Monday, March 15, 2010

Must See T.V.

Norm Clarke over at the RJ is reporting that CBS is making a pilot "loosely" based on Las Vegas lawfirm Cristalli & Saggese. The firm is probably best known for the 2004 acquittal it won for (alleged) murderer Sandy Murphy.

The pilot's director also directed Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth." We have no idea if that's good or bad.

Jerry O'Connell is supposedly on board to play Marc Saggese, while Michael Cristalli got stuck with Jim Belushi playing his character.

Belushi? Really? We would have gone with Jimmy Kimmel ourselves. Maybe he wasn't available.

We're not sure what makes Cristalli & Saggese so unique as to deserve a television show based on the firm. Although, looking at their website, they do seem to have quite a few good-looking staff members.

(LVRJ; Thanks, Tipster!)


  1. Jerry O'Connell is a law student at Loyola (Los Angeles) or Southwestern. I hope this doesn't interfere with his studies.

  2. They don't have hot attorneys, just do what most PI/crim firms in town do. Higher UNLV co-eds as "assistants" and "clerks" for eye candy. And they wonder why attorney's have a high divorce rate.

    I wonder why someone could not make a business out of supplying qualified hotties (your choice of gender) to firms as temps? An escort service with office skills. I mean, hell, if we are all sleeping with someone in the office, shouldn't it be exploited for economic gain?

  3. Can they use "Tool Time" as the show's name or will that Tim Allen show from the 90's sue to stop them.

  4. I object to the phrase "eye candy" on behalf of hetero males based on foundation.

  5. Are they going to use the "Because *two* attorneys are better than one!" tagline from their radio ads?

  6. I can't believe CBS is looking into this. Seems like it would be more appropriate on the E! network.

    Wait until they start doing the series tie-ins with guest appearances from the CSI, NCIS, etc. shows.

  7. So they finally made a televison show out of Dumb and Dumber.

  8. 9:14 = typical 8th JD objection.

    10:01 = typical 2nd JD objection.

    Neither make any sense, nor are sustainable in court.

    "I know the question must be objectionable, but I got C in evidence and don't even know in which NRS Chapters to find the NV evidence code. Maybe I should stop playing on my laptop during the deposition...hey, look new Facebook status." - Typical NV attorney.

  9. who the heck is 2:40 and why is she so butt hurt?

    2:40 is probably one of those attorneys that do "speaking objections", unless and until the judge cuts them off.

  10. 2:40,

    This isn't a courtroom, and you are a buffoon.

  11. Also, 2:40, when you go the sniveling nitpick route, try to cut down on the grammar errors. Go back to your TPS reports.

  12. 9:14 comment = funny, and was accomplished in 2 words. (10:01 is even funnier).

    2:40 comment = completely retarded, and required over 6 sentences!

  13. Kind of like the King of Cars, but with a law practice.

  14. Look at this attorney:

    Clearly he deserves a TV show.

  15. What a stupid idea!

  16. There's a ton of potential for episodes. May I suggest a few:

    1. Billing outrageous amounts and doing no credible work: how talking big will get you a big building.

    2. Screwing up major case after major case: it's okay so long as your stocked up on steroids and hair gel.

    3. Act like a rock-star: fooling the law students and clients with glam and pretty cars.

  17. CBS??? Really??? E Network? More like Nickelodean

  18. No Half Price TV Show!? They already have a theme song!

    And something tells me the 'budget' firm would have crazier clients.
