Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

Not that it has anything to do with Nevada legal gossip, but this Lawyer Coloring Book made us laugh (via ATL).


  1. Who's the best looking lawyer in town?

  2. We've already discussed the best looking attorneys, lets talk about the dirt. Who's sleeping with the most associates and support staff! Who is the creepiest boss to work for?

  3. Those of you who are relatively new to this, or who never practiced up north, probably would not have known Bruce Laxalt. He was a lawyer's lawyer:

  4. @ 9:03 am

    My office manager.

  5. Rew Goodenow is the most sleazy lawyer

  6. Which lawyer in Clark County is the most flagrant liar? I mean jaw-dropping - you just said that on the record? - type of liar.

    Since there is no apparent consequence for engaging in such behavior from the bench, I'm sure we've all experienced it.*

    * No one reading this blog is eligible to be named - of course.

  7. I thought that Adam Kutner was the king of sleazy. Doesn't he keep an office at the Spearment Rhino? (Not that I'm hating...maybe a little jealous...) ;)

  8. If we're talking about blatant liars it has to be a family law attorney. The things that go on over there are just shameful. "Why yes attorney x signed the roc (paralegal furiously scribbling in the background), my paralegal is handing me it right now..."

  9. WWL has not done a "Magic Numbers" in a while and I think it is long past due.

  10. What?!?! No "Troy Fox" in response to 8:44's query?

  11. 10:14 - No one is making any money right now. Oh wait, maybe that is what we all want the public to believe. Keep the numbers private, close all the books, cry poor, maybe we too can get a bailout.

    All that really matters is that we stopped the associate lateral merry-go-round. No more parlaying some drinking contact into a nice $20K raise simply by switching firms and moving a few floors up or down. Finally, most associates will have to show they can actually bill and practice law to get a nice cushy lateral bump.

    The asshat partner down the hall that took your bonus and put it into new boobs for his mistress.

  12. Does David Whittemore count?

  13. There was a coloring book at Borders in the kids section called "Great Lawyers" that I bought a few copies of as gifts for lawyer friends.

  14. 10:25:

    Perhaps 8:46 is the elusive Troy Fox, claiming what is rightfully his.

  15. I looked through that coloring book and I think it had Moses or some other biblical figure in there. I mean, if they were going to throw fictional characters in you'd think they'd use Atticus Finch over Moses. Yeesh.

  16. Troy!? No way. The girls from Haines and Kreiger, and the girl from Goldberg's office are stone cold foxes.

  17. Instead of "Friday Open Thread", this should be called "Friday Open Invitation to Subpoena IP Numbers for Defamation Case."

  18. 1:50: welcome to the internet.

  19. Best looking?

    Erik Zentz, Esq.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. I'm so tired of seeing a barrage of personal injury/bankruptcy ads when I turn on the TV. Regulation anybody?

  22. Good luck. Ever hear of the 1st Amendment?

  23. 1014 and 1035 pm

    Ever heard of TiVo or DVR? I havent watched a commercial in years. LOVE IT !

  24. What does Tivo have to do with my 1st Amendment comment? Nothing. Nice smug fake technological superiority while failing the reading comprehension quiz.

  25. The amount of tv ads is also because local tv channels are hurting for ad money and they're aggressively marketing to lawyers. I get at least one or two calls a week from tv reps. The problem is that you have to go big to make tv ads worth it, at least $15-25k/mo. Less and you're wasting money.

  26. 1035

    Since you were the only one that commented at the commercials thread, I directed my TiVo comment at the two of you.

    The 1st Amendment is preserved by my right to press the fucking fast forward button.

    Dont over think things, you arent having to bill a 0.25 for it.

  27. Maybe 10:35/1:38 is Randolph Goldberg.

  28. 8:29 AM - you'd sell your soul to live just one single day as Goldberg. Hater.
