Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Meet the Candidates: Department S

David Churchill - No Response Received

R. Nathan Gibbs

1.Why do you want to be a judge?

My temperament and philosophy are well suited to the Family Court bench. I believe the Family Court needs judges who will listen to litigants and their attorneys. A judge should not jump to conclusions about factual issues before the parties or attorneys have a chance to open their mouths. Bearing in mind time constraints the Court faces due to its caseload, a judge should advise the litigants of any questions or issues from the pleadings he is particularly interested in hearing, then afford each litigant time for a short initial presentation of his or her case before making rulings. However, I also believe that when litigants fail to file timely proper pleadings, and no extension has been requested, the hearing date should be vacated where appropriate, and the relief sought by the other party should be summarily granted.

2. Why are you qualified to be a judge?

I have many years of experience adjudicating fee disputes for the Nevada State Bar. I have spent the majority of my legal career helping individuals litigate child custody, divorce, child support, and related matters, and understand the area of law from a practitioner’s viewpoint. I believe this will allow me to bring common sense and practicality to the bench. I also have a reputation for being fair and honest, which I believe is of paramount importance in a judge.

3. Do you read Wild Wild Law? If so, what do you think of the site?

I only recently became aware of the website and found it very informative and interesting.

Ethan Kottler - No Response Received

Tony Liker - No Response Received

Greta Muirhead

1) Why do you want to be a judge?

I want to be a judge in Family Court because I know that my addition will improve the quality of the current Bench.

2) Why are you qualified to be a judge?

I am qualified to be an 8th Judicial District, Clark County Family Division Judge because I have been a Las Vegas Family Law Attorney for over 19 years. My areas of particular focus have been: child support, custody, visitation and minor and adult guardianships, divorce, adoptions, international child abduction and jurisdictional disputes. Like one of my opponents, I have been a court appointed attorney in abuse and neglect and have represented parents in termination of parental rights proceedings. I have also represented foster children and been a court appointed guardian ad litem for foster children.

I am the first
private attorney in the State of Nevada to identify that there is a huge disparity between how the private Family Law Bar and the Family Support Division of the District Attorney's Office, calculates child support penalties. I identified this disparity at the Trial Court level and prevailed, saving my client more than $42,000.00. The issue is currently up on Appeal. The Court's ruling is anticipated to affect tens of thousands of non custodial parents owing child support.

I listen carefully and weigh the evidence before making rulings as an Alternate Child Support/Paternity Hearing Master (March 2002 to present) and Guardianship Hearing Master (April 2006 to present). I was a former Alternate Domestic Violence Commissioner (April 2006 to March 2009).

I am an active member of the State Bar of Nevada Fee Dispute Committee and am regularly assigned mediations and arbitrations.

I juggle married life, parenting, working, running my own business and community service. I do high quality work at middle class rates.

I am abl
e to make "no nonsense decisions" and efficiently run an organized calendar. Very few of my decisions are objected to because I take the time to explain my decisions and rationale.

Top 3 Priorities if elected: 1) Giving everyone “his or her day in court” and a “fair shake,” 2) working hard and smart to improve the quality of justice for Clark County Residents, and 3) Insuring enforcement of existing court orders.

3) Do you read Wild Wild Law? If so, what do you think of the site?

I do read Wild Wild Law. I came across it after Goggling Judge Cheryl Moss' name. I foolishly ran against Judge Cheryl Moss in the 2008 Election. I say "foolish" because I learned that, as a general rule, it is a bad idea to run against an incumbent. Overall, I must like the Wild Wild Law Website because I take the time to read it once or twice a week.

Vincent Ochoa


1. Why do you want to be a judge?

I believe, based on my thirty years of legal experience, my prior services and my temperament, that I am ready to serve as a productive member of the judiciary. I have stood on the sideline while individuals without experience or ability were elected to District Court. These individuals have caused injury to the judiciary, the

legal profession and the citizens that have appeared in their court.

2. Why are you qualified to be a judge?

My prior service as a law clerk for a District Judge as alternative Hearing Master for juvenile court, truancy court and alternative Domestic Violence commissioner have provided me an excellent legal preparation for the position of Family Court Judge. In addition, I have prior service as a Deputy Attorney General representing the citizens of Nevada in Abuse/Neglect court and in termination of parental right cases and trials.

My judicial experience includes serving as alternative Judge in North Las Vegas Municipal Court and arbitrator for the District Court. I was elected to the State Bar Board of Governor in 2009.

These positions represent my experience and, just as important, that I have been called to serve because others have trusted my ability and judgment. Recently, the State Judicial Selection Committee selected me twice for consideration for appointment to openings on Family court and the county selection committee selected me as one of five finalists for two Justice of the Peace positions

3. Do you read Wild Wild Law? If so, what do you think of the site?I am not a regular reader. I will try to read it more. I noticed that many on your contributors have strong opinions on various legal personalities and issues.

