Sunday, August 23, 2009

On Vacation

WWL is on vacation this week folks.


  1. Um, if you boss is reading this, didn't you just narrow your identity down significantly?

  2. Have a fun trip, CD. I mean, LE.

  3. WWL, The Daily Show and Colbert. What will I do with my time???

  4. What a week to go on vacation. We lose Judge Jones to Reno and there's no one to give us gossip on the possible Vegas nominees.

  5. Judge Jones to Reno is dirty political move.

  6. a dirty political move? A judge elects to move to a different district and its a dirty political move?

  7. 12:04pm I think you need to consider the fact that Harry Reid is looking for leverage in Southern Nevada and hence a replacement appointee from that region of the State. Then consider the fact that Judge Jones is a native Las Vegas who had a stink in Reno while on the BK Court. Then, consider the one thing Judge Jones, Judge Hunt, and Harry have in common. Perhaps its a bit black helicopter, but when you have back room deal maker Harry in the mix, it's not so black helicopter.

  8. Wow. Even throwing out the Mormon connection. Intelligent argument. Although both LDS, I don't think two people could be further apart on the liberal/conservative scale. I don't see jones doing any favors to further Reid's political career.

  9. In case anyone missed this:
