Monday, July 6, 2009

Titolo Law Office v. Robert "Top Gun" Koenig - Round 1 of the Billboard/Television Tournament (ends 7/7 at 5 p.m.)

Hope everyone had a happy 4th, now let's get back to business. The Round One match ups continue with today's offering: Titolo Law Office v. Robert "Top Gun" Koenig (Voting will be open until 5 p.m. on Tues., 7/7).

Let's meet the contenders:

Tim Titolo

Besides having an awesome name (and a heart-warming smile), Tim Titolo has been a practicing personal injury attorney in Las Vegas for over 25 years. Also, he's a blogger who frequently posts on his "Brain and Spine Injury Law Blog."

Beyond that, Titolo is a member of something called the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, and prominently displays the MDAF seal on his website. He must be an awesome attorney to be a member of such an exclusive club!

While we have lots of love for fellow bloggers, some people like their billboard/advertising attorneys to have a little spunk, like a phone number jingle you can't get out of your head or maybe a nickname like ...

Robert "Top Gun" Koenig

While he may not be a member of MDAF, Top Gun's website boasts "Over $150,000,000 Collected!" Also, Top Gun claims to be "associated with one of the largest law firms in the nation by volume of cases settled" ... whatever the hell that means.

Many of you may be wondering where "Top Gun" got his nickname. Well, turns out he is a former F-16 Thunderbird pilot who hung up his wings in order to attend law school so he could practice in the much more exciting field of personal injury.

Yeah right! We don't really know how he got the name, and his website doesn't mention the origin of his "Top Gun" moniker. Maybe he's a pilot, or maybe it was simply due to the cool (and easy to remember) phone number he picked up (4TOP-GUN). If you know, please enlighten us in the comments.

So, do you like the legal blogger, or are you a fan of nicknames and fancy phone numbers? Vote your preference!

According to this article, Titolo once punched a woman in the face in a fit of road rage landing himself a suspended 12 month sentence. Don't know how we missed that one! Thanks Anon 9:11.


  1. Date: April 21, 2004
    Author: Glenn Puit
    Section: City
    Page: 5B
    Words: 410

    Judge places lawyer on probation



    A Las Vegas lawyer received a suspended jail sentence and was placed on probation Tuesday after pleading guilty to charges stemming from a traffic altercation.

    Timothy Titolo has always disputed the police version of events in the 2001 incident.

    "The cops trumped this whole thing up," Titolo said.

    But a Las Vegas woman told a judge Tuesday that Titolo attacked her and punched her in the face during the dispute.

  2. Old news about Titolo.

    Titolo fights hard for his clients. And by Vegas standards, he's mostly ethical. Some of his theories on spine and brain injuries are a bit out there, but compared to some of the big PI houses, Titolo is a relative straight shooter.

    Top Gun is just so friggin' corny.

  3. Any one look up the civil case, Boem v. Titolo? I would, but I don't like the new database.

  4. Congratulations to Maverick, who fought through his demons and memories of Goose dying to take this first round poll.

  5. Top Gun went supersonic and pulled out the victory:

    Top Gun (52 votes; 68%)
    Titolo (24 votes; 31%)
