Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Open Thread: Holiday Weekend Edition

Happy Friday everyone!

Enjoy your holiday weekend! Assuming, of course, you're caught up on you billables.


  1. Ah, the joys of being in-house counsel. Long holiday weekends and no billable hours.

  2. my office closes today at 3 pm, anyone else?

  3. @8:02,

    You didn't get the memo? All the partners will be gone on Monday. Something about throwing a partner-only party and swimming in their pools of money.

  4. 802 +1

    All I see is three days of work and only a few Saturday appointments.

  5. This is a serious question, I am not trying to be a wise guy, but for the responders who are working all weekend, I assume you are associates, do you receive six figure salaries and bonus based on your extra time? I receive $62,500 but work 4.5 days a week [small firm]; I am just trying to figure out why the extra time.

  6. Josh Aicklen at Lewis Brisbois is still a douche bag fucktard asshole idiot.

    Have a great holiday weekend!

  7. Josh Aicklen kicked 9:10 AM's sorry ass and made her cry.

  8. Just boils down to big firm versus little guy. Big firm makes more money in the long run but little guy actually gets to live long enough to enjoy his life. Perfect example of soulless big firm drone: everybody's favorite douchebag Steve Gibson. Best example of little guy making it: Johnny "Vegas" Watkins.

  9. 9:05: 9:00 here... I'm a solo. Weekdays are mostly intakes, client meetings and court; to be able to sit and draft and read I have to set aside night and weekend time.

  10. Big firm = more babes to fool around with.

    Little firm = more time to surf porn.

    About equal, I would say.

  11. 9:33 and what Big Firm has the best babes to fool around with?

  12. 9:35:

    Why, the one YOU work at, of course.

  13. Earlier this week I was stuck in traffic on the 215. There was a Golightly billboard on my left. I watched it closely for at least 10 minutes....WOW, you guys are right again...He never blinked once!!!

    My question: is that billable time?

  14. Why do I continue to make mortgage payments when my house is so upside down? I see all of these people living in their houses without making payments for well over a year before they are evicted or enter into a short sale. I feel like the only sucker in town who still makes payments. How long will my credit suffer if I do a short sale? Are any lenders agreeing not to sue for deficiencies?

  15. I'm still stunned at the arrogance of the JP's and district court judges over taking court fees to pay for a lobbyist. No other public employees get to impose fees imposed upon the public to fight for their personal agendas. The judges should be ashamed and the media should be filing an open records request to see how these fees are used.

  16. @ 10:00
    "Why do I continue to make mortgage payments when my house is so upside down?"

    Because you were an idiot who bought a house that was overvalued, and signed a contract with the lender saying you would pay principal + interest monthly. I doubt your mortgage had a clause that said your payments will be excused if the value of your house drops below the mortgage.

    As for the rest of your whiny rant, congratulations! You are now a part of the problem in Clark County, specifically, by buying into the "Everybody else is doing it. Why can't I?" that I hear from my teenage children.

    How about honoring your mortgage? How about living in your house because it's your home? You understand that you don't realize a loss until you sell it or walk away, right? Until then, your loss of "value" is theoretical based on what other houses are selling for because desperate people have lost their jobs. Have you lost your job?


  17. Two lawyer law firm; we are closing at 3, taking the holiday weekend, and pay the bills with billable hours. So the best of both worlds can be achieved.

  18. 10:13: It is just a contract. People breach contracts for business reasons all the time. This is not a moral issue. The bank has a remedy: foreclosure. Plus, they got years of payments. Do you think people are idiots when they want to out of a cell phone contract?

  19. Wow 10:13 aren't we a little bit peeved. So everybody who bought a house during the boom is an idiot because the house was overvalued? I'm assuming that you are so prescient that you've been renting the whole time... We have companies who walk away from investments all the time because they have lost their value (Look at Tom Benson soon to be former owner of the Texas Rangers) and you're saying we as individuals can't do it? Are we back to your complaining about how all new attorneys are soft 'cause we don't want to work weekends even though you have imposed higher billables? Or how you used to have to walk to school 10 miles uphill in the snow both ways? Don't judge, just stfu, collect your $200+K per year, be miserable with your sixth wife and 5 children who hate you and leave the rest of us alone.