Rebecca Wallace - No Response Received


  1. I'm voting for the 'stache.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ochoa would be a great judge, based on his thirty years experience running for judge ;)

  4. R.I.P. Corey Haim

  5. "strong opinions" = double speak for don't bash me when I'm a judge, I'll take it personally.

  6. Anyone know how old Mr. Ochoa's picture is? Last time he ran I saw one going around where his hair was totally grey.

  7. I feel it is my civic duty to share the following about Mr. Liker: I was opposite him on a case where he called me and asked for forms to accomplish what he'd been reprimanded by the judge for failing to do competently. I'll just add that it was the least weird thing he did in that case and leave it at that. Then again, he may not care about winning, I've heard that he just runs for the advertising element for his practice.

  8. Liker has my vote. None of the other candidates can compete with his knack for banging his clients and having his staff stop at accident scenes and offer the potential clients $400 advances on their settlements. The man reeks of ethics.

  9. Don't forget his referral fees to employees of bailbondsmen. Or more shocking, his sexual assault client that committed suicide in front of Liker's office about 7:00 a.m. the day of sentencing.

  10. Did anyone ever see Liker's show where he was a domestic violence judge? The hook was, if he found a guy guilty of it, the guy had to get in the ring with Tony and be taught how it feels to get slapped around. In the only episode that may have ever aired, Tony beat the hell of a guy who he outweighed by probably 100 pounds.

  11. I personally know nothing of Liker (besides the fact that perpetually runs for judge) but recall hearing a veteran attorney refer to him (in a play on his campaign sign) as "NFL smart, Stanford tough."

  12. @6:05: Here's the youtube clip of Tony Liker's proposed television show. I don't believe it was ever an actual television show. As members of the state bar, we should all be very thankful it did not air. He's a joke.

    The clip is well worth the 0.1 hours it takes to watch.

  13. Is this the lawyer that walks around with a Bible or is that someone else?

  14. How do you remove a post? I saw that 10:22 AM deleted the comment.
    Are there instructions or a process. Please advise.

  15. I know almost nothing about any of these candidates. I've had some dealings with Vincent Ochoa and he seems to be taking the little engine that could approach to running for judge. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try again. I think all of us would rather get repeated kicked in the nuts than argue in front of Tony Liker. I've defended a PI case against David Churchill and think he is a very good PI attorney but I don't know about what family court experience he has. I know nothing of the other candidates. If I had to vote now, I'd probably go with Churchill.

    Does anybody know more about the candidates? Who would be the best?

  16. Churchhill a PI attorney with no family court experience --great choice for family court judge unless you practice in family court. Ochoa has run for family court only once. He was selected twice by the judicial selection committee.

  17. Kottler is the quintissential asshat. I've never seen a more arrogant mongoloid since Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf was alive. Liker is quite possibly the dimmest attorney bulb in Vegas. His sign actually said "Standford smart, NFL tough." You figure at some point he'd actually know how to spell the name of his university. Also, he once ran for District Attorney in "Emerelda County." High comedy.

  18. It appears that "no response" was the correct answer. First, dear reader, Liker is not really running. We agree on that fact, correct? While the other non responders have not engaged in the campaign. I heard that Kottler was looking for work with Joe Scalia recently.

  19. In response to comments speculating whether I was forced to leave the bench previously, I was not. I left the bench in 1998 to accept the opportunktyt o become Mesquite's first full-time City Attorney. I competed with ten other candidates for that position. My family and I moved to Mesuqite and finished raising our children there.
    I served as City Attorney until 2005 when I retired and was immediately recalled to service as Senior Judge.
    The term of office for this position is four years for a reason concerning qeualization of compensation for all Nevada district court judges. However, if I am fortunate enough to be elected to this position, I am absolutely running for re-election in 2014. That is my pledge to all of you.
    Finally, it is obvious that experience in any job or profession is generally a good thing. Experience brings greater competence and personal growth to the person holding the job or profession. Specifically related to being a judge, it is certain that not all parties will be satisfied with a particular decision in a particular case. However, the value of life experience and job experience is the ability to grow and learn as a person and as a profesional. I have learned from my life and professional experiences and I believe that has made me a better person and judge today than when I started. I will stand on my record.
    I thank the facilitators of Wild Wild Law, its readers and contributors for giving me the opportunity to hear and address these reader concerns.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Terrance Marren
    Candidate for Department T of the Family Court

