Friday, March 19, 2010

Oh, Kurt Harris...

As WWL is not endorsing candidates, this post is not meant to sway your decision on the elections or any specific candidate's abilities as a judge. I thought it was funny and wanted to share.
You probably think that writers for WWL get invitations to all of the best parties. Maybe Joe does, but I don't. Imagine my delight when I checked my email this evening and I see that I received an email from judicial candidate Kurt Harris two days ago. Inviting me to a Meet and Greet! It wasn't even a trick to find out who I am. I know it wasn't because there have to be at least 100 other people's emails listed. So many emails that I got bored reading them. I'm pretty sure that I have his entire judicial mailing list. Don't worry, Kurt, I'm not going to do anything with the list. I'm a very ethical lady.

If that's all that happened, I would shrug and say who cares. But no. One of the readers was kind enough to hit reply to all with the following very expressive message. Enjoy.



  1. I got that email too - Gene Taylor (who I don't know) put a smile on my face with that response.

  2. Who's giving out the email addresses? (1) EDCR 7.20 says you're supposed to include your email address on your caption. (2) Clark Co. District Court requires e-filing, which is available to ANYONE with a credit card.

    So the answer is: you gave it out on your own!

    Welcome to the 21st century, where the information you think is private, actually isn't.

  3. who cares? I'm not voting for him but so whay if he had ur email? Are you afraid ur shipment of viagra might b interrupted?

  4. I agree with 10:44 and 11:43. BFD. I've never really understood people who get all hot and bothered over stuff like this.

  5. I can't believe at 10:30 on a Saturday night, 10:44 pulled out his rule book and looked up the provision on providing email addresses in the caption. Either that, or he know that EDCR provision by heart, which is equally sad.

  6. 8:50 - I meant Friday. Still

  7. Folks, I'm sorry to bore you with these things when you are quoting the EDCR. I found this amusing because of the vast numbers of personal email addresses that were also included. This was not simply law firm addresses which would be covered by 10:44's comment. That would not have been entertaining.

  8. I have to side with Gene Taylor on this one. I once received an email with a public cc and it caused problems for several of the people on the list.

    word verification: dosin

    quite proper.

  9. Anyone notice that the message was sent several times (and then recalled several times). So it was like you were invited, and then uninvted, LOL.

  10. I receive copious amounts of porn to my personal and work email accounts. For this, I am grateful. My saddle-sore wife is too, I think.

    Anyway, I do have to admit that the use of cc instead of bcc in these emails is a touch annoying. Does everyone in the world have to know I recevied that HD video with the midget and the horse?

  11. Wow - Kurt's private practice must be thriving if he's running for judge. Love his website ( D-bag.
