Sunday, July 19, 2009

Say it ain't so, Wayne

Like everyone else in this country, we've been reading about the horrific state of the country's economy, the 12.3% unemployment in Las Vegas and the increasing squeeze on the legal economy. But since most of our friends have held onto their legal jobs, the bad news hasn't personally affected us . . . until now.

A tipster reports that two lawsuits have been filed against Wayne Newton:

Austin Eide v. Wayne Newton, individually, et. al. (Case No. A595223)

Contract action. Wayne Newton and/or his foundation has failed to pay the plaintiff an outstanding balance of $32,384 for over 4,000 bales of hay he ordered. (filed by Gregory S. Mills on behalf of Plaintiff)

GMAC LLC v. Erin Meil Inc.; Wayne Newton (Case No. A595266)

Contract action. Wayne Newton, the famous Las Vegas Entertainer, has defaulted on the lease for a 2005 Cadillac Escalade. (filed by Brian E. Holthus of Jolley Urga)

Not sure about you other readers, but we here at WWL fell in love with Mr. Newton while watching Dancing with the Stars. Say it ain't so Wayne! We want you to stay on top of the Vegas world. As for Mr. Mills and Mr. Holthus, how dare you gentlemen!?! I know you have clients to represent, but this is the Wayne Newton, "Mr. Las Vegas," you're going after.

On a side note: gentlemen, there's a reason we ladies love Dancing with the Stars so much. If you're smart, you'll learn how to dance.


  1. I thought most vehicle leases were three years. Did Wayne lease a used Escalade or did he have a longer lease?