  20. Greta! She told me she was not running again. Guess she changed her mind.

  21. So, what I wanted to say that it's considered to be a
    very heavy, severe sin if smbdy has a power and screwing up the other pure and
    innocent person's life, judging and covering, opening the "gates" for
    criminals, but stealing other innocent people`s believes,believes in God, purity, innocence, steals lifes and ruins literally them!!!!
    talents, turning that person in such a stressful condition that that person starts to believe tha black -is white, and white -is black, doing smthings absolutly unfair it's considered to be a very
    big, heavy and huge sin, especially if they do it to sick person (cause that person is already suffering and under God`s wing). So what I`m trying to explain that when the judge does such a cruel bad things and even doesn`t care and sound like even didn`t read the details of that case, such as for instance the wife gave to her ex husband 10! (ten) her best years of life, when he forced her in 2005 make an abortion threatening that he would kick her out on the street otherwise and at night he watches porno with teenager girls!!! when the wife see it and still all in severe pain!!!, God turns away from such judges and then their several generations in the future would be suffering and then dieing by males
    side (if judge is male, if female-then by females side),usually it works taking away health, but sometimes happens terrible accidents so called stupid accidents, but terrible- because its karma-payment for what their father did with a sick person and (she that especially sick person curses in a such enraged condition like "affect condition" is extremly powerful. It has such power that this words, it`s so called blood-relative curse, which is might fall upon many generations ahead, which is impossable to stop - because its the price for this person huge SIN - his mistake in one smaaall little case! I`m pretty sure he and his family members alredy feel it.
    But that happens anyways even that sick person did`n cursed him. The LAW OF THE UNIVERSE WORKS by itself.

  22. Im
    not threatening,and don`t want to say any scary words how works that LAW OF UNIVERSE, Im not judging, I just try to explain how it works in
    our nature, cause everything look alike in nature. And ONLY GOD can
    judge!!! God created a human look alike himself, but still not
    perfact,the the Law is not perfact as well, so how the human can judge then and make a decitions in such a severe cases if he/she even doesn`t care??? But as I told there is the law - and it's called "the law of the
    universe"!(nothing dissapares anywhere completly and doesn`t come back from nowhere. And it has a "bumerang" the harder you through it returns back to you 3 - 10 times harder
    I don't want anybody would take those words personally, or scare anibody, I live
    in piece with myself and with my infant daughter, though we after 10 years of life which I gave to my husband thanks to him and his criminal acts and the judge decition we are on the street w/o any penny, stuck between 2 countries), and the one who knows that he did the fraud and even won the case and has a bunch of money, he/she still stayed misorable and more and more he/she looks in the mirror the more misorable he is! But God sees everything and as our Lord said:
    Everyone will get what he deserves for his actions! For instance the lady who came to get her justice back but instead of that was treated and bugs investigating questions, like some kind of criminal, though there were nothing to invertigate, everything was visible unarmed eye and morally felt that she was humiliated, she has nothing to afraid of. But I`m pretty sure if to put them both to lie detector, her ex machine would show misterious result!
    Concerning her ex husband, I'd like to add that he already punished by our Lord, and I know that it's not an accident , cause when in
    2005 his wife was pregnant with his baby he started to threatening her
    and abusing mentally that if she won't do abortion he'd kick her out on

  23. P.S. Very interesting picture comes up, when the judge delayed the court 3!!! (three) times and she didn`t show up in the court or at least didn`t let know anything on the phone, its already suspicious, you should be exuse me so freaking impared that probably wouldnt be able to stand on feet not to remember when you been 3 (three!)times served with that proof of service...And by some reason judge believe to he ex`s witness friend, whom he alway payed money for any favour he did for him, the old man in hislate 80th and the other witness illigal alien who rents a room in his house, (whis is prohibited by pomunity law) gave a weird evidance: that he saw how the witness 1 left the house with papers and came back without papers, who knows me be he, om the was,pardom me went to the restroom with them!!!DiD he "kept the candle?"- No....
    And when she comes to Vegas ehxausted, with insomnia and heavy depression - with 2 winesses and a bunch of witnesses notary verified and full discovery, judge doesn`t believe anyone, though her lawer shows the phicical adress on the map tha its just simply a PO BOX PLACE!!!: "Here your honour, look, he been living in PO box all those years." I mean, Its unbelievable _ and the judge just simply doesn`t care that this crook did twice that trick and contempt, falsifying the residency..., but the 1st annulment was granted in 2006 by the very indecent judge, who already been KICKED OUT from the court for amoral behavior! So what does it mean, if the judge satisfying theCONTEMPT!, that means he disrespect himself and all those people in the court. Is that right?
    I mean that lady been always raisedand went along upscale level of life, specialized english school, the best in city, then entered the best prestige State Economics Academy with BA degree in Economics (International Relations and Managment). Always lived in a nice cozy apartment and now what? On the street? Sich? Emotionally unstable with the heavy depression after all that suing processes!!!
    and her ex knew that he wont be able to come over to vegas without money quite shy domestic woman!!!! He knew that! and there were never objection why she didn`t appear in court, she was willing to to to court but the first time her lawer was sick, then we didn`t prepare discovery and many other things, but they trying to paint a bad picture of her...
    So as she told she doesnt trust that judge anymore and those people in the court, immidiatly want to closethe case for 2006 and never show up that court hearing! And going to hospitalize after such an WILDLY unfair verdict!

    And how after such a long period of life living with him he eager to offer her $1000 if she drops case for 2006!!!!!And she is looking for the SUV or Van car now to live in, though she can`t efford even that on $1000. Is that fair? that money is not enought even to rent the small cheapest appartment in the cheap area. I think the best price for her would be sould balance, criminals - should go to jail and SUCH INDIFFERENT judges should be kicked out from court! That`s my opinion!
