John Eccles
Campaign Website:

1. Why do you want to be a judge?
Unlike many people I know who have aspired to the judiciary for as long as they can remember, it was numerous conversations I have had over the past two to three years with members of the Family Law Bar and Family Law Judges which steered me toward the decision to run for Family Court judge. My colleagues have suggested to me that my experience and demeanor in Family Court have provided me with the breadth of knowledge and attitude necessary to be not just a Family Court judge, but an effective Family Court judge.
2. Why are you qualified to be a judge?
While in law school, I made sure nearly every elective I chose was in some way tied to Family Law. I knew before I graduated that Family Law would be my principal area of practice. Because of a then existing quirky rule, I was able to take - and pass - the Nevada Bar before graduating from law school. Since then, around 85% of my time as an attorney has been spent in Family Law, navigating clients through the Family Court, expanding my knowledge of Family Law along the way. Though many attorneys are loathe to handle Family Law matters, I thoroughly enjoy it. I receive a terrific level of satisfaction in getting clients through the pitfalls and quagmires often associated with Family Law cases. I respectfully submit my training and experience in Family Law, as well as my demeanor, will serve the people of Clark County well once I am elected. For me, Family Court judge is a destination, and one where I believe I will be able to guide the greatest number of litigants through the rigors of Family Law in a fair, efficient and timely manner.
3. Do you read Wild Wild Law? If so, what do you think of the site?
Shortly before receiving the invitation to submit my responses, a friend of mine told me about Wild Wild Law. Not being familiar with this blog, I checked it out, and was depth and breadth of information (and gossip) relative to the practice of law here in Clark County. I have it on my favorites now!
Bill Gonzalez - No response received
Gonzalez is awful. Eccles has my vote.
ReplyDelete10:03 AM: I have had the pleasure of litigating a case to trial against Mr. Eccles. He would bring legal knowledge, procedural knowledge, ethics, and class to Department F. He definitely has my vote.
ReplyDeleteJohn Eccles is usually the smartest person in the room. We want smart people on the bench. A vote for Gonzalez is essentially a vote for Gibbons since he appointed Gonzales. If you want someone who not only knows the law, but will follow the law, there is only one choice for Department F: John Eccles
ReplyDelete12:55 - Eccles? Is that you?
ReplyDeleteBut it's true - Gonzalez sucks and Eccles is way better. Gonzalez needs to go.
If my wife and Mr. Eccles were drowning and I could only save one of them, I would save Mr. Eccles.
ReplyDeleteI have appeared in front of Eccles when he was a pro tem hearing master on the bench. He is fair to both sides and isn't afraid to make decisions. The decisions he rendered were well thought out and were made with explanation (including citing to the law). Imagine that! I think Eccles would make an excellent Judge in Family Court. He definately has my vote.
ReplyDeleteI honestly do not believe that Judge Gonzalez reads a single document before taking the bench. He seems like a nice enough guy, but he makes a habit of being woefully unprepared to render decisions. Of particular concern is that he seems virtually oblivious to the statutory factors that MUST be considered in awarding alimony. If anyone out there has ever obtained a fair alimony award from Gonzalez that surpasses mere subsistence, I would love to hear about it. My vote is for Eccles.
ReplyDeleteDude, that website is BADASS!
ReplyDeletedoes anyone have experience with ellen bezian? This seems like a clear case of nice girls finishing last. She's never made it about the money or the rep
ReplyDelete6:29 - The website IS awesome, but will have some legitimate content in the coming weeks. The process of getting the website up and running has been surprisingly lengthy, what with everyone throwing their two cents' worth in as to content and how it should look. Even when it is up, it will still be a work in progress as we tweak it, so check back often.
ReplyDelete11:57 - Ellen is one of the nicest people I know, and a tenacious litigator (a la the Jessica Williams' case) and I don't think she gets the credit she deserves.
Everyone who has posted thus far - Thank you for all the kind words. I am told that I now hold the record for consecutive positive posts on Wild Wild Law, and I thank you all for that.
Gonzalez is an IDIOT who knows NOTHING about family law. He said that it was OK for my child to go back to the father's house where she was being abused......the abuser had already been convicted and sentenced in juvi court but Gonzalez still thought it appropriate to send her back into that environment!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am in FULL support of Eccles!
Eccles is a Dirty man, trying to steal a good man's job. Plus what are all these people saying Judge Gonzalez sucks for? Obviously they don't know him, if they did, I am sure they would have the common courtesy of at least telling the truth.
ReplyDeletePs-How many Endorsements has Eccles recieved?-last time I checked, Judge had recieved all of them!
Eccles is a Dirty man, trying to steal a good man's job. Plus what are all these people saying Judge Gonzalez sucks for? Obviously they don't know him, if they did, I am sure they would have the common courtesy of at least telling the truth.
ReplyDeletePs-How many Endorsements has Eccles recieved?-last time I checked, Judge had recieved all of them!
I'm hearing a lot of "Gonzalez sucks", but not a lot of anything to back it. Also a lot of "Eccles is this or that", but again, nothing to back it.
ReplyDeleteJudge Gonzalez concluded - at least initially - that a wife intentionally smashing her car into that of her husband did not constitute an act of domestic battery. At a subsequent hearing, he changed his mind, indicating there had, in fact, been an act of domestic violence which created a presumption against wife having either joint or primary physical custody, but she overcame that presumption by not engaging in ANOTHER act of domestic violence in the superceding eight months. Is that sufficiently specific, May 26?
ReplyDeleteEllen Bezian is a wonderful attorney and person. She really cares for her clients. She was my attorney when me and my ex wife went through a divorce back in 2006 and Ellen was awesome! She really cared about me and my case. Thank you for everything Ellen!