Monday, March 15, 2010

Meet the Candidates: Department 27

We've finished the departments that are facing primary elections. We did receive a response from a candidate in one of the non-primary departments, so we will post that today. Here it is:

Nancy Allf

1. I want to be a judge because I'm hard working, have a good moral compass, have significant legal experience to offer in service to the community and want to be a part of the team that delivers justice to this community I love so much. I feel I can make a difference to the litigants who would come before me by applying the law fairly and evenly to everyone and treating all parties with respect.

2. I am qualified to be a judge based upon judicial, legal and leadership experience. I have served for several years as an appointed judge in all four levels of court in Nevada. I have worked as a lawyer for over 26 years in large, medium and small firms and have tried all sorts of civil cases. I have risen to leadership in every legal organization in which I've become involved as a volunteer. I have good common sense, a strong work ethic and a good understanding of the role of judges in the justice system.

3. In preparation of this answer, I did briefly review the site, but had been generally unfamiliar with it, or any other blogs out there about Las Vegas lawyers or the practice of law in Las Vegas before now. You have piqued my interest.

Blaine Beckstead - No Response Received


  1. You wouldn't think the quality of the Clark County bench could go down and then you see that this person is running. Ugh

  2. I like Blaine Beckstead and think he would be infinitely better than Nancy Allf. That's all I've got.

  3. I know nothing about Blaine Beckstead yet I'd vote for him twice if I could. Sorry Nancy.

  4. 10:56 .....what person??????

  5. Nancy Allf seems like a really nice person and it's damn obvious that she wants to be judge REALLY bad. However, I am not going to vote for her ever.

    I know too many people who have worked with her or opposed her. How many malpractice claims have been filed against her? (Although I'd love to see her answer this and then the people who used to work with her answer it.)

    As an opposing counsel, she's unreliable, slow and seems to spend more time campaigning than practicing law.

    I don't know a thing about Blaine Beckstead. I really wish he had at least submitted answers so that I could compare and contrast the two. But I will vote for him. I will campaign for him with every person that I know.

    My clients do not need the addition of another blank botox stare on the bench. We've got Jesse Walsh for that.

  6. Nancy Alf needs to answer the following: What has she done as a lawyer that qualifies her to be a trial judge? Has she ever tried a case to a jury? When she ran for the Supreme Court it came out during the Ralston Report that she never argued a case before the Nevada Supreme Court. How can you be a Supremee Justice and never argued a case before the Supreme Court? My goodness.

  7. I'm waiting for a candidate to say "Hell yeah! I love WWL and I post a lot of this $#!t. You wouldn't believe the dirt I have got in store..."

  8. Allf vs. Beckstead. Hmmm. I concur with all of the previous comments about Allf--not too much going upstairs with her IMHO. The writing of hers I have seen was just horrible, and her client was a crook to boot. She also has that annoying knack for trying to be entitled simply because she was Bar Prez. She just lacks any real experience to be a judge. I also can't forgive her for her time at John Peter Lee's office many moons ago--what a bunch of hacks over there.

    Don't know much about Beckstead other than that he was Noel Gage's associate, which is a strike against him in my book as well.

  9. Blaine Beckstead is a moron. Nancy Allf might be worse. Its really hard to tell. She is probably the only person on the planet who he could actually beat. Hes really really dumb, unprepared and sloppy. He took like 3 or 4 times to pass the bar also. This is one race that will certainly be a choice between the lesser of two evils.

  10. Nancy Allf will be a great judge. She's smart, personable and understands the day-to-day stresses of the practice of law.

  11. Beckstead was indeed an associate of Gage but testified against him at Gage's trial.

  12. Funny how people are honest under the Anonymous - and others get to comment/respond when the truth comes out. Scary to think that these candidates now check this website and respond with "positive" comments on their behalf under the anonymous identity. Not hard to figure that one out 9:27 am.

  13. Does Allf eat cats?

  14. Yeah, I can't believe the amount of negativity towards Allf. She was the former State Bar President and the Clark County Bar Association President. She has been practicing for a long time and seems well-experienced.

  15. Those positions are jokes. They are worse then bragging about being in student government in high school. They certainly don't qualify a person to be a judge. If those are her strongest qualifications, then Allf has no business even running.

  16. @4:27 Allf is an empty suit. All of the candid comments re: her are negative for a reason. Add her to the list: Walsh, Denton, Vega, (daughter of) Leavitt, etc. More of the same.