  20. OMG, I think I'm in love with 10:33!!!

  21. We could do a three-some with 10:33 because I think I love him, too.

  22. Since the RJ posted an article today about cooling off periods for legislators becoming lobbyists, what about cooling off periods for Judges? I thought Judge Wall's last day on the bench was 8/31 but believe that he was back in front of the bench on 9/1. Cause you any heartburn?

  23. @11:04

    Make it a foursome, I think I love 10:33 too.

    Call me.

  24. 10:33, 10:40, 11:04 & 12:22 meet at Green Door for First Friday!

  25. Let's liven the holiday weekend up a bit.

    If you could work for any firm or attorney in town (other than yourself), who would it be?

  26. The reason your house is upside down is because it was overflated do to predatory loans the banks were dishing out. A large percentage of people who were approved for loans in 2005-2007should have never been approved. More people that buy homes = the more they are in demand = the more the houses sell for. Most of the large banks were fully aware of that the bubble was going to burst when these lovely interest only arms adjusted. The banks then went out and overinsured your house against foreclosure. That way when you foreclose, the bank gets paid more than if you were to stay in the 30yr arm

    To sum it up....please do not give me that "you signed a contract therefore you must abide by the contract" bullshit. Most banks who hold the first mortgage have no real issue with you foreclosing

  27. It's everyone's fault. It's the appraisers' fault for making up BS appraisals. It's the governments fault for forcing banks to loan to un-creditworthy people in an attempt to help minorities. It's the mortgage brokers' faults for blowing through liar loans without checking them. It's the homeowners' fault for treating their houses as giant piggy banks.

    So, sure, on a micro level the efficient breach argument is fine. The bank gets what it bargained for with the foreclosures and the opportunity to seek deficiency. But on a macro level, we're all screwed if EVERYONE walks from their house. Whether you feel you have a moral obligation to those other than yourself on the macro level, when weighed against your own needs/wants, is your decision. But I think that both moral and amoral arguments have reasonable merit.

  28. I love it when people suggest new topics on here and they always fall flat.

  29. Hi lawyers. Who should I hire to get me into the bar? I have character and fitness issues. Also, what size breast implants would you all prefer me to get before you start seeing me in court? Thank you in advance for your advice.

  30. @1:37

    No I'm not. I just have small breasts.

  31. “One may well ask: How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others? The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”
    - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Walk away from your mortgage. The Fed already bought your note at full face value from the bank even though the underlying collateral is at 50 cents. Every dime you pay is pure profit to these whorebankerpigs, whether it's a bank note or the bank is just servicing it.

  32. To 10:10, many government agencies that are funded by fees use those fees to hire lobbyists.

    You can quibble about who the courts selected, the price they are paying, and whether tax dollars should pay for lobbying our tax-funded legislators, but you can't say the courts are doing something novel. Well you can say it, but you'll be wrong all day long.

    As for the mortgage debate, it is a contract. Both parties entered into the contract knowing the remedies available. There is no moral obligation to keep paying a mortgage. There is a moral obligation to abide by the remedies for failing to pay. Meaning you can't hole up with an arsenal to keep the bank from taking the house back.

    As with any bad investment, there comes a time you have to get out. Watch out for the second mortgage.

  33. How could a small-breasted woman have character and fitness issues?

  34. @1:54

    How could I not? Obviously I couldn't obtain what I wanted at the time via my large breasts so I had to go with plan B...

  35. Before making a recommendation on who you should hire, a description of what those charter and fitness issues in fact are might help us determine who would be interested in lending a hand!

  36. 1:16

    So if individuals should be morally responsible for their bad business deals, then why shouldn't corporations? Obviously a corporation doesn't have a conscience or feelings and that is why they shouldn't have free reign and they shouldn't have so much control over our economy and national policy.

  37. @ 2:01

    Criminal, duh. There's got to be a go to guy or something. This is Las Vegas

  38. Tony Terry handles such things with some frequency. Mike Warhola used to be assistant Bar Counsel. Either of those should at least give you an idea of what your chances are.

  39. @2:11

    Thanks, I really do appreciate it.

  40. 1:24 full c or a small d, but don't forget about the rest of yourself either.

  41. @1:24

    I think we need to see the before pics in order to make an appropriate determination on the new size...

