Friday, June 26, 2009

Jacko's Death: The Vegas Connection

Bet you didn't think we could work a post about The King of Pop's death into our little Vegas legal blog, did you? Well, thanks to a helpful tipster - we found a connection!

Yesterday, shortly after MJ moonwalked his way into the great beyond, Clark County "Court Information Officer" Michael Sommermeyer sent the following email:

From: Sommermeyer, Michael
Thursday, June 25, 2009 3:32 PM
All Clark County Courts Employees
Court News

Michael Jackson, who recently had a case in District Court Dept. 11, has died in Los Angeles following a cardiac arrest, according to the Associated Press. He died at 3:15 pm PDT after being rushed to UCLA Medical Center at approximately 12:30 pm PDT.

Michael Sommermeyer
Court Information Officer

Wow! Seventeen minutes after his death? That's incredible, Michael! Who says things move slowly down at the courthouse? Judge Gonzalez had that one cleared from her docket before the body cooled.


  1. In the last few years, most news about MJ has been negative and with a tone of sarcasm and schadenfreude. But now that he passed, the same people who have been calling him "Wacko Jacko" suddenly want to acknowledge him as a great pop culture icon again.
    I personally was not a big fan but these hypocritical reports sicken me.

  2. I couldn't agree more. Everyone called MJ a sideshow freak until his sudden death. Now it's, "I grew up with Michael! He's the king of pop! He will be sorely missed..."

  3. The greatest thing about that email is how quickly it was sent out after the news broke.

    Didn't the LA Time confirm his death at like 3, and the communication specialists at the RJC have it to all court employees by 3:30, fine work.

  4. Who says government is inefficient?
