Thursday, March 11, 2010

Meet the Candidates: Department T

[Note from Elle: I take full responsibility for the formatting of Terrance Marren's responses. I received a very nicely formatted Word Document. Blogger has turned that into something very strange and it will not go back to normal. If I retype it, then it will be full of typing errors. So, here is the wonky format. Blame me, not the candidate.]

John Jensen
- No response received

Terrance Marren
Campaign Website:

1. Why do you want to be a judge? Why should people re-elect you?

I listed both questions, because my situation is somewhat unique. I was first elected as a Family Court Judge for Department A in 1992 when the first six judicial judges of the Family Court were elected. I had worked as Nevada’s first full-time Senior Domestic Relations Referee for the seven years prior to my election.

After twelve years as a Senior Domestic Relations Referee and a Family Court Judge, I left the position of District Court Judge to become the City of Mesquite’s first full-time City Attorney. Upon my retirement as Mesquite’s City Attorney in 2005, I was immediately recalled to service by the Nevada Supreme Court as an appointed Senior District Court Judge, a position I still hold. I work by assignment of the Nevada Supreme Court, which has averaged from about half time to three-quarter time since my appointment.

Department T will be the 20th department of the Clark County Family Court. I want to be elected again as a full-time Family Court Judge to become involved in the day-to-day operation of a judicial department. I want to be involved in the review, formation and amendment of the forms, rules and policies of the Clark County Family Court to make the Court even more meaningfully accessible to the attorneys and parties accessing our Court, our customers.

I want to be elected to the Family Court again because I have a great deal of institutional knowledge about the work done in the Family Court and I enjoy that work very much. I believe I have my knowledge, experience and demeanor will make me a valuable resource to the twenty-member Court.

Finally, I believe I should be elected to another Family Court Judgeship due to my experience in the settlement of cases during the past five years. I have been trained, by training and experience, to assist parties in settling their cases without contested hearings. I completed the National Judicial College 40-hour Civil Mediation Course in 2008.

My primary assignment as a Senior District Court Judge for most of the past five years is as a Settlement Judge for the Family Court. A Settlement Judge assists parties, represented or not, in settling their disputes on their own. Recently, with another settlement judge, I completed a five-week settlement conference; our success rate exceeded 75% of all cases submitted for settlement.

2. Why are you qualified to be a judge? What have you achieved while in office?

Again, I answered both questions since I was previously elected to Department A of the Family Court.

I believe I am qualified to be elected due to my training and education. I am the most experienced candidate in my race. I ask that voters review the qualifications of all five contestants for Department T. Most of the candidates have websites containing information about them.

As Nevada’s first Domestic Relations Referee and later Senior Domestic Relations Referee from 1986 through 1992, I was the first member of what evolved into the Clark County Family Court. All of the procedures, rules, forms and policies now used in the Family Court had their inception in my courtroom. As the Court grew by two additional referees, then initially six elected Family Court Judges, later more and now judges 19 and 20, the Court continued and continues to evolve.

In 1990, as a Senior District Court Judge, I formed a group of professionals from various disciplines with the permission of the Chief Judge which evolved into the Southern Nevada Domestic Violence Task Force. The group included judges, prosecutors, lawyers, police, counselors, public members and others. This was an important step in addressing domestic violence in our community, including domestic violence resulting in lethality of one party by another.

I received a judicial complaint in 1997. The Complaint Number was No. 9702-215. The charge of the Judicial Discipline Commission involved a complaint by a party alleging, correctly, that a matter was submitted to me for decision and the decision was not made until over 10 months later. The Commission also raised two additional cases where long delays occurred from submission to decision. This is all part of the public record as contained in the decision of the Commission.

The Nevada Judicial Discipline Commission, when going forward with the complaint, conducted a private hearing to determine whether sufficient evidence existed to justify a Public Hearing. At the conclusion of the presentation of the case at the private hearing, the Commission decided to proceed to a Public Hearing. A Public Hearing was scheduled before the Commission.