  42. Bill Terry, not Tony Terry

    1. Oh hell no!!! Bill Terry, can you say take your butt load of money, do nothing and demand you take what you get.

  43. Thanks 2:29, and the rest is flawless

  44. NRS 176.059 says that administrative assessment funds are to be used for:
    (a) training and education of personnel;
    (b) acquisition of capital goods;
    (c) management and operational studies; or audits; and
    (d) audits.
    It can also be used for providing services to juvenile offenders and acquiring appropriate advanced technology.

    There is no statute, nor should there be, allowing the courts to use administrative assessments to hire lobbyists for the purposes of related to the judges' compensation and benefits.

  45. Whenever a client refers to a "moral" or "ethical" obligation to their mortgage, I tell this story about the industry that is accusing them of immorality:

  46. I'm sure Bill Terry could handle such a thing, and he has some pull in this town, but I distinctly remember seeing Tony Terry's name associated with several C & F reviews

  47. I can't find anything on Bill Terry but Warhola used to prosecute for ethics...

  48. My weekend:

    10:33 is bringing 10:40, 11:04 & 12:22 to my place, wherein we will get fuckfaced retarded and then drop acid until Golightly's billboard blinks. I scored the blotters from a couple metro detectives. Its black market prices with them, but ensures that its good stuff. They're only hooking me up because I'm the only one that saw what actually happened at CostCo. Those U/Cs know how to party...

  49. Just for fun, change of topic:

    JT Moran 3 chairman of the state ethics committee..bwaaaahhhhhhhh

    1. Has Vegas sunk that low...can Vegas sink low. I thought we had the market on low sinking shipness.

  50. Oops. We'll need to redact that @2:57pm post. lol.
    By 'Metro Detective', I meant drug dealer.
    Wait. What's the difference again?

  51. On the mortgage discussion/rant/vent

    Rule #1 - your house is not a f'n "investment" anymore than your clothes or car. Therefore, don't expect any more of a return on your home than those other items. If you don't want to risk "loosing" money on your house, don't buy, rent.

    If you don't give a shit, buy enjoy it and don't bitch about it.

    It's quite simple.

  52. Please tell me that JT 3 is not in charge of anything! He is a complete tool riding on his dads reputation. Didn't he flunk the bar 3 times.?

  53. 2:33 great observation. I concur.

  54. 1:24: If that's the case, hope to see you in court or a depo some day.

    @ 2:29

  55. JT there is an interesting topic...

  56. @2:29

    I certainly hope so, as do the servicers of my student loans.

  57. @10:33 and fellow Green Door Invitees

    I LOVE you man!!!

  58. I think the topic of what attorney is more useless traffic lawyers or CD attorneys was much better last week...

  59. @ 3:03 in 2007 your house was an investment. Cars, also can be an investment (classic cars). A house for a long time was thought of as the largest investment the average person would make in their lifetime. You buy soemthing under the anticipation that it will increase in value and you will one day sell it for a profit = an investment. end of story.

  60. Has anyone warked with this Libo Agwara guy...he seems like a flipping retard.

  61. Anybody know who this blonde hottie workoing out at LVAC right now is? Gonna try to bang her in my car in the parking lot....

  62. @ 4:41 pm

    It's me and stop staring at my ass...

  63. 4:41 Best of luck to you. we expect to see a full report by 5pm.

  64. and pictures. didn't happen unless you have pictures

  65. 4:30 - that's the mentality that got people into this mess. Yes, ideally, a home will appreciate over the course of 30 years. However, you primary residence shouldn't be purchased with the intent of it being an "investment" with a certain expected rate of return (well, maybe 3% a year for 30 years - better luck in the CD market). If you want to "invest" in real estate, then you do so not with your primary residence but second homes, rental property, etc.

    When people realize that their primary residence is not their retirement fund, kids college fund, etc., then the long haul of real estate will begin its recovery.

    Buy a house to live in that you like and that you can afford while not expecting to double your investment in 10 years.

    I'm too young to remember, but I'm told the word "mortgage you land" used to be a last ditch effort to avoid loosing everything.

