Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sidebar: Tell us a funny story

Everyone knows that I am a Cosmo girl. One of my favorite sections is the Agony columns. For those of you who aren't familiar, people write in funny/embarrassing stories about things that happen to them in day-to-day life.

What is the funniest or most embarrassing thing that is happened to you during your practice of law? Have you fallen in court? (I have.) Have you spilled water on yourself in court in front of a packed courtroom? (I have done that too.) Have you accidentally started arguing a different case? (I have not done this, but I have heard the story of a lawyer who did and STILL WON.) Have you worn two different shoes? (Again, guilty.)

These are mild examples, but I'm sure that everyone has great stories. Let's hear 'em in the comments. I'll be posting a couple of my favorite stories anonymously later on today because they are much worse than the above examples...


  1. This did not happen to me, but it happened to a lawyer at my firm. The judge called the lawyer up to the bench and said something along the lines of, "you know your client is full of shit, right?"

  2. This does not compare with the examples already given, but I began arguing a motion before my case was even called by the court. That was embarrassing. Oh! and another time I finished arguing a motion, full of pomp and self-righteousness, only to be informed on my way out that I had a bright green drycleaning tag peeking out from the back of my suit jacket. That kinda sucked.

  3. Opposing counsel farted on me. Well, next to me. Not knowing what to do in that situation, I simply ignored it.

  4. This is a law school story. (It doesn't just happen to the lawyers!!) I used exam soft for my exams and didn't have spell check. There was a long section on the property exam regarding public nuisances. Sadly, I typed pubic each time. I didn't notice until I looked at my exam after grades were in.

  5. I had a new cell phone, wasn't familiar with the ringer features and thought I had it off. It went off as I was arguing... worst of all, the ringtone was "The Entertainer."

  6. I was sitting in the jury box, like we used to do in the old courthouse, in Judges Gates courtroom, waiting for my case to be called. This attorney got up and started to make a really good argument and he was abruptly stopped by Judge Gates as he yelled, "Counsel, that don't make no sense!!" Everyone laughed outloud, but I don't know if they were laughing at the attorney or the Judge's grammar.

  7. I was in Judge Gates's courtroom getting ready for the first day of my first trial. The judge was not in yet, and I glanced down at my watch, AS HE WAS WALKING IN. He yelled at me, "Counsel! I KNOW I'M LATE!!"

  8. My first appearance in front of Judge Gates who hated attorneys anyway, opposing counsel and I had worked things out ahead of time on a motion in limine, after opposing counsel had filed their opposition. But I didn't see counsel in the courtroom, so I didn't get up during the 'stipulated or unopposed' portion of the hearing date. Judge Gates went off on us for like 10 minutes about wasting his time and "do you understand what stipulated or unopposed means?" That was a fun day.

  9. Wow, lots of Judge Gates stories.

  10. My favorite fun fact about Judge Gates is how much more I see him lounging around the RJC now that he is an hourly employee (aka senior judge) than when he was a salaried regular district court judge.

  11. Good call on Gates. It's like public servant v. private attorney. When he was a public servant (elected judge), he didn't have to worry about billable hours (senior judge). Now, he actually has to show up to collect a paycheck.

  12. I once saw LU argue in court. I was embarrassed for him.

  13. Was I dressed like a guy that day? I'll check under my dress, I didn't know I was a man.


    Good to see that you are taking my advice, though. Let's all mock LU!! Come on, it will be fun.

