Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jan Paul Koch v. Mainor Eglet Cottle

Jan Paul Koch

This is the “WWL Reader's Choice Tournament Of The Best Billboard/Television Advertising Firm In Vegas,” right? Clearly, however, we’re looking at more than just billboards and television commercials when deciding who to vote for. We’re looking at the whole package which includes, in addition to billboards and commercials, areas such as craigslist spamming, catchy jingles, self-assigned nicknames, etc. And perhaps the first place we look to is the attorney’s website – this is the “internet age” after all.

So why, in the midst of the technology revolution, does s spytfyre like J.P. Koch - a self-described "ambulance chaser" - not even bother to have a functioning website?? Google his name and you may find www.janpaulkoch.com – but go to the actual address, and all you find is an advertisement for “Datacom Hotel - Las Vegas Web Hosting.” Maybe youtube.com has something? Nope – not a thing, at least not that I can find. I know the guy advertises – how else would I know the name? – but when it comes to using that new thing called the “internet” (created, of course, by Al Gore), J.P. gets a zero in my book. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

Is there anything about J.P. on the internet, you ask? There sure is! Apparently he’s an accomplished comic booker, being the “writer and creator of Spytfire.” For you comic junkies out there, Spytfire (aka Spytfure") is “the story of a little girl that got lost in two jungles – one in Indonesia and one in Las Vegas," with a little bit of God mixed in. Why comic books? Well, it's because J.P. realized "that the digital technology he was using to set up 'trial exhibits' could be used to make comic books." Apparently, back in 2003, J.P. was "thinking about branching off into computer animation as well."

Here's a guy who was pioneering the use of digital technology in the courtroom 6 years ago, but now can't even keep a website going today. J.P., you're not the man I thought you were.

- versus -

Mainor Eglet Cottle

Do I even have to comment on MEC? Probably not, but I promise to be brief.

MEC may have the most information website I've seen. What other firm's website comes complete with scrolling photos of what MEC's lavish abode looks like from the inside? It's like having a sneak peek into the Abyss. Fancy a face-to-face with Bob Eglet or Robert Cottle for an "Endoscopy Case Update" - MEC's got your update right here. MEC's even on facebook!

Here's another idea for you MEC: How about setting up webcams in every office? Everyone could tune in to a "Big Brother - MEC" live feed and watch you rake in the multi-million dollar verdicts! I smell an Emmy...


  1. I see MEC has really updated their site since I last went there for a chuckle...unbelievable. Although my firm's site sucks, I'm glad I don't have any video footage of me talking about my stupid job.

  2. After reviewing the MEC website, I should of gone to a shitty law school and converted to a certain religion to become rich.

  3. @12/01:

    uuhhhh.....I think Robert Eglet's religion is money, but I could be wrong.

  4. How is this such a close race? Who the eff is Jan Paul Koch. MEC is the poster-boy-ambulance-chasing PI firm in town. I think I learned about the endoscopy fiasco from their commercial which was on TV within 24 hours of the news breaking - of course it was cleverly disguised as a medical public service announcement, right until the end.

  5. Be careful about saying anything negative about Bob Eglet - he'll sue you! But don't worry, if you fight back he'll eventually dismiss the case: http://www.lvrj.com/news/11911601.html

    No amount of money can buy integrity or class.

  6. July 8, 2009 12:01 AM

    You don't really make sense. Are you saying that you cannot even get into a shitty lawschool or are you trying to insult MEC by saying all of their attorneys went to shitty law schools? If it is the latter than you are pretty much insulting all the attorneys here in town. The MEC attorneys went to law school such as UNLV, California Western, BYU etc. They went to lawschool with many of the attorneys here in town.

    Also, keep your insults on the professional level and away from religion -it makes you sound like a racist.

  7. Wow. Massive upset. Jan Paul Koch grabbed enough votes in the last few moments to take down Plaintiff's firm giant Mainor Eglet Cottle

  8. You reap what you sow. MEC treats is clients like shit. Those custom-decorated offices came on the backs of many people who were coerced into having unnecessary back surgeries. Eglet and Awand got rich; the clients got crippled.

  9. @9:08

    While your passion is appreciated, apparently the federal government feels differently. They have investigated Eglet for over SIX YEARS, with a massive team of AUSA and unlimited resources, and still have not been able to indict him. Now, I am not a huge Eglet fan, but there is still a presumption of innocence, right? Or is that just for people we like? If you have information that the feds don't have (which apparently makes you so confident in your accusations), then you might want to send it their way. I'm sure they would appreciate it.

  10. Where did @9:08 accuse Eglet of any crime. I did not think it was in dispuet that he and Awand sent hundreds to Kabins for questionable surgeries. Okay, maybe all the surgeries and discograms people had were fully indicated and all reasonable and necessary. And OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife.

  11. @5:58

    So you're agreeing there is no presumption of innocence, and that you are more informed than the US attorneys office? Nice.

  12. Criminal? No (at least not yet). Immoral? Yes.

  13. Huge upset this time around with MEC going down. Guess they'll have to comfort themselves with a bed made of hundred dollar bills:

    MEC (78 votes; 46%)
    JPK (90 votes; 53%)

  14. 5:58 apparently you are willing to believe anything you read even if there is no evidence to support it. I get it - - you are a defense attorney and MEC kicked your butt.

  15. Robert Adams folds like a card table.

  16. Well, Well, it looks like the 9th District Court is finally going to take on the Million Dollar Men (MEC) this firm makes the old Las Vegas mafia look like Boy Scouts - I sure hope they can break up this mob - and all their close ($$) friends and contributors ($$) - maybe all the frivolous lawsuits will come to a end.
