Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Semi-Finals pt 2: CCC v. TB

Today, it's C. Conrad Claus (background here and history here) v. Ticket Busters (background here and results here). Voting ends on August 5 at 5 p.m.


  1. Harris is 'stacking the deck'...700+ votes, he is employing people to vote. No fair.

  2. Ticket Busters is the Richard Harris Law Firm...their marketing staff is taking over WWL so they can have a #1 & #2 spot.

  3. @ 6:06 p.m.

    What about the 480 votes for Kenny?

    Last polls he was in, the total COMBINED votes weren't even HALF of 480.

    There was ballot stuffing for both of them, but hey this is America....and that's expected.

  4. Would we expect anything less from the biggest ambulance chasers, err, advertising firms in town than to manipulate the outcome of any given contest?

  5. Allegations are flying, but Ticket Busters gets the win:

    C. Conrad Claus 47 votes; 20%
    Ticket Busters 187 votes; 79%

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