  66. Hey, I just read some of the previous posts about Las Vegas Attorneys who are huge Tools. Please don't pick on Erika Pike Turner. Admittedly, Erika is as abrasive, offensive, and foul as Paris Hilton's Cooter sans Valtrex. Nevertheless, Erika has a quiver of qualities that you have obviously overlooked. For instance: (1) Dude grows an excellent beard; (2) He...???!!! Ok, well, I am drawing a blank right this second. Nonetheless, I am seriously shocked by some of your heartless comments. I can only imagine Erika, alone & napkinless, silently weeping into his perfectly groomed chest hair. So sad! :(

  67. 5:18: Believe me, I am no EPT fan, but that was way harsh.

  68. Best kind of male shoes to get?

    Btw, I love EPT

  69. Geez, if you're going to post stupid stuff, at least make it witty. There is a dearth of wittiness here today. Not remotely entertaining, just dumb.

  70. @7:31 And yet, you kept reading clear to the end.

  71. Meanwhile, our finest douchebag-tacular members continue to pursue injustice at any cost.

    Leave Turner alone.

  72. Is Talitha Gray the BK hottie??

  73. Amen to leave Erika Turner alone. Sorry if she kicked your big vag ass. I've worked with her. She happens to be a great attorney and a great person. So sorry she does not fit into the Vegas chic/giant rack/bobble head bimbo so famously popular among the boys on this blog.

  74. 8:41 AM - Thank you, Sid. Well said.

  75. Has anyone ever heard of a Boyd student who turned in his partner for fraudulent billing? It might have been a few years ago.

  76. I don't know if Talitha is the BK hottie, but she is hot and cool as hell - married too.

  77. Erika Turner is pure F%#king HOTTNESS.


    They kill everyone else and miss the free and clear shot at her?
    Metro Shoots and Kills Paris Hilton!

    Tupac serving Slurpees, Ann E Zimmerman is a dipshit, Sharron adjusts, and R-J is inconsistent

  79. JT3 TOOK the Nevada Bar 3 times. Did not fail 3x.

    I told you all, I have never caught the BK Hotties name. I WILL get both of their names. But I may not post them. Loved the Unicorn comment.

  80. 8:04: Yes, I did read all the way to the end. Besides holding out hope for a glimmer of wittiness, once I start reading a thread I can't really stop. Probably the better tactic is just don't start in the first place.

  81. I don't know EPT but looked at her picture on the website and, while realizing limitations of going by just one photo, she doesn't look bad at all. In fact she looks pretty attractive. I don't get all the bashing of other attorneys' appearances (well, with the exception of Halvorsen). If we were great looking people, we would have become actors or something, not attorneys.

  82. It isn't EPT's looks that should be bashed, it is her demeanor to opposing counsel. She is disrespectful, unprofessional and nasty. I won in the end. It was great.

    1. Don't worry I think she has ass cancer or divorced and anal worts. I get confused.

  83. 10:13 fuck you. From: all of las vegas. You insensitive fuck loser

  84. @12:03A

    Yeah, baby!

    Also, 10:13, as a 30 year resident: blow me, you ignorant transplant fuck. Go back to California.

  85. 2:46:

    EPT is a hot piece of ass. You look like the bottom of my nutsack. Nuff said.

  86. I don't understand the bashing of Josh Aicklen. As far as male attorneys go, I think he's one of the less arrogant and egotistical.

    Let's talk about hot attorneys. Who are they?

  87. I know the Public Defenders office was taking applications, but does anyone know when they're doing interviews??

  88. EPT is a hot piece of nutsack. You look like the bottom of my ass. Nuff said.

  89. 1:24 if you have that kind of trouble and you blame ot on ur chest it's probably because of ur fat ass

  90. Yeah bitch, suck it!!!

  91. All you LV lawyers need to wake up. You’re practicing in a very small pond. It doesn’t take legal savvy or intelligence to shine here. Nobody follows the rules. The judges regularly disregard civil procedure. You’re all sloppy because you can be. Not one of you would survive in another state. The truth hurts.

    1. Yeah like Cali where the forms are really tough to fill in and file.

  92. That's right bitch! Suck it twice. Double kickstands bitch!

  93. 3:18 thank God we have you to point out all that's wrong with Vegas. You must be the one and only good attorney in vegas. I'm sure we've all heard of you and your amzing courtroom exploits.

