Elle did a great job behind the scenes, and hopefully the candidate responses (and ensuing comments) helped those of you who don't practice in a particular area to make more informed decisions come election time.
This thread's all you. Fell free to discuss the candidates or whatever else tickles your fancy.
what about dept 32?
ReplyDeleteWhat about the Boulder City constable taking people's property (burglary).
ReplyDeleteDoesn't sound like the right way to execute on a judgment.
What is happening to Las Vegas commercial real estate? Whole shopping centers are vacant - not just in Northtown, but also in Summerlin. This isn't good.
ReplyDeletewhat is the most diabolical genius way to get even with a dim-witted partner that takes your work, changes it and then submarines you with the clients, court and other attorneys in the office when the changes he/she made are wrong and cause issues/embarrassment?
ReplyDeletei'm thinking of iodining his coffee pot, but think his secretary drinks from it as well.
any ideas? nothing lethal, just enough to make the bastard either super uncomfortable or paranoid.
@ 9:49, let him borrow some more of your "work" that is created for the sole purpose of making him look like an idiot and destroying him once he uses it.
ReplyDeleteOr, for the truly paranoid, show up early for work and move/change something in his office every day, such as unplugging his telephone or computer every morning before he arrives.
Don't get even. Get ahead.
ReplyDeleteSteal the files and start your own firm.
a secretary is a civilian casualty that you have to be prepared to accept
ReplyDeleteHow can you delete a posting? If it is anonymous, can a posting be deleted anonymously? Saw a posting deleted recently.
ReplyDeleteJust tell the prick that if he ever does that again you'll pop out his eyeballs and skullfuck him. When you tell him that, try and look like you'd really do it. It works every time.
ReplyDeletewhip cream pie to the face
ReplyDeleteI'm a big fan of changing his outgoing v-mail message to include the phrase "I'm the world's biggest douche, and you'd be stupid to hire me."
ReplyDeleteJoe and I are able to remove anonymous comments. I occasionally receive emails from people asking to remove a comment(typically because they are afraid they said "too much" and their identity will be obvious). In those cases, I'll delete it, but I always encourage them to come back and submit it again with less identifying content.
ReplyDelete9:49 and other recent comments seem to indicate that we need a biggest asshat in the legal community Sidebar soon. Hmmm. What's the likelihood that someone is going to get really pissed over that? Or we can just talk about it here. Who has your vote?
ReplyDeleteCertainly in the conversation for hugest asshat: Ed Achrem, Chris Raleigh, Sam Harding, Kevin Helm, Scott Canepa, Darrell Dennis, Kathy England
ReplyDeleteBefore embarking on such an endeavor...please define "asshat". On the other hand, maybe we as attorneys can come up with "asshat" sub-categories similar to the RJ's 'best-of' competition each year...suggestions?
ReplyDeleteAsshat: one whose head is so far up one's ass that the ass becomes a hat. Previously defined by a reader in the comments. Deemed greatest curse every by me.
ReplyDeleteCan't stop laughing at 11:30.
ReplyDelete11:30 - can you explain the requiste look necessary to convey sincerity, but stop just short of psychopathic.
ReplyDeletemust be a cross of Jack Nickelson and Gordon Gecko.
Why would you want to stop short of psychopathic, it conveys a longer lasting impression?
ReplyDeletecould the site administrators look into publishing the blog on kindle
11:30 here.
ReplyDeleteThe look you want is this one:
That one will make the offending partner's asshole leak.
always thought this worked:
visine in his drink will give him poopy pants
ReplyDelete12:29 - Kathleen England has my vote as biggest asshat.
ReplyDeleteKevin Helm is the biggest douche.
ReplyDeleteGood prank: Raise of lower the D-bag's desk chair by a few inches every day.
ReplyDeleteIan Christopherson.....crazy as the day is long. Although I don't think that is the same as being an asshat.
ReplyDeleteBrian Rutledge=asshat
ReplyDeleteTeddy Parker = asshat. Can you have an ass tophat?
ReplyDeleteI assume only the people who are constantly calling on his phone (his family?) like him. He is one of the most hated people in the legal community that I've ever come across.
And if your boss is beyond asshat and well into full blown psychopath?
ReplyDeleteI'm very frustrated in my work in general - sick of the stress - sick of my high blood pressure, etc. Ya know the drill. I have played professional blackjack before and am thinking of transitioning back. Anyone out there wish to join as a team?
ReplyDeleteI've only had to deal with Teddy once, but he was professional and friendly (albeit arrogant and tough to get in contact with). Certainly wouldn't rank up there with people like Ed Achrem, Nancy Gilbert, or Chris Raleigh.
Ditto on Kevin Helm...one of the biggest douche bags (literally) in the biz. He's got his own head so far up his own ass (because he believes he's the greatest attorney ever), and fails to recognize that he's a lame subcontractor CD attorney.
ReplyDeleteAsshat = Galen Schutt. Nuff said.
ReplyDeleteHow about asshat plural?? Some of my adjusters have been complaining (okay bitching) about the Lerner guys making some unusual statements in their case handling. Stupid is one thing but rude, arrogant, plus ignorant (law, medicine, ethics), and sexist just about wins the Asshat lifetime achievement award. Doing what I do I get to sit in on a speaker phone call once in a while and listen to amazing stuff. They're bringing the PI practice to a whole new low even for Glen Lerner's office. What's happening over there??
ReplyDelete"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAsshat = Galen Schutt. Nuff said.
MARCH 16, 2010 8:26 PM"
Amen Anonymous!! Don't waste HIS time by talking to him. He doesn't "chit chat" He can go F his miserable self. March 16 2010?? Over a year later and nothing's changed.