Sunday, June 21, 2009

Richard Harris v. Michael Strange & Assoc. (Round 1 of Billboard/Television advertising firm poll)

Our first billboard/television advertising firm match-up in the first round puts old school Vegas powerhouse Richard Harris up against scrappy newcomer Michael Strange & Assoc. Let's get ready to rumble. (Vote at the top of the blog until 5 p.m. on Tuesday, June 23)

Here's some background on these contenders.

Richard Harris (examples of fake news story, PR videos available here):
Say what you will about old Dick Harris, but he has built himself one hell of a firm. A few years back, he purchased Ticket Busters from Adam Stokes, along with the 666-6666 phone number (reportedly paying millions for the privilege). He also seems to own approximately 75% of all the billboards in this town (and, in case you were wondering, that girl on the billboards is an "actor"). Harris has also shown himself to be quite the boss around Christmastime, reportedly taking his entire staff on a 5-day holiday cruise.

Harris has set up what seems like a great compensation package for his attorneys. Associate lawyers are paid 20% of the net fees to the firm on the first $1 million in fees received on cases during the calendar year. The commission increases to 25% of fees received between $1 and $1.5 million, and then again to 1/3 in excess of $1.5 million. Associates must bring in $30,000 in fees monthly to break even, and receive a $6,000/month draw against their commissions as a "base." In 2007 and 2008, individual associates earned between $250,000 and $750,000. Pretty nice salary, especially considering the lack of billable hours.

Michael Strange & Associates:
Michael Strange is one of the youngest faces in our tournament. And say what you want about this scrapper, but he's out there putting in the marketing hours in this tough economy.

We first found Mr. Strange advertising on craigslist (ads available here). He may not be the biggest advertising firm in the tournament, but given the number of craigslist posts, we think he may have the marketing endurance to go the distance against Richard Harris.

While we question whether a law firm should have "& Associates" in its name unless there are actual "associates" at the firm [from Mr. Strange's website, it would appear he is a solo practitioner], we think his DUI, family law and bankruptcy practice may be focused enough for Mr. Strange to be the Cinderella-story of this tournament.

What do you think readers?


  1. Does anybody really case? This is dummer than the best place to work poll.

  2. We care that you cannot spell "care" and "dumber."

  3. That's odd - just this morning was the first time I saw an ad for Michael Strange. I remember thinking - dang, if he grew up with that name he deserves what he can make.

  4. Just because Harris has a lot of money to spend on advertising does not make him a marketing sensation. It is easy to throw a lot of money at advertisng when you have it. It's not like he even came up with any of his own advertising ideas or the Ticket Busters idea or the single digit telephone number idea.
    Strange covers the city considerably well considering his time in practice and lesser budget. I vote for Strange.

  5. Stokes didn't come up with the Ticket Busters idea either. He bought it from the owner of the small phone company who also had the single digit numbers. Speaking of Stokes, why would anyone who made millions off the sale of his practice come back to town and putz around with half price lawyers? Must've lost his fortune in the market crash...

  6. @ 10:21 p.m.
    Do you think Harris inherited millions of dollars and that's why he can "throw it around?"

    Obviously Harris' marketing and business-skills prior to when he met Strokes is the real reason why he is where he is now, and why he can "throw money around."

    Harris was in a great place before Strokes came around.

    @ 11:32 -- I agree

    Regarding the Harris and Strokes comparison, just drive by each of their offices. Obviously Richard Harris knows what he's doing.

    If Strokes made so much money, why the heck is is his office in a mobile home on Charleston? G.H.E.T.T.O.

  7. I hear that Harris is actually runiing Stokes' old firm into the ground and has cancelled bonuses for the attorneys in his office.
    This is probably why Harris employees are running away from his firm to work for Stokes and everyone else.

  8. Half Price Lawyers is signing up more clients after a few weeks of business than Ticket Busters is signing up after years. Truly a testament to the Richard Harris way of ruining a good business.

  9. Las Vegas is the most competitive lawyer advertising market in the country. There are far more dollars spent on lawyer TV ads per capita than any city in the nation. That's why Stokes pays chiropractors and tow truck drivers for P.I. cases. It's a tried and true business model, much cheaper than TV.

  10. Michael Srange was Strange, Michael on the classroom role. A most unfortunate name. I like the underdog in this dogfight.

  11. Harris is scrappy too. The break-up of Mainor Harris was a huge deal but both Mainor and Harris went on to re-create successful new firms. Plus, Harris won the lighthouse logo from Mainor. I give it to Harris.

  12. Is it true that Harris wont hire a minority applicant unless he/she is a Mormon?

  13. No, that's not true. I have a friend who works there. Some of the lawyers and staff are Mormon, but most are not. Didn't you see the pin-up calendar they did earlier this year? Didn't look like a Mormon firm to me!

  14. Mr. Strange put up a tought fight, garnering 202 votes, but it looks like Richard Harris takes this match up and will head to the next round to compete against the winner of Reza Athari v. Deluca & Assoc.

  15. whydoesnotthefbicheckJuly 6, 2009 at 1:35 PM

    How can Reza Athari, who is a complete unknown in Las Vegas, pay millions per year for billboard time, with immigration clients, who do not have the money to pay, how is he doing this and what is his return. Is his "ego" so large that he does not care for any return on his money, or is there something else going on?

  16. Congratulations to Harris for taking down newcomer Michael Strange:

    Harris (436 votes; 68%)
    Strange (202 votes; 31%)

  17. Interesting post, thanks for providing valuable information.
