"Call Ed" Bernstein
Ed Bernstein certainly earned his top seed in the tournament. Bernstein is a media master with his face pasted in serious black and white billboards all around town, never ending "call Ed" commercials and hosting of Nevada's longest running television show, The Ed Bernstein Show. Doubt Ed's fame? Name another attorney in this tournament who's interviewed Bill Clinton, Al Gore, George Foreman, Randy "Macho Man" Savage and many other celebrities.
But media presence aside, we just love Bernstein's commercials. He's like that goofy uncle that just doesn't get how absurd he comes across. But while goofy as hell, you weirdly trust him. Okay, the voters may not have agreed with us when they voted to elect John "Slept with my Aide's Wife and Then Had the Husband Paid Off Not to Talk" Ensign to the U.S. Senate over uncle Ed (RJ), but we still can't help but find the guy trustworthy. Add that to the fact that Bernstein is one of the attorneys trying to find justice for the Hep-C infected [alleged] victims of Dr. "Needles" Desai (LV Sun), and he's definitely earned his top seed as a master marketer and tough litigator. Let's see if he's as tough as the flowerbed that once beat GDH.
G. Dallas Horton

G. Dallas does have a decent television advertising presence, but not many of his commercials have made it online. The only one we could find was on Crazy Motion (available here) and that ad just features gliding photographs of G. Dallas in earlier ads.
According to its website, G. Dallas Horton & Associates “is AV rated with an AV rated attorney” – an interesting boast given that martindale.com currently sizes Horton up as being only “BV-rated.” Apparently, Horton’s relatively recent raid on Lewis Brisbois (taking LBBS partner Dave Thomas & LBBS associate Christian Smith) and addition of long-timer Monte Hall, Esq. (Bar No. 239), to the mix have given G. the street cred to bolster his boasting.
[Final Writer’s Log: Despite extensive research, I have been unsuccessful in discovering what the “G.” stands for . . . Tony The Tiger says it’s “grrrrrrrrrreat,” but I’m not buying it.] [Update: Peoplefinder suggests the "G" is for "Gregory"]
His first name was posted in the comments of the other thread.
ReplyDeleteG Dallas Horton put up a tough fight, but Uncle Ed brought this match home:
ReplyDeleteEd Bernstein (64 votes; 78%)
G. Dallas (18 votes; 21%)
Dallas Horton is the biggest jerk! All he does is scream and threaten his employees. If the economy wasn't in such shambles he would have no one working for him. He should treat people like human beings and not be a crazy employer. And do you think he shared his wealth regarding his newest settlement? Of course not!! Karma is a bitch and one day he will get his. Use your "power ego" now Dallas but one day it will slap you in the face - if one of your employees doesn't do it first!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Uncle Ed.
ReplyDeleteEd Bernstein (64 votes; 78%)
G. Dallas Horton (18 votes; 21%)
G stands for Gregory, and Dallas was known as Greg prior to college. Not surprised at the comment posted on one of the other threads implying that Dallas has physically assauted both a chiropractor and the spouse of a former employee. He may be a smart, astute trial attorney, but his personal character traits make every other trial attorney look like Horatio Alger.