Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sometimes Even The State Hires Outside Counsel

When a normal law firm has a conflict, they should refer the case out.

What happens, however, when the State of Nevada is the "firm" with the conflict? Looks like they do the same (only with us taxpayers footing the bill).

After the indictment issued in December, District Judge Elissa Cadish disqualified the attorney general's office from prosecuting Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki because it would create an "appearance of impropriety." Indeed.

Some may argue, however, that the state's choice of "special prosecutor" creates quite another "appearance." The state apparently made their choice based on great hair: Dominic Gentile.

We're not discrediting Gentile's ability, he has to be a great attorney to be billing out at $610/hr over at Gordon Silver. We do, however, question the choice of such a high profile criminal defense attorney for the job. Maybe the state will put him through some sort of prosecutor boot camp where he kicks puppies and takes ice cream from children. That ought to toughen him up.

To help save the taxpayers a little scratch, Dom agreed to cap his hourly rate at $345 an hour. Also, the firm agreed that its total bill wouldn't exceed $415,000. We're guessing that they will come coincidentally close to that number.

Dom doesn't quite have the job yet. The AG's recommendation will be forwarded to the state Board of Examiners, which will consider the proposal in mid-August.

Congratulations, Dom! If you get the job, don't let that Namby Pamby "compassion" you picked up from all those years of criminal defense get in the way of nailing Krolicki to the wall.


  1. Dominic Gentile is very good. He is probably one of the top 5 trial attorneys in Nevada.

    Even better, he owns the Palomino Club (he got the club as a form of attorneys fees from the Owner who couldn't pay his bill).

  2. Technically, I believe Dominic Gentile only owns the land upon which the club sits and 'sold' the club itself to his son. That way people couldn't say he owned a strip club. Clearly that didn't work here :-)

  3. The real story here is that "Turner charges $475" an hour. Are you effing kidding me? Dom Gentile is Dom Gentile, a legend of sorts, but Turner's regular billing rate is ridiculous.

  4. If you really want a conviction here in Nevada, I recommend choosing a solid defense attorney as the prosecutor, any day...sorry all you Deputy DA's. Cadish, as usual, made a good decision here and passed up the DA's office for a defense attorney as prosecutor. Eventhough it would have certainly been cheaper to bring on another public servant to prosecute, it is likely the prosecution would have then also been cheapened. It is a laugh outloud moment again, here in Nevada.

  5. HEY!! What happened to Nancy Rapoport as a Contributor on WWL? Did she not like the connection to WWL, given the UNLV Prof comments? Are you hiding a story from us WWL or did I miss it in an earlier post?

  6. LU -

    That was my call. I invited Nancy to contribute quite a while back. She posted once and has not showed an interest in posting again.

    When she recently posted the comment on WWL linking to her blog post on anonymous commenting, I figured she is no longer interested in the offer.

    We're still friendly with Rapoport, we just don't want to advertise her as being an affiliated "contributer" if she is not.


  7. Dominic is a great attorney, and his selection has a real deterrent effect. People should think twice about DQ'ing the AG when they will wind up with first class substitutes.

  8. Hey 9:32, why are you so jealous of other attorneys' hourly rates? Why isn't an attorney's hourly rate whatever rate the client is willing to pay? If the client thinks the hourly rate is too high, or they are not getting services commensurate with such a rate, then they can look elsewhere for representation. We are all in this business to make money after all...

  9. $475 for Turner must include a happy-ending case conslutation bonus. Way to go.

  10. Geez, not knowing who this guy is or why it will cost $415k to prosecute him, I read the indictmet. It says the guy made some false accounting. Really? In the day and age of billion dollar un-audited handouts by Government, this schlepp is nailed for inaccurate accounts?

    Gentile must be hard up for money or political favors to take this clear case of political assassination via the court system.

  11. 3:59: Yep, that's what he did and it's called a "crime." That's why he's being prosecuted. Sounds like you're drinking the Republican "political witch hunt" kool-aid.

  12. Why do criminal defense attorneys always have goofy hair and shoes? Is it code to defendants that "I may be an attorney but I'm not 'The Man'"?
