Monday, June 15, 2009

A "Brief" Musical Break ...

While perusing one of our favorite legal blogs, we came across their post of an old YouTube clip from 1997 that, given current economic woes and our recent music poll, we thought would give our loyal readers a chuckle.

So, if you are a seasoned attorney who has left the billable hour behind, use this time to think about how happy you are to have done so. If you are a current associate still working under the thumb of the almighty hour: make a quick phone call, bill .1, and enjoy your 3 minutes of paid freedom (also, try not to cry).

Here are the lyrics, for those of you unable to play this with sound:

(To the tune of Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time")
Sometimes you call me up and beg me for free advice...
You're stealing from me, and wondering why I'm not nice...
My mind and my time--are my merchandise.
Don't make me say this twice:

If you come to my office or call my phone, I'm billing time.
If you stop me at parties to whine and moan, I'm billing time.

You say you want the best but then you don't pay the fee.
Motions cost money, but you think they should be free.

You cry "Oh why, is my bill so high?" [my bill so high?]
Well let me clarify:

If you come to my office or call my phone, I'm billing time.
If you stop me at parties to whine and moan, I'm billing time.
If I think of you when I am all alone, I'm billing time.
If you're late for appointments, I will be waiting... and billing time.
Still billing time...
I'm billing time.


  1. This song has been in my head all day. Damn you WWL!

  2. That's about as lame as it gets.

    How about some hard-hitting stuff on the Kabins indictment and the Medical Mafia?

  3. @10:13 got a lead? We'd love to hear about it.

  4. Hey 10:13am,

    Finally someone else craving solid corruption exposure.

    Working on more info now.

  5. LE:

    For many years, PI attorneys openly bragged that Kabins would say whatever the attorney wanted him to say. Vannah out and out called Kabins his "ho". See if you can find the footage of Vannah and Kabins at Eglet's wedding. Steve Baker used to giggle in Kabins' depositions while defense attorneys tried to get Kabins to give an honest answer. Whatever happens to Kabins, he's a liar, a cheat, and a theif. He knows he's a liar, a cheat, and a theif. And everyone who has ever had to deal with him in a personal injury litigation setting knows he's a liar, a cheat, and a theif. Let his mouthpiece Chesnoff talk all he wants about how Kabins is such an upstanding guy. Everyone knows the truth.

  6. @ 8:44 a.m.

    We'd love to publish more stuff on the Vannah and Kabins allegations, but we haven't been able to find any additional or new information.

    It looks like the Kabins trial has been continued until July. If you have any stories, video or anything we can cite, we will get a story up.
