Half-Ass Lawyers
In the summer of 2009, billboards started appearing in Las Vegas advertising “Half Price Lawyers”. Although I do not know anything about the quality of service they provide, I do have to give them credit for inspiring this poem.
Do you need a lawyer
‘Cause you slipped and fell?
Or you wanna sue someone
‘Cause you’re not feelin’ well?
You need look no further;
We’ll be your warriors;
You’ll save some dough too,
‘Cause we’re Half-Ass Lawyers.
You’ll find us quite responsive
Like soldiers at an air raid;
Although our enthusiasm dampens
As soon as we’ve been paid.
We don’t do much legal research,
And your contract—half we’ll review.
But we’re quick to file a lawsuit
And pursue it part-way through.
We’ll defend your DUI,
The “How To” book is on my shelf;
We’ve got plenty of experience
(I’ve had several myself!)
We handle criminal cases
Like murder, mayhem and theft;
And when we settle a civil case,
After our fee, you get what’s left.
We’re a happy-go-lucky bunch,
We never, ever get stressed;
See, when the going gets tough,
We respond . . . by doing less.
Deadlines don’t concern us;
They’re really no big deal.
And if our case is thrown out,
Heck, we can always appeal.
If you call us on the phone,
‘Bout the status of your divorce,
We’ll talk if we’re around,
But we’re usually on the course.
But there’s no need to worry
For each ailment there’s a salve;
We’ve trained our secretaries to answer
Any questions you may have.
You’ve seen us on TV,
So you know who we are;
You can’t believe what it’s cost
To make myself a star!
Who knew a poet's soul could survive law school and still write verse?
Wow, don't quit your day job (although apparently you don't have one if you have time to concoct such a long, lame poem). I'm not the number one fan of the firm either (I'm forced to compete with their crazy prices), but you do realize that the attorneys there are the same attorneys who were charging full price less than a year ago? How does charging a lower price for service make them "half ass lawyers." Just not sure I follow...(as is typical with your posts, LE)
ReplyDeleteSounds like you are bitter that they are taking away your clients!
Must be the work of Richard Harris or one of his pea brained cronies. I can tell by their work product that they must be doing something during work other than handling their case loads.
ReplyDeleteTake it as a compliment Mr. Stoakes---any press is good press, right?
The number one thing I learned from this website:
ReplyDeleteKittens are horrible spellers.
LE this is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteSlow news day, huh? I thought the polls were bad, but you may have taken the cake with this one.
ReplyDeleteI saw a TV commercial for Half Price lawyers where a man did a testimonial stating that the Half Price lawyers had gotten him $2 million and then a woman after that stating that Half Price lawyers had settled her case for $900,000. Is this a franchise? I'm assuming that there's no way ever this firm could've just started and settled those types of cases that fast. Anyone from the bar reading this? Someone should investigate those claims.
ReplyDelete@8:13, do your homework. From what I've read, the attorneys who own half price lawyers owned a prior firm that was sold for millions several years ago (to Richard Harris, I believe?). During the time they owned the firm they received several multi million dollar awards/settlements. They truthfully claim in the commercials that the attorneys at half price lawyers achieved these results. No bar investigation needed.
ReplyDeleteI am a business litigator who doesn't have the time nor the patience for bankruptcies. Unfortunately, several of my clients find themselves needing a bankruptcy attorney. Unless they require something extremely specialized, I send my clients to Stokes; so far I've heard nothing but great things. Why do I give them my business--because (a) they are inexpensive, which my clients love, and (b) my clients have always met with attorneys, not some paralegal or support staff.
When I was an insurance defense attorney, I came across far worse than Adam's set up. This poem is better meant for the Adam Kutners, Glen Lerners and Chad Golightlys of the world who rip off clients while having the paralegals and staff do their dirty work. That's where you should stick your nose, LE, if you ask me.
I guess you are right about one thing, the legal community HAS spoken, and from the comments here, it looks like it's all positive.
Can we circulate a petition or have a vote to get rid of LE? Worst. Posts. Ever.
ReplyDeleteYou are bringing down the blog, LE. Sucks ever since you started writing.
@2:01, the poem was written by LE him/herself and he/she is just trying to pass it off as the work of the legal community to make it seem like people care.
