Friday, June 26, 2009

Ninja Watch!: the case of the missing crown

As a trashy gossip rag loosely-affiliated member of the fourth estate, WWL feels it is important to incorporate stories in the interest of protecting public safety. In that vein, we feel it is important for members of the Nevada bar in northern Nevada to be on the look out for ninjas.

The LV Sun reports:

Miss Nevada's head will be missing something important when she's crowned Saturday night: the crown itself.

Organizers say the crown, almost identical to the one worn by Miss America, was stolen late Thursday morning from the locked Reno hotel room of a pageant board member . . .

Pageant spokeswoman Teresa Benitez-Thompson says the company makes one
crown for each state, and getting a replacement before Saturday night is impossible.
She says Circus Circus hotel security is going through security tapes . . .

Good luck to hotel security. Ninjas' skill in the art of silent attack, practical invisibility and quiet theft will make it very hard for the hotel to catch them.


  1. LOL!

    What, no wall safes at Circus Circus?

  2. That's what you get for staying at the Circus in Reno...what a dump!

  3. Ok FAIL guy, as hilarious as your shtick is - please stop.

  4. Turns out it wasn't ninjas, but a volunteer who misplaced the crown:

  5. FAIL guy is lame and doing a weak version of the very funny Fail Blog, which is at:
