Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday Open Thread

... and thus ends WWL Hollywood week, 2010.

This one's all you commenters - discuss whatever you'd like.


  1. I wonder whether it would be acceptable to stick a cattle prod up a certain judge's ass over the inability to make a ruling on a motion that was submitted 6 months ago - you read that correctly. Gentle nudging seems to be utterly ineffective.

  2. I hate that judge. She is annoying. Get Troy Fox to call her.

  3. Ever get the feeling that some issues submitted are too complex or too political for an elected judge to grasp or deal with correctly?

    Any ideas for ways around that problem? Jurors aren't exactly any better, and don't get me started about our appellate court.

  4. Stupid Big East conference...killed my bracket yesterday.

  5. Id really like to know what judge takes 6 freakin months to make a decision. Maybe seeing his or her name on WWLB would be the nudging they need!

  6. 9:19 bigger problem is when judge starts campaign speech about X [minority] community and Y dangers when they are clearly ignorant about X community and the reality of living East of 1-15.

    What kills me are the fictional standards and community values that judges base their decisions on (on the record when explaining their reasoning), when in reality the community does not share nor practice those values.

  7. I love it when a PD says "Bring it" to the Prosecutor (on the record) and he does in fact bring it to her.

    Her mouth wrote a check her ass couldn't cash.

    Better put her in appeals where she won't get in trouble.

  8. Anyone else seen the Joslyn James texts to Tiger? I think they were having two different conversations most of the time. Either that, or she is 100x smarter and wittier than Tiger.

  9. What is with those zany PD's??

    I think they're worse than the DA when it comes to lacking discretion to do what's right. Instead they're indoctrinated to believe everyone is innocent.

  10. And DAs are indoctrinated to believe everybody is guilty, no?

  11. "And DAs are indoctrinated to believe everybody is guilty, no?"

    Um, people who are charged are ACTUALLY guilty about 95% of the time. Not my point, regardless.

  12. What does everybody think about this "Deem and Pass" garbage the Senate is thinking about pulling? Constitutional or not?

  13. I think I will add this to my list of quips:

    Her mouth wrote a check her ass couldn't cash

    Thanks, 1:20 PM!

    Here's one of my favorites in return:

    Dude, it's not Rocket Surgery!

  14. Whatever happened to LU? I miss that character and the myth of Troy Fox just can't fill the void.

  15. For the love of all things holy, will somebody please explain this inside joke about troy fox.

  16. I went to law school with Troy Fox and for the life of me I don't get why he is mentioned so often. Please enlight if you would be so kind!
    I mean all of us have a little flavor, but gee, the Troy Fox comments are...well, I am glad I am not Troy Fox because of all of the comments which could be interpreted as less than complimentary on this blog.

  17. Ummm, a prosecutor should believe every defendant he/she charges is guilty, or he/she is not doing his job. If he/she thinks the D is not guilty, then there would be no charges.

  18. Leave TF alone!!!

  19. I am thinking of trying Viagra. Any advice?

  20. Here's a good piece that ends with a sour note for banksters.

  21. Now who's being naive, Kay? Prosecutors make charge / no charge decisions for a variety of reasons besides guilt / innocence.

  22. 11:59 - that's so not the way it works at the Clark County DA's Office. Roger and Owens sit in their ivory towers and take complete control over every negotiation/charge in a major case. They don't trust their deputies with the major decisions and they micro-manage without regard for the deputy's thoughts on the worth of the case. There's a reason that morale is at an all time low.

  23. Besides the economy? Come on, name a single government office in Nevada where moral ISN'T at an all-time low.

  24. Why would the DA's office be in the dumps over the economy? No one has been laid off, case loads have not increased, and they talked the County Commission into a pay raise at a time when every one else is suffering. The economy is not the source of the problems, its the dicks at the head of the office.

  25. Apparently, just like the fire fighters, the DA's don't want to take a pay cut because they are in a "union". Screw unions...that's one of the worst things ever to happen to work ethic in the United States. Ironically, a lot of these "entitled" union workers are Republicans. Ha!

  26. 10:22 PM - Amen. Unions will destroy this country.