  17. If Alf gets elected Judge, she will be a jurist who decides nothing because she is incapable of legal reasoning. She will then go to the lecture circuit on professionalism with all the other bar groupies who like to hear themselves talk.

  18. Allf is certainly above average in comparison to the existing judges. The other guy was a Gage sycophant... S C A R Y

  19. I dont know Beckstead, but Allf is a waste of flesh. She can land clients, but they leave her as fast as they sign up.

    She knows BK law moderately well, but shes no expert.


  20. CCBA = People patting each other on the back and giving themselves awards.

  21. Maybe if she just changed her name to Alf people would vote for her?

  22. I like Nancy Allf, and she will be getting my vote. I feel that she will be fair and reasonable to both sides. I find that it is important that a judge "listens" to each party in a case and apply the law. I know that Nancy Allf will do just that. She will make a wonderful addition to the bench. By the way, I have encouraged my friends to vote for Nancy Allf.

  23. At 12:26- Dang Nancy, you are up at 12 in the morning posting about you. Maybe you should say your name one more time just be to sure you make clear who you are supporting.

  24. 9:27 AM - Seriously, Nancy, you embarass yourself. We all know the only attorneys who support you either do not know you or have worked out deals in advance for special treatment.

  25. Wow, this is a great thread. Judge Nancy will find out the indentity of each poster over time, and she will then dispense justice from the bench when your case pops before her.

    And, yes, I hear she kicks puppies.

  26. I saw Allf argue in bankruptcy court recently. It was terrible. She was not prepared at all. Watching her argue was just painful. I doubt she would do any better on the bench.

  27. I want writing samples and JAV's videos of each of the candidates in court. Why are we expected to make decisions based upon billboards and b.s. endorsements? The internet is a wonderful thing. There should be one site with writing samples and court videos for each candidate. And bar discipline records. And with Liker, Jones, Abbatengelo and who knows who else, in the race, we should also get arrest records.

  28. To ~ 8:40 am, first "Happy St. Patrick's Day", this
    is 12:26 am, I would like to correct you. I am not Nancy Allf. I am a voter, who supports Nancy as a candidate for Department 27. I find it humorous when a comment is posted in support of Ms. Allf, that people "assume" that it is her. This thought process only shows that some individuals are narrow minded in their thinking. Hopefully, you 8:40 am, will not be running for judge.

  29. I was "supposed" to have a case against Allf, once.

    I never had the pleasure of actually working with or even speaking with Ms. Allf, she was never available to take a call and never personally returned my calls, all matters were handled by her staff.

    Of note: her staff seemed competent.

  30. 1226
    If you're so blatantly supporting Allf, and NOT actually her, lose the anonymity.

    Put your endorsement where your mouth is.

    As for the negative comments, we all need the anonymity in case this idiot gets elected.

  31. Liker against the tag team of Cristalli and Sagese. The winner will be crowned King of the Television Lawyer Turds.

  32. ok 12:26. I will play. You are not Nancy and you state you are a voter, not mentioning being a lawyer. Interesting. Could you be her husband, the alleged campaign expert named for a fast food hamburger chain magnate? And part of your fantastic campaign strategy is to prop up your candidates by inserting positive comments about them on this blog? I'm just saying.

  33. I have no problems releasing my name to you 3:07 PM and 9:53 PM....I go by my initials T. K., and I "proudly"
    endorse Nancy Allf! I have nothing against her opponent, I just would like to see Nancy win, because I have that "right" to chose, just like I have freedom of speech to support someone that I respect.

  34. Tamela? It's me Nancy.

  35. I wish I had the right to chose. And if I was a judicial candidate I would be thrilled if my supporters had the right to chose - and if they proudly revealed their true identities by stating initials that they "go by."

    Maybe someday.

  36. 307 here.

    If TK is Tamala Kahle. Nuff said, the twit that can't work with another lawyer to save her own life. Beckley Singleton had a huge fricken party after you left.

    You and Allf deserve each other.

    I'll choose Betsy over you anyday and I know how you feel about her. That's dating myself a little, but why not.

  37. I can't believe we don't have better candidates than these two for this department. In general, the quality of our candidates for district judge blow. Why are they creating so many new departments only to fill them with legal hacks?

  38. Nancy Allf fixed my case for Wells Fargo attorneys. Allows fraud by Barbara Buckley in allowing fraudulent Pro Bono assignments. Threatens contempt lies openly disregards the law saying take it up on appeal. Steals disabled individuals rights. Is working for another attempt to sell her decisions to get on the Nevada Supreme Court.
    She needs to be arrested and sent to jail.
