Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lady Luck picks a Lady for Chief Judge

Voting amongst the Las Vegas Municipal Court Judges resulted in a tie when the Judges tried to select a new Chief Judge. So how did they settle it? As any town built on gambling would: the top two candidates played High Card. They each selected a card from the deck and highest value card won the position of Chief Judge. (RJ)

This year Lady Luck decided it was time for a woman to hold that power and Judge Betsy Kolkoski pulled a Queen of Spades (a rather ominous card for a woman of power who spends her day dressed in black).

Congratulations to Judge Kolkoski: the Las Vegas Municipal Court's first female Chief Judge.


  1. What a pretty lady!

  2. What a useless idiot. She is dumber than a bag of hair (and about as talented as an administrator).
