Thursday, July 23, 2009

Salary Cut Watch: Fennemore Craig

Attorneys have been worried that salary cuts may be coming to the big firms in the Valley.

Well, according to the gossip boards, they just reportedly arrived for regional law firm Fennemore Craig. (Judged) Word is that FC just reduced attorney salaries by 8% for associates across the board.
[Editor's note: no comment from FC yet. We're looking for confirmation]


  1. Lewis and Roca cut Associate Salary by 20k from what I heard. Did I miss a post on that, or can someone confirm?

  2. We haven't heard any rumors about L&R and received a denial from someone at L&R who says there have been no L&R salary cuts.

  3. How did you guys miss this?

    The Feds are now trying to get Awand the same way they got Capone. Wonder if the dirty PI lawyers and doctors filed riteous returns with the IRS.

  4. 5:28...What does that article have to do with the topic which is "Salary Cut Watch: Fennemore Craig"? Hopefully you don't try your cases while you're drunk too.

    Anyhow, back to the actual topic. This is the first good topic in quite some time. I'm very interested in the Fennemore salary cuts and the rumored Lewis & Roca salary cuts.

    More info, y'all.

  5. In other news, dog bites man...

    People. ALL the big corporate firms are cutting associates and/or salaries - the few that haven't yet will, or news of the cuts simply hasn't leaked out yet. FC cut salaries MONTHS AGO, along with many peer firms. This is not news.

    If a firm hires several attorneys or raises salaries, let me know.

  6. Then would someone please post a list of which firms cut salaries and how much?

  7. I refuse to believe that any but the most notorious firms in Vegas would reduce compensation, and that all reductions are the result of evil, evil, rich, firm managers. . . .

  8. I also heard from a source inside L&R that L&R cut associate salaries. It's around $105k-ish now, as opposed to $120k. Their billable hours remain at around 1800. Don't quote me on these numbers though. But I'm almost certain that there was a cut.

  9. 9:26 enough with the "dog bites man" every time there is a post about salary cuts or layoffs. This type of information is EXACTLY why most of us visit this site. We know the economy and job market suck, but we like to have actual information instead of just assuming "everyone's doing it." (By the way, the large firm where I work gave raises--yes, very small, but raises nonetheless. I realize pay cuts or layoffs could happen tomorrow, but its still helpful to know what is really going on out there.)

  10. So 8:38 complains about the lack of specific news, proceeds to brag about raises at his firm, and then won't tell us which "big firm" he or she works at. See the problem here bud?

  11. 12:59 misinterpret much? From saying I like posts informing us about salary cuts, where do you get that I am complaining about the lack of specific news? Saying that my firm gave raises was not "bragging" but was saying that it can't be assumed that every firm is cutting salaries. (Lots of other things have been cut or eliminated, but just not salary cuts.) If you choose to believe that because I did not identify my firm, that means I must be lying, well whatever, think what you want.

  12. Really though...some firms should cut salaries. Does a first year associate really justify a $120k salary? After the cut, the associates are still pulling in $110k. Pardon me if I don't cry too hard for you.
