Let's meet the contenders:
Adam Kutner

But this poll is not about which attorneys are and are not douchebags. No, this poll is about which Billboard or Television advertising law firm has the best litigation skill, extreme wealth, business model, most aggressive (effectively aggressive), best place to work, most embarrassing story, attorney's complete lack of shame, etc.
And Kutner has all those things. Would we even be talking about him if it wasn't for those annoying commercials where he walks through an automobile junkyard and tells injured parties to call his office? Injured Vegas residents know to call him after injuries resulting auto accidents, slip and falls--even in the case of dog bites. All in all, Kutner makes for a formidable tournament opponent.
Craig Kenny
The Law Offices of Craig Kenny may be the feel-good competitor of this tournament. Just a glance at Kenny's website presents a heart-warming picture of the staff surrounding the firm's sign (the web site also include pictures from the Kenny firm annual party). Such images mark a stark contrast with the alleged d-bag environment over at the Kutner office.
And the Kenny firm appears to be succeeding as well. Craig P. Kenny & Associates is doing so well that it is building a new four-story, class A office building in downtown Vegas. (LV Business Press) According to a press release we received, the new building will include a gym, theater and half-court basketball court accessible by all employees.
That said, while the Kenny law firm certainly should have been nominated to be one of the best places to work (Are you hiring by the way?), we're not exactly sure why the Kenny firm was nominated to be the best Billboard/Television Vegas law firm. The staff here at WWL can't think of a single ad we've seen involving Craig Kenny.
But in the end, the vote is up to the readers. So what do you think?
Hey LE,
ReplyDeletelove your blog but I'm already tired of this poll nonsense. How bout moving/minimizing it so it doesn't overshadow new stories? Also, can we get a follow up on "Krash" Pickering?
I can't get enough of that one!
It's actually Craig P. Kenny (not Kenney) & Associates.
ReplyDeleteThanks. Changes made to everything but the poll (which is frozen as people have already voted)
ReplyDelete@12:13 a.m. Constructive criticism received. We will try to speed up the first round of the tournament, but we do intend to see this one all the way through.
ReplyDeleteAs for Pickering, have't heard anything after the police decided not to press charges.
"And Kutner has all those things."
ReplyDeleteKutner has "litigation skills"? Please, do tell. I would love some support for this statement.
@ 9:23 am
ReplyDeleteBy litigation skills, I guess we meant the skills to keep himself from taking most, if any, cases to trial.
We know a few Plaintiff's attorneys who consider that a litigation skill.
When you have ex-Runnin Rebel Leon Symanski as a staff attorney, I guess you get a half-court gym in your new building. Hint to the wise: If Kenny challenges your office to a friendly pick-up game of basketball, it's a trap. He's using a ringer. Unless your office has a big man who can post up low, politely decline. If you are Steve Parsons, bring it.
ReplyDeleteThe attorneys at Kenny's office are all good guys. They're proof that you can be successful and get filthy rich doing PI work in Vegas without having to be a-holes. They are fully aware that 90% of PI is fraud, but they don't indignantly pretend it isn't (a la Eglet, Ed Achrem, George Bochanis, etc.). Good for them!
ReplyDeletei hate this jerk, my mom got into a accedent do to some non speaking english mexican lady and my mom didnt even do anything wrong the other lady did and he got my mom for 3000.00 dollars i hate this jerk and he needs to go screw him self and defend people who actually need help instead of people who are scamming the system so Adsm S. Kutner GO TO HELL YOU MORON!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCPK provides me with as much free beer as I can drink once a year and even throws in a free T-shirt. That's enough to get my vote.
ReplyDeleteCraig Kenny is a hell of a good man and get my vote.
ReplyDeleteI nominated CPK because although they don't use any billboards or TV slots, they DO heavily market and advertise. They just do it tactfully, through word of mouth. I figured the level of marketing was at least more favorable than Frank Sorrentino's stills...
ReplyDeleteCan we have a vote about whether anybody even wants to see these polls? They detract from real Vegas news. I used to check this site everyday, but now I'm at every few days because I can't take it.
