Thursday, July 9, 2009

Freedom - 1, State Regime Repressing Creativity and Wit - 0

Rest easy Nevadans. Your civil rights have been preserved. On Wednesday, the Nevada Supreme Court ruled that the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles may not prevent a car owner from displaying a license plate reading "HOE". Let Freedom Ring!

The RJ reports:

A Las Vegas man won a courtroom battle Wednesday with the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles over his "HOE" license plate, which the agency refused to renew on grounds that he was using a slang reference to prostitutes.

The Nevada Supreme Court ruled that the DMV based its refusal of William Junge's vanity plate on definitions found in the Web-based Urban Dictionary, which includes
user contributions. It ruled that the contributed definitions "do not always reflect generally accepted definitions for words."

Not so fast Nevada DMV. You can't just deny a person license plates without due process. Not on the ACLU's watch! The ACLU, recognizing the crucial importance of this case represented Mr. Junge before the Nevada Supreme Court to make sure that the driver's rights to have a ridiculous license plate were protected. (RJ)

To be clear, apparently Mr. Junge wanted "TAHOE" for his Chevy Tahoe license plate with a Lake Tahoe panorama, but "TAHOE" wasn't available so he settled for "HOE". Not sure what's more ridiculous: that Mr. Junge paid court costs and attorneys fees so that his Chevy Tahoe would he Tahoe-themed or that the DMV felt this was an issue it needed to defend in court.
God Bless Freedom and [Ta]hoes of all kinds!

1 comment:

  1. Um . . . isn't a prostitute "ho" spelled "ho," not "hoe"?