  94. So, buying a house in '95 for $120,000 and selling said house the day after its paid off 30 years later for $240,000 is an "investment?" Even though a total of $450,000 is paid to the bank in the process?

    That doesn't sound like an "investment" to me. A "profit" is made only if the sale price exceeds all costs involved in ownership (I know that lawyers struggle with math, but this requires no computation) No doubt, ownership is better than renting (normally) but it's not an investment unless you pay cash for the house! Otherwise, its your residence.

  95. Bam baby! You heard him. Pow! How you like that!

  96. Loving the tension between the County Commission and the judges. This is great viewing!

  97. Justice Court needs to have someone other than Ann Zimmerman as its spokesperson. She comes off as petty and belligerent.

  98. 7-2 - judges motion denied!

  99. Sorry - that was 5-2. Can't wait to see what happens now.

  100. 11:50pm - someone who "gets" it. Are you married? That's the language of love in my world - sensibilities.

  101. I think I might have a good personal injury case to refer. Does anyone know a good personal injury attorney? It is for a friend of mind.

  102. Richie said the judges have the authority to hire Arberry with or without the Commission's blessing.

  103. Why does Ritchie have a hard on for this guy? And what if the other judges don't want him; will Ritchie just select the guy to be the lobbyist?

  104. Ramzy Ladah. I don't know his number, I'm sure you can find it online.

  105. If I'm not mistaken Ladah does death cases. Send your friend to Half Price Lawyers. 400-0000.

  106. Call a heavy hitter

  107. Use Ramzy. My brother-in-law used him after a bad car accident and he couldn't be happier.

  108. To the "30 year resident:"

    Considering that you are only 30 years old, having lived 25 years off your parents' teat, and you became a "homeowner" merely five years ago when you bought an overpriced condo does not mean that the world owes you a box of kleenex while your "investment" drops like Paris Hilton's drawers in the pokey.

    And for the record, "all of Las Vegas" is pissed at the obnoxious wealth douchefags like you who opt for "strategic foreclosure" while they struggle to keep a job and a roof over their kids' heads.

  109. That's right bitch. Double kickstands! Yeah suck it!

  110. Just found a picture of Erik Scott's

    At least he'll have company in hell.

  111. Shocked to read on Las Vegas Now that Scott was a wifebeater and all around crazy. Though the family's hired mouthpiece seems to differ. Let's hurry up and be done with the inquest. Sick of the whole affair.

  112. 7:03 PM - There is nothing in that News 8 report that justifies calling the guy an all around crazy. Most divorces involve women claiming this or that. Tossing in a little DV helps grease the wheels.

    As for threatening to shoot the stupid dog, I would have shot the thing on the spot and then pistol whipped the owner for letting the little beast run loose.

    So, a couple of ex-wives claiming he threatened violence during a divorce and a stupid dog owner saying boohoo Scott wasn't nice to my ought-to-be-dim-sum doggy doesn't amount to anything.

    It's a smear campaign. Pure and simple. I can't wait for some breathless News 8 reporter to inform us Scott once stole candy from a classmate in kindergarten or preferred doggy style to missionary position in bed.

  113. Our esteemed blog mistress should post something about this buffoonery going over Morse Arschbuddy. Seriously, we can't open the south entrance but we can spend almost 200 grand to hire some guy to lobby for higher salaries?

    And, sure, I know some tasty political sausage is being made by our beloved Chief Judge. Woohoo. It would taste all the better if they actually gave a shit about running an efficient court with TWO ENTRANCES and an independant clerk's office.

  114. The Chief Judge can't recognize sh*t from apple butter. He certainly doesn't how to properly use tax payer's dollars, wishing to spend them on a state assemblyman who spent more time in the cat houses east of Carson City than in the Legislative building while "serving" his state and constituents.

  115. @8:01,

    Doesn't everyone?

  116. @8:01 (Goodman). Was that post a .2?

  117. I don't know. It wasn't just one woman who said he was an abuser, but two. Either he's a bad guy cause it's true or he's an idiot because he surrounded himself with crazies, repeatedly.

  118. I can just see the seething psychopath behind the mask! This guy has more than skeletons. Probably a dead cat or two, and some kiddie porn.

