Monday, June 22, 2009

Golightly & Associates v. Jonathan J. Lord (Round 1 of Billboard/Television advertising firm poll)

Welcome to the next match-up in Round One of our Television/Billboard poll. If you've watched TV, you must know Golightly & Associates, who is taking on Jonathan J. Lord. (Vote at the top of the blog until 5 p.m. Wed., June 24).

Meet the Contenders:

Chad Golightly

You can see him nightly during the commercial breaks during the nightly news. You can see his glamour shot billboard all over town. So, who is Chad Golightly?

According to an editorial in the RJ from 2007 (available here), Golightly considers himself "more serious" than other advertisers like The Heavy Hitter. We can only assume that by "more serious," Golightly means "doesn't blink. EVER."

However, at least one former client doesn't agree. One unhappy Golightly client suggested on the Rip Off Report (available here) that Golightly made his money through slapping attorney liens on his former clients after being fired as counsel. While Golightly may be the ruthless businessman some former clients claim he is, WWL has discovered his softer side. (See Golightly's Amazon profile here)

Then there's the lyrical nature of his last name, Golightly, which apparently has other, less mirth-filled meanings. The following comment was left on an RJ post asking for the worst tv lawyer:

I laugh every time I see Chad Golightly (spelling?) on TV... as I'm sure anyone else who has ever worked in a hospital has. Golightly is a liquid given the night before and the morning of some procedures. It tastes nasty (so I've been told) and it's soul purpose is to (how to I put this nicely) clean out your innards. In other words... it makes ya *hit your brains out for about 12 hours. We used to tell people not to venture too far from the bathroom after taking the first dose.
All kidding aside, Golightly & Assoc. is such a television and billboard powerhouse that the firm's ads have even inspired internet satire:

Jonathan J. Lord

Jonathan J. Lord isn't someone with a billboard or a commercial. You can, however, find out everything you need to know from his website, Legal Lord:

First and foremost, this office has been dedicated to God from the day it opened. We believe in treating people fairly and compassionately while at the same time zealously protecting their interests. Our goal is to provide Christ-centered legal representation at a fair rate, thus making high-quality legal representation more available for the Christian and non-Christian alike. We acknowledge that we are accountable to God for our behavior toward others and understand that the way we treat others is our greatest witnessing tool.

Lord's mission statement is crystal clear:

"Hate Evil, Love Good; Maintain Justice In The Courts." Amos 5:15. That says it all.

Sure, Lord may not be as well known or visible as Golightly, but perhaps he blinks while carrying out the Lord's work. An attorney working for the forces of good rather than the forces of evil is a rare thing in contemporary society and we don't readers should count a servant of the Lord out until the votes are tallied.

Cast your vote for your favorite!


  1. The Review-Journal reported on July 25, 2005, "The lawsuit alleges Golightly doesn't profit from his own firm. Instead, a local businessman, Sirous Ezzatian, pays Golightly a flat fee of $200,000 a year, and Ezzatian, who also helps pay for the lawyer's advertisements, reaps the profits from Golightly's firm, according to the suit...Sirous Ezzatian explained that he paid Chad Golightly a fixed annual salary of $200,000 per year and that Chad Golightly did not share any profits made by the legal corporatiom... Sirous Ezzatian further explained that his company, Jasro, realized all profits from the Golightly legal practice and that Jasro would likely realize any profits derived from the media ad campaign." Who needs law school. Just buy a lawyer. I vote for Jonathan Lord.

  2. Lord law firm winning this one was a long shot, but they performed admirably with 35% of the vote against a tough opponent. Congratulations to the Golightly firm, which will continue on to the next round and face the winner of Randolph Goldberg v. Frank Sorentino.

  3. Congratulations to the man who never blinks for taking down the legal servant of the Lord:

    Golightly (82 votes; 61%)
    Lord (45 votes; 35%)