There were many arguable reasons as why my decisions in the three cases noted by the Commission were not promptly resolved. The caseload of each judge in the initial six-member Court was among the highest in the nation. I made thousands of case decisions from the date of my employment as a Senior Domestic Relations Referee and election as a Family Court Judge up to this complaint being brought to my attention.

But the fact remained that the complainant and the parties in the two other referenced cases waited too long for my decisions. Additionally, the buck stopped at my desk and I had ultimate responsibility for any deficiencies arising in my department. So, I stipulated to the institution of discipline against me without the necessity for a contested Public Hearing. The Commission imposed a public reprimand and imposed a fine of $1,000.00 which I paid to the Clark County Law Library. While it was incredibly embarrassing to me personally and professionally, I thought it was important to take responsibility for the situation.

I have always thought my stipulation to discipline without public hearing was refreshing. I know it was the right thing to do at the time and now. And I heard a hard lesson. I implemented a procedure for insuring no case would be “lost” for timely decision. I have implemented this system during my service as a Senior District Court Judge.

It should also be noted that the Commission filed a second complaint against me during the pendency of the first complaint. That complaint, No. 9801-215, was dismissed by the Commission due to lack of sufficient evidence to proceed to Public Hearing. The prosecutor in that case recommended to the Commission that the case be dismissed.

The Nevada Supreme Court found me to be fit and qualified to be commissioned as a Senior District Court Judge the Family Court upon my retirement five years ago and ever since that time. Also, the Executive Director of the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline at the time of my discipline and second complaint, Leonard Gang, Esq., is a supporter of my current campaign for Department T.

All of the foregoing qualifies me to be elected to Department T of the Family Division, in my opinion.


Do you read Wild Wild Law? If so, what do you think of the site?

I began reading Wild Wild Law recently when I was contacted by your organization. I found it interesting and informative and I will contact reading it from this point forward. Judges should keep up with public opinion in order to evaluate current procedures and practices in the Family Court.

Michelle "Shell" Mercer - No response received

Gayle Nathan

1. Why do you want to be a judge?

I have been practicing law for going on 21 years now. In my family law practice I have helped thousands of families. I understand the needs and the dynamics of our valley's families. I see the need for jurists who have the depth and insight that I have gained in my practice, to be on the bench. We need Family Court Judges who are in touch with our families and understand their needs. I have that depth and insight; I care about what happens to the families that pass through Family Court.

2. Why are you qualified to be a judge?

I have represented thousands of people through my 21 years of practicing law and have had over one thousand trials and/or evidentiary hearings. I have taken up 16 cases on appeal and writs, have argued cases before the Nevada Supreme Court en banc and before three judge panels. I not only bring this wealth of family law experience to the bench, but also my experience practicing criminal law, bankruptcy law and civil law which is touched upon in the family courts from time to time.

Having been an employer with my own firm for 15 years, I also understand business law and the banking and tax implications that so often tie into the divorce cases we litigate.

I sit as an alternate Child Support Hearing Master and as a Justice of the Peace Pro Tem in North Las Vegas Justice Court which demonstrates that I have the confidence of judges to place me on the bench.

I have been placed on the list of assigned counsel for Abuse/Neglect Court so this has become an important area of practice that has been added to my legal resume this past year.

3. Do you read Wild Wild Law? If so, what do you think of the site?

I am familiar with Wild Wild Law; I believe it is important for the voters to have a forum that provides a fair and intelligent view of the judicial candidates. Your readers may read more about my credentials for Family Court Judge on

Carl Piazza - No response received


  1. Marren has my vote even if Elle completely screwed up the formatting.

  2. I'd like to hear from the people that dealt with Marren back when he was a judge before. Usually there's a reason when you don't get re-elected.

  3. Gayle Nathan was (and continues to be despite running for judge) a very large, obnoxious ass. Her pleadings are also sloppy and, it seems, she relies on being difficult rather than competent. Given her unpleasant demeanor to opposing counsel at this time, I cannot imagine her attitude will improve should she be elected. It occurs to me that when we empower people who are unpleasant, impolite, and difficult, those same people only get worse once the robe is on. Halverson and Fran Fine come to mind when I have encounters with Nathan. I hope all of the attorneys practicing in family court will seriously consider their vote with respect to this candidate and department.