ReplyDeleteIt's too obvious that LE is either a member of the Richard Harris staff or a member of his fan club. I mean, come on...the posts give it away. First the dumb polls re: attorney adversiting with scewed results that pitted Richard Harris' main firm against his subsidiary firm in the finale, with fishy voting numbers to boot. Then the constant posts bashing Half Price Lawyers and owner Adam Stokes--the same lawyer who Rich bought the Ticketbusters firm from years ago in what turned out to be a bitter battle. It doesn't take rocket science to see that LE has ulterior motives and is so far up Rich's butt his face hurts. Not that I care one way or another, just couldn't help but point out the obvious.
Oh, and I agree with @7:02 and
@9:00....LE, not good. Not even close to good.
Editor's note: not my (Legal Eagle) poem.
ReplyDeleteAs always, we appreciate your constructive criticism and recommendations for how to improve the blog.
Legal Eagle started the blog, right? Why would you want to get rid of her (I'm assuming LE is female - and the persona certainly is)? I think she does great work - who cares if there is some light-hearted stupid crap every once in a while. Relax.
ReplyDeleteI think the poem is funny and amusing. I also think all of the comments bitching about it were posted by Stokes himself. Lighten up, people! Get your "news" elsewhere, some of us come here just to be amused by posts like this.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think Legal Eagle created the blog. I don't care for the polls or poems, I just want to read legal gossip and info about jobs. That's why this blog was initially started, no?
ReplyDeleteI don't know if they are HALF ASSES or not, but I am pretty sure Harris' poet is a COMPLETE ASS for taking the time to write the poem. Business must be slow over there.
ReplyDeleteHere's the scoop on the testimonials. Stokes himself had a car accident and settled his own case for $900,000. He is advertising with a testimonial about his own personal case! The circumstances of the other case he touts are equally suspect. He tried to settle that case for a cool million, but defense counsel and the insurance company balked. Stokes turned the case over to Richard Harris and it settled for just under $2,000,000 a few weeks later. Stokes wasn't even in town when it settled. Half credit for the Half Price lawyer? You decide.
ReplyDeleteI say Stokes is laughing halfway to the bank...
ReplyDeleteMaybe Harris was texting that poem to his girlfriend (yes he is married too) when he smashed his Bentley. Remember, a person who will cheat on the wife and on partners and on associates will do it to you too. Poetry still can't make a bad word sound nice.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Stokes was coked up as usual when he posted @8:26.
ReplyDeleteI'm lost on this thread. What does the poem and postings have to do with Harris? Every time someone is critical of Stokes (he) lashes out at Harris. Someone enlighten us on this feud, please...
ReplyDelete@8:46 I know Stokes pretty well on a professional level and I can tell you there is actually no feud on his part with Harris or with any of his cronies. The issue here arose when one of Harris' people wrote this ridiculous poem. Can you imagine how Harris must feel that he paid Stokes millions of dollars for a firm that Stokes was able to re-create a couple years later for a tiny fraction of the expense? Harris is plain jealous that Stokes invented the top 2 finalists on the WWL advertising competition (even if Harris rigged the votes) and that he had to pay Stokes handsomely for the pleasure of owning them. Now Stokes is back and is apparently doing much better than Harris in just a few months. How much better is Stokes doing? None of us knows exactly. We do know that he must be doing well enough to cause someone to write some stupid poem and make some crazy drug allegations?
ReplyDeleteLike I said, I know Stokes pretty well. He is far too busy to deal with Harris or his pals.
To be honest, I know Stokes too, and I don't think he cares. There's no fued on his part, the only beef is on the part of Richard Harris. Harris bought Stokes' old firm, made money off of his ideas, and for some reason Harris hasn't liked him since. I can't figure it out. He should be kissing Adam's butt, not writing stupid poems or posting nasty things on a lame blog.
ReplyDeleteAnd in Adam's defense, he could care less about this blog or its postings. The one time he was told about the blog and told that he was mentioned, he came here and posted a response WITH HIS NAME, not anonymously. He's rich and busy, he probably doesn't care enough to write anonymous posts. Face it, these posts supporting him are from friends and peers, not from Adam himself. And I'll agree with the others, the poem is lame and this blog is starting to suck.
By the way @8:46, go back to the posts re: Richard Harris and Half Priced Lawyers. In every single post, someone anonymously bashes Adam and touts Richard Harris before anything is said that is negative about Richard Harris on behalf of Stokes. You've got it backwards, my friend.
ReplyDeleteNot impressed with half price attorneys. Stokes is full of himself and very rude! I would not recommend them. By the way, his prices are not that much less than other attorney's.