Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Chad GoLightly v. Richard Harris (3rd Round)--voting ends 7/30 at 5pm

Today: Chad Golightly v. . 444-4444 (Richard Harris)

In his first round match, Golightly stared down the competition, taking in 61% of the vote (background on G&A and first round results found here). Then, in the second round, he took down Mr. Sorrentino with 56% of the vote (second round results found here)

Meanwhile, Richard Harris dialed in a victory in the first round with 68% of the vote (background on the Harris firm and first round results found here). In the second round he took out immigration specialist Reza Athari (results found here)

Voting ends on July 30 at 5 p.m.


  1. This contest should called
    "The lawyer who has non-lawyers paying for advertising versus the copycat"

  2. Strokes, is that you?

  3. Golightly is a d-bag, but I stopped voting because it only encourages LE.

  4. What did Harris copy?

  5. That is one powerful phone number Harris has:

    Chad Golightly: 46 votes; 35%
    Richard Harris: 85 votes; 64%