ReplyDeleteA couple of years ago a lady told me she chose Kutner as the best lawyer for her P.I. case because "he had the best ad." A couple of months ago a friend attended a conference where Kutner's junkyard ad was presented as one of the 5 best lawyer ads in the country. (BTW Lerner's school yard bully ad was in the top 5 as well.) Craig Kenny's thousands of "word of mouth" referrals came from quietly handling anyone's traffic ticket for free. A model he recently changed by now charging $50.00 per ticket. Both guys are brilliant marketers in their own way, but Kutner is a jerk and Kenny is a genuine good guy, and as the saying goes...
ReplyDelete@ 12:13 AM and
ReplyDelete@12:42 PM
I like the polls. I like how Kutner is getting his butt walloped because he's a jackass, even though he probably should win considering the contest is "best billboard/television advertising firm in Vegas," and Kenny doesn't advertise.
Also, this may be an over-generalization, but I like how it seems that the legal community has spoken regarding Stokes' new venture. It's tacky and completely unprofessional. It taints our profession that much more.
So, I for one like the poll.
*Disclaimer -- Stokes, I'm not an associate at Harris' law firm. I'm an insurance defense attorney.
And Kutner, you are a jackass...my legal assistant used to work for you and I can't believe the stories she tells me.
@1:51 - let's hear the stories!!!
ReplyDeleteYou can always make them pseudonymous or fictionalize them a little, Tom Wolfe style, if you're worried about blowback
ReplyDeleteHere's one, but only one.
He didn't like the way her voice sounded, so when he needed to talk to her, he would have someone stand in between them.
He would make her talk to the "go between" and that person would relay what she said to Kutner. Likewise, he would talk to the "go between" and would have that person talk to my assistant.
It was like my assistant didn't speak english, but she does. My assistant told me that Kutner did this to several of his employees. If he didn't like you, he would have his "go between" communicate with you. Pretty lame.
""Fat bitches." "Fucking dumb-asses." "Cunts." "Morons." Those are just a few of epithets that ex-employees of Kutner's say fly through the office on a daily basis, turning the workplace into a veritable torture chamber of stress and fear. And it's not just words flying around. Objects such as phone headsets and pencils also frequently take flight from the hand of Kutner, claim former office workers." Las Vegas City Life, May 21, 2008.
ReplyDeleteOne more vote here for CPK. He's incredibly easy to work with and doesn't take himself too seriously like the rest of the PI attorneys in town.
Explain to me how responding to a poll regarding legal adverstising in Las Vegas equates to the legal community speaking out on Stokes' new venture and branding it tacky. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the biggest fan of Adam (or Rick Harris for that matter), but I definitely think the business plan is a good one. How is offering reduced price legal services in this money hungry market unprofessional? I for one respect someone who is willing to cut costs in a crappy economy to allow everyone the right to legal access, not just the rich or the desperate. There's far shadier going on in the legal community that should be addressed (ie Vannah, Eglet, etc.)
Step off that high horse my friend, you are a lowly insurance defense attorney, not a saint.
ReplyDeleteNumber one, you must not be able to read, because I stated clearly, "this may be an over-generalization, but..."
That's called a disclaimer... familiarize yourself with its meaning to avoid embarrassment in the future.
Number two, please do not make the mistake of confusing me for your friend.
Number three, you obviously don't know Stokes, or the way he practices law. [see comments from other posters in other posts]
But he is a great salesman because he's got you convinced that he's providing a service to those in need.
Kutner goes down in the biggest upset to date: 79% of the votes went for Craig P. Kenny and only 20% for Kutner.
Don't worry I can read just fine. I asked how you could even come close to drawing the conclusion that you did, general or not. How about a little evidence or some logical reasoning, Mr. Insurance Defense, Esq.?
ReplyDeleteI know Stokes and have worked with (and against) him in the past. That's not my point. My point is that his business plan is a good one and has been successful in at least creating a buzz, like it or not. You don't have to be buddies with the guy to admit that. I guess only time will tell whether the business is ultimately a success in this town. In the meantime, you can thank Adam for one thing--job security.
By the way, I'm talking to you 1:56.
ReplyDeleteOuch Kutner has got to be feeling sorer than a car crash victim after this poll:
ReplyDeleteKutner (28 votes; 20%)
Kenney (108 votes; 79%)
CPK don't know how to handle a real case. They actually stated that they don't have the skill to litigate and will need co-counsel.
ReplyDeleteThat CassandRA Homme Paralegal at cpk could do better without the panties.