Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Heavy Hitter v. Ticket Busters (2nd Round)--voting ends 7/21 at 5 pm

If we could have Blogger do it, we'd have Sprach Zarathustra (the theme from 2001) piping in from the speakers while you read this poll post. Why? Because the undisputed heavyweight champion of billboard/television advertising is making his way towards the ring. That's right, this Monday it is the 4ft 10" Heavy Hitter v. that cute cop on the Ticket Busters ads.

Glen Lerner, The Heavy Hitter
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Lerner has entered the ring. Say what you want about him (and we've said plenty on this blog; see all prior posts here), the Boston accented, shorter than short Heavy Hitter is the king of Vegas legal billboards, radio ads (Glen Lerner Traffic Center, anyone) and television advertising (Heavy Hitter ads and spoofs available here).

According to his website, Mr. Lerner "has been practicing personal injury law in Las Vegas since 1991" . . . and he "deals with attorneys all over America fighting for the 'little guy' against the big insurance companies and corporations." As goofy as the ads are, Mr. Lerner is a prime example of Plaintiff's attorneys laughing all the way to the bank. It is generally accepted that Lerner is a multi-millionaire and now that he's spreading his practice down to Phoenix as well, we're pretty sure that he showers in money every day.

Like it or not, Lerner is in many ways the face of the Nevada legal community to the general public. That's makes him tough competition in this poll.

Finally, he potentially has the most iconic personal injury commercial out there, "The Big Game":

Ticket Busters

Sure, everyone knows that Ticket Busters is just Richard Harris' firm in disguise. But the firm's billboard presence is so huge that Ticket Busters got its own slot in the tournament.

Ticket Busters may be the best example of the comedy and success of Vegas billboard/television firms. Everyone in town makes fun of TB because its public face is a cartoon police officer. At the same time, the owners of the firm have plenty of cash to roll in to deal with public derision. The biggest complaint clients seem to have with TB is that clients "could have done it themselves". (RJ Eforums). But what firm hasn't had to listen to an ungrateful client claim he could have represented himself? Plus, how many other firms have a Facebook page so people can become a fan?

They even have ridiculous cartoon commercials:


  1. Ticket Busters beating the Heavy Hitter?! Really? Sorry, but that is silly. Many of Lerner's commercials are instant classics. I am not here to bash the polls, as I actually enjoy reading the bios on some of the valley's more "prominent" (ahem) attorneys. My practice is limited to business litigation issues (read: rich dudes fighting with other rich dudes), and thus I miss the ability interact with these more colorful characters. But still, for Lerner not to advance out of the second round (after a first round bye)--come on people!

  2. It's the seeding that is wacky. Look at the brackets. How the hell does Ticket Busters even get seeded where they did? They shouldn't have met up with Lerner until the later round anyway.

    TB should have been in the top half of the bottom bracket. To place them in the bottom bracket with Lerner was B.S. to begin with.

  3. The bracket selection were worse than the BCS. How does the bracket leave out such long-time personal injury advertising giants as George Bochanis and Benson Bertoldo? Not that either of those offices provide decent legal services, but come on, both firms have been dominant on the PI advertizing landscape for years. Heck, even Eric Posin and Your Legal Power should have been on the bubble.

    Who the hell is Reza Athari?

  4. Congratulations to Ticket Busters on its massive upset over the Heavy Hitter.

    Ticket Busters (143 votes; 65%)
    The Heavy Hitter (75 votes; 34%)

  5. @9:40

    While I agree completely that it's a joke that those two firms in particular got left off the list, and while I agree that Bochanis doesn't provide any good legal service, I must say that I disagree with Benson Bertoldo...

    I had a big case with Brett Carter, and he's money. We settled for a VERY large amount mainly because he dotted every "I" and crossed every "T."

    He was so good that he got a co-defendant doctor to admit that he breached the standard of care. OUCH!!

    He's a great attorney. Arrogant, but well-deserved.
