Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I heard a rumor through one of my Delta Nu sisters that the litigation powerhouse Kemp, Jones & Coulthard, LLP is looking for a new cast member. The perfect candidate will have no more than 3-4 years of solid, plaintiffs’-side litigation experience, be a cleverly minded self-starter not adverse to passing weekends and evenings in Class A office space, properly hyphenate phrasal adjectives, and have a passion for exhaustive legal research, high-quality legal prose, and just plain kicking ass. Salary is commensurate with experience and potential, and attorneys eager to obtain a wide range of experience at lightning speed should promptly direct resumes and writing samples to kjc@kempjones.com and reference “Associate Position” in the subject line.


  1. There is a job open at a reputable firm. I expected the comments to be buzzing on this post. Readers, I can never predict you.

  2. I've heard the following firms are potentially hiring right now:
    Fennemore Craig
    Snell & Wilmer
    Gordon & Silver
    Ackerman Senterfitt (new firm from Florida)
    Holland & Hart
    Santoro Driggs
    Glasser Weil
    Brownstein Hyatt

    How do I know? I've turned them all down. But for realzies, they are hiring, I've heard.

  3. @ 7:53 pm,

    any idea what they are looking for as far as expereince, etc?

  4. @7:53 and @8:33..they are looking for an attorney who doesn't say "for realzies" and somebody who knows how to spell.

    Take it from this managing partner who is hiring as well, the quality of associates out there is low to so-so at best. I guess it makes the semi-competent associates look all the more better. "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."

  5. @9:03: "More better," huh? Practice what you preach, O Most Grammatically Correct One.

  6. Good luck with the search, 9:03. I imagine associates from back in your day and age were all the more better. Maybe 8:33 can send you an application.

  7. I think "all the more better" is proper grammar. However, I think most blogs/texts are exempt from the spelling and grammar rules. Maybe I am wrong. Who cares?
