop it.

  2. @11:46 a.m.

    Can you offer anything to support your allegations? If so, please email us at

  3. I'm sure the media fears a bankruptcy court judge...loser

  4. @11:46am - I too would be interested in actual supporting facts. You said that if it gets posted, you would start posting with an actual identity. Please ensure it is an actual identification of who you really are, not merely a secret identity.

  5. The first poster is an idiot and I wonder whether he has ever practiced to any substantial degree in front of Markell. Judge Markell's ethics are beyond reproach, and he is one of the best judges in Nevada on any bench. He has raised the level of practice here.

  6. The first post was a joke, right? Nancy, was that you posting?

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  8. We don't need you to out yourself Legally UnBound (I certainly won't be outing myself here either). WWL will publish any stories about corruption and payoffs. We just need to have documentation.

    Please send us any news articles, bankruptcy opinions, financial disclosures that prove your corruption allegations to

  9. @ 1:27 AM
    Legally Unbound - you are obviously not an atty practicing primarily in bk ct otherwise you would know who "mzirzow" is.

    Despite all of your ramblings I have read nothing that substantiates any of your allegations about BAM, other than vague inuendos.

    BTW you are still anonymous.

  10. Yes, I know Matt...that was the point. He is still incorrect, though.

  11. All of the BK Judges uphold the highest ethical behavior of all. The BK bench should be held in high regard, they are one of the hardest working judges in Nevada. Of course we can all disagree with some of their decisions, but the only backroom deals that are going on is between attorney and attorney trying to resolve cases.

    I concur with MZ and his dog too.

  12. mr. quotable - notJune 10, 2009 at 7:55 AM

    Who the heck is Kael Garvey? Not even listed with the State Bar...

    In regards to Mzirzow, he knows what he is talking about as he is in BK all the time. Kudos to Matt, Anne and the MPG person.

  13. you guys are full of it, trustee and trustee attorney can be the same and why not, they hardly get anything to handle a case and it is allowable under the bankruptcy code. Good for them.

    If you don't like Markell's decisions, appeal it, or are you the one that got sanctioned because of your own unethical behavior or just a fed up person?

    MPG - you need to set another one up for July and invite me.

    MZ - MPG got you good and your little dog too.

    By the way, we have the best place to work, especially in my new larger office! Thanks quotable.

  14. about time bk attorneys make accurate comments, I figured i would join in and agree with mpg, anne and mz.

  15. Reminds me of the good old days when I was a fisherman.

    Glad to see the true comments coming out instead of the garbage that someone posted.

    This Coors Light is for the mz brew crew!

  16. Legally Unbound: You must be one of the clowns Markell sanctioned. Markell has more smarts in his pinky than you do in your whole body. He has been a great addition to the bench and is running all of the knucklehead practitioners (like you) out of the practice. I say bravo. Time to find a new practice area, 'cause BK just ain't your thing.

    /s/ Little Schnauzer Dog

  17. So come clean and prove you really are: Kael Garvey, a Las Vegas attorney. I'm managing partner of a litigation and business law firm.

    Since the state bar has no record of your lonely existence I have nicknamed you LUG which means something else but for the sake of will mean "lonely unsophisticated blogger"

    Back to bigger and better things, like life.....get one.

    /s/ mpg

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