  119. That's right bitch!!! Double kickstands in your face!

  120. Who let the 17 year old drop-outs into the house here?

  121. Ramzy Ladah??! Are you kidding??? He has less than one year of experience!! If he already closed a death case for someone then he must have settled it ASAP, which means the policy limit or the first offer he was given. Either way, it takes zero skill to do it.

  122. So, wait, I thought Erik Scott was a bad guy because he married a personal trainer/"dancer" who ended up being a meth dealer or something, according to the earlier smear campaign by Metro. Now she's an extremely credible character witness because of her accusations during a divorce proceeding??

    WTF, Metro!? Just release the f'n video and the 911 calls. Evidence proximal to the shooting should be more convincing the assassinating Scott's character. Unless there's a reason ...

  123. @9:20. Pow bitch! Yeah!!!!

  124. "than assassinating..."

  125. Blam, Erik Scott, yeah!!! Pow. Double kickstand bitch!

  126. Just because Scott married a couple of skeezy whores doesn't make him an idiot or a bad guy. A cocktail waitress and a stripper? Is that all you got metro?

  127. Yeah! Waitresses are hookers! Bam bitch!

  128. 9:26 sounds very bitter and jealous

  129. Eric Scott is the new Troy Fox.

  130. Remove the stick 9:42

  131. Why? Because I believe in freedom? Because I won't let metro use a couple of dirty whores to defame Erik's good name? An innocent man died because he wanted to exercise his right to bear arms and I'll never let that go. They messed with the wrong guy.

  132. 9:26 doesn't sound bitter and jealous. I agree. I don't know Ramzy, but speaking generally, lawyers who practice solo straight out of law school, with zero practical experience, seem to be begging for a malpractice suit. Not only should their lack of experience be disclosed to their clients, but it just contributes to the already large amount of shit attorneys in town who don't know how to effectively litigate a case.

    Just my personal opinion. Seems to me like these types of lawyers are just taking advantage of lay people who know nothing about the law and placing their well-being in an inexperienced attorney's hands.

  133. Some of the best plaintiff attorneys in the city went off on their own almost sraight out of law school and now all the douche bag defense counsels out there wish they had the balls to do the same a long time ago.

  134. True, I know the attorney i work for is making well over seven figures a year doing PI and he went off on his own about 6 months out of law school. So, 1:09 doesn't know what he/she is blabbering about

  135. Yeah, and I knew this nag that won the Kentucky Derby. That still leaves a lot of racehorses that are only good for glue and Jell-o.

  136. Sorry 12:43. Thought someone else was correcting your grammar.

  137. I graduated last year and I don't have the balls to go out on my own. every day I learn something new, and until my job becomes more mundane, I don't trust going out on my own. With that being said, I do appreciate those who go out on their own because they are able to provide legal services to people who can't afford as much as an experienced attorney would charge them

  138. Was thinking about Eric Scott and it occurred to me that he's the only male heir to his fathers legacy. Wish I could find a way to rub their faces in that fact.

  139. You son of a bitch. Burn in hell

  140. Pow bitch! Double kickstands in your face!

  141. 8:47 PM - Ah, you so funny.

  142. I never bought anybody's outlines in law school. But I did get three Cali awards. Yeah I got fired from Alverson. I told everyone about it when it happenned. I'm not the type to hide my failures or successes. I'm doing pretty good now, I have about 75 PI cases, a few of which I think are worth seven figures. I've settled three six figure cases already. Two of those cases no other attorneys wanted. One of them Harris dropped in the middle of lit. Those clients had nobody to turn to and I got them some serious money in their pockets. Those clients worship the ground I walk on. My profit over the last 8months is over a quarter mill $. So, I'm glad I got fired. My clients all love me. I don't have any bar complaints and I'll make sure I don't ever get any. I think its going well. I've definately got things to learn but I'll get there. I've made lots of friends, especially with much more experienced plaintiffs attorneys, who I will associate with on my bigger more complex cases in order to ensure my clients get top notch representation. Hopefully one of these days I'll be one of the premier plaintiff attorneys in the city. I realize I have a long way to go. Until then, I'll keep working my way up, inch by inch. And until then, if you want to talk shit come to my office and do it to my face. - Ramzy

    1. I was with you until you forgot to spell check.

  143. Hear hear! That post was awesome - way to defend yourself, Ramzy. Could have done without the last sentence though...