  4. I practiced before Marren "back when". I found him prepared and courteous as a judge, and one who followed the rules. There aren't many on the bench I can say that about.

  5. I'm going to go with the sergeant from the 101st airborne (Marren).

  6. 11:35 hit the nail on the head with Nathan. She is extremely difficult to deal with as an attorney.

    I recently had a trial with Marren sitting on the bench as a Sr. Judge. He was better than most other Judges sitting on the bench in Family Court. He was on time, pleasant to the litigants and fair in his rulings. I will definately vote for Marren.

  7. Marren is the obvious choice in this race. Piazza is a perennial canditate (I believe his campaign photo was taken circa 1981) with no particular qualifications. Nathan, at 10'6", is physically imposing, cranky and loud, but truly dumber than a stump. The remaining candidates are undistinguished in family law, and likewise can't hold a candle to Marren. Marren. Marren. MARREN.

  8. 11:28 wants to know why Marren was not reelected. Don't practice family law but recall the newspapers lambasted Family Court and Judge Marren because of a huge backlog of decisions on cases. The newspaper can make attorneys and judges look really bad and it is very hard to fight back (even with the truth). That being said, I had Judge Marren as a settlement judge. My opponent was completely out of control and he got the case settled.

    Gayle Nathan gets a bad rap. No doubt she can be a pain in the ass but think she will be just fine if she gets elected. She came very close in two elections and should continue trying. Judge Marren will only serve a term because of his age. He can accomplish a lot even just as a senior rather than taking an elected spot.

  9. I had the pleasure of first meeting Judge Marren when as a senior judge he was filling in for the judge I clerked for. He was very nice and a pleasure to work for and went out of his way to get to know you.

    I have also appeared before him with my own cases since that time and he was professional, on time, had read the pleadings, knew the law and applied it. He is always pleasant on the bench, and you get the feeling at that he is pleased to be on the bench, compared to some judges. He seems to care about the cases and the attorneys in his court.

    That said, I did not practice before him when he was a sitting judge so not ruling promptly on cases is a big deal when you are trying to get results for your client, especially in family law. IF that problem has been fixed then he should not have an issue.

  10. I had a family law case before Marren a couple years ago and he took forever to issue his final ruling which was full of errors in the facts as agreed to by both parties. He refused to correct them. I will not be voting for him

  11. I've had Marren as a settlement judge in several cases. I've found him to be very knowledgeable and very good at working with the parties and considering all of the circumstances. I think he would be great back on the bench.

  12. Ditto the comments of 1135 and 602.

    Gayle Nathan is nearly impossible to work with. Consistently, she is a liar, as well.

    Elected or not, she gets no professional courtesy from my office ever again.

  13. I had Marren on my domestic case as a pro tem. He didn't read the pleadings (the result was a change of custody where the parties agreed to joint physical), made the decision without an evidentiary hearing and increased child support.

    That said, I am STILL voting for him. Nathan is a miserable human being, a barely competent attorney and has zero professional courtesy (and like 5:30 p.m. she will never, ever get it from my office again).

    Marren, Marren, Marren (and yo, the freaking pleadings from now on).

  14. Of Course Shell Mercer didn;t respond she doesn't respond to discovery so why would she now!

  15. I hope the better judge gets appointed. Mr. Nathan Gibbs has been respresenting a father who was charged with sexual assault and plead guilty to some of the charges against him. The rebuttal was that the father is sorry for the incident. How does the victim feel? What example is he setting for the child he got custody of? Mr. gibbs believes sex offenders are not a threat? How would he rule if he were elected? I would hope Ms. Gayle would protect the children and not risk them getting abused later.

  16. I love Judge Marren. I know he likes my clients (DV and primary custodians), but he really is a good judge and works hard to issue the right decision in the case. He's great as a settlement judge. He pushes litigants along and make a deal that everyone can live with.

    I like Shell as an attorney, but for me it can only be Marren